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ENC 1101
JOURNAL: Post to Lamott Shitty First Drafts
From my perspective, its hard to put bad writing on a paper because you know after you finish
this paper, it'll be more stuff to correct than when you really try to make a nice paper from the
beginning. When I am going to start writing, I definitely have certain steps to follow before I start. One
of them is getting isolated of any noise or distraction. Following through I would clean and organize the
space where I'm going to write. And for the last step is gather many ideas in one sheet of paper about
the topic I'm going to write about.
I would say the funniest line that I could pick up in this piece was "Then isolate one of the voices
and imagine the person speaking as a mouse. Pick it up by the tail and drop it into a mason jar"(lines 1-2
paragraph 14). It made me laugh because I can relate myself to it. I have a lot of responsibilities and in
other words voices that are whining in my head every time I'm going to write something.
I think what Lamott is doing with her words to make her seem that she is down to earth and
approachable is persuading the reader with humorous and sarcastic arguments that relates to herself as
a writer. I have almost the same situation as Lamott when I'm going to start writing, but they are
thoughts in my head about other responsibilities that need to get done other than writing.

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