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Instructor: Architect Danny Capili

- behavior studies in architecture include the systematic examination of relationship between the environment and human
behavior and their application in the design process. The term has a number of partial equivalent.
- it can be
(1) human environment studies
(2) social ecology
(3) human factors
(4) behavioral architecture
(5) programming

the research aspect is often called:

(1) environmental psychology
(2) user needs study
(3) social and behavioral factors
environment behavior study contain more than function:
(1) circulation flow
(2) proximities
(3) dimensional concerns
behavioral factor go deeper to the psychology of the user, how he perceives:
(1) building form
(2) social interaction needs
(3) sub cultural differences in lifestyle
(4) meaning and symbolism of building
(5) technology


1. user groups
- different user groups have different need and use patterns, they are affected in different ways by the quality of the
environment, user group maybe socially differentiated into:
income, ethnicity, age, special interest group, urban/rural, informal dwellers, squatters/slam dwellers
2. environmental behavior phenomena
- this is looking at the aspect of human behavior in relation to everyday physical environments.
Proxemics are the different distances between people that we considered comfortable for social interaction. This
shows distinct distances: intimate, personal, social and public
Privacy, density and crowding
a. privacy is an inter personal control mechanism that faces and regulates interactions with others. It is the chain of
individuals, groups or institutions to control access to themselves and what information about them may be allowed to
be communicated.
b. density is a measure of number of people per unit of space
c. crowding is psychological or an environment behavior concept which refers to the experience of being
hemmed in, locked, or frustrated by the presence of too many people.

- it is a specific environment behavior concept. It is a small invisible, protective sphere or bubble that an organism carries
- the individual personal space is dynamite, it changes its dimension, stress and anxiety can result from intrusion

- refer to a group of behavior that a person will personalized, marked, owned, defend, unlike personal space, territories do not
move, they have five defining characteristics:
(1) people will defended if violated by intruders
(2) they are marked in either a concrete or symbolic ways
(3) they satisfy some needs or motives
(4) they are owned control or processed by an individual or group
(5) they contain spatial area

- it is an extension of the concept of territoriality, characteristics of space not make it more defensible.

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