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David Miller Jr.

A Discourse of Virginia
Virtual Jamestown
Wingfield Family Society
National Park Service
Interview of my dad

A Discourse of Virginia was written by non-other than Edward M. Wingfield, the main person Im
researching is a book that talks about the events of Jamestown. This book is E. Wingfields biography.
The part I have read the most (and the part that this sight that I found it on shows) is the Jamestown part
of the book. This part is several pages long, is riddled with old English and spelling errors, both of which
makes it very difficult to read and understand. On top of that it is also a compilation of not only
Wingfields entries but also entries and manuscripts of other peoples accounts of what happened at a
certain event which I think this makes it more creditable and harder to follow. This interests me because it
was written by the main person Im researching, its several centuries old and I thinks the only book that
he wrote, therefor how can I not make it one of my five sources and how could I not be interested?

Virtual Jamestown is published by The Virginia center for Digital History (VCDH) which is an
independent center within the College of Arts and Sciences at the University of Virginia. Virtual
Jamestown is one of the main historic sites for Jamestown and it belongs to a major state university I
therefor find it creditable. The Virtual Jamestown site on Edward Maria Wingfield is a short article
brefielly describing E Wingfields life before Jamestown in about one paragraph. All but the last paragraph
is about what he did in Jamestown which includes the planning of the expedition the politics while there
and his disposal. The last paragraph includes a brefie summery of the rest of the article and a very shot
summery of the rest of his life.

Courtesy of and Copyright The County Record Office,

Huntingdon, 2001
In 1993 the Wingfield Family Society published in the USA my Virginias True Founder: Edward-Maria
Wingfield and His Times, 1550-c.1614. This article was written by the Wingfield Family society and
they were drawing on primary sources and there genealogy for information. The bulk of this article is a
modernization of the book from my first source with the addition of a few extra sources. It is kind of hard
to read the material on this cite as it constantly is changing fount sizes and boldness, but all and all it has
been one of the most a formative ones I have read yet as it also has pictures of historic placks in England

and it corrected the spelling in and old English from the first article. Last it has the most information I
have read yet on E Wingfields life before during and after Jamestown.

Nation Park service gives a text book style article on the founding of Jamestown. As it was written by an
American Government Agency that specializes in this type of things, history, I find it creditable. It is as I
already said a text book style article on the founding of Jamestown. It does just or even mostly focus on E
Wingfield and on the events, progress and politics of the colony as a whole. For example it talks about the
choosing of the spot for the settlement and the attacts of the local Native Americans on the colony. One of
the main reasons I choose to use this as one of my five main sources is it was one of the first really good
sources I came across and it talks about the colony as a whole at the time I am interested in.

The last is an interview with my dad an all he knows on Wingfield and the founding of Jamestown. This
is my families point of view on the matter we have historically been good at history and basic genealogy
and my dad is no exception. Some of the things he talk to me about is one Im not decedent of the Edward
Maria Wingfield, he was overthrown partly for hording food, he was involved in the conquest of Northern
Irelan and he was the biggest shareholder in the Virginia Company. Last he told me about what does in
the Virginia Company is basically enslaving the new colonist in overly long indentured servant hood. I
choose this as one of my sources because it is the point of view on my family and so fare it checks out
with all the other sources on the list.

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