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Robles 1

Fernando Robles
Oct.26, 2014

Annotated Bibliography

RWS 1301
Professor Welcker
Assignment 6
Srabstein, Jorge C., Merrick, Joav (2013). Bullying A Public Health Concern. Hauppauge, NY, USA: Nova
Science Publishers, Inc.
Klein, Dana N.: Kulpier, Nicholas A. (2006). Hummor Styles, peer relationships, and bullying in middle
childhood. Vol.4, 383-404, DOI 10.1515/Humor.2006.019
It is said to be that bullying can also be happening without an actual intent to do so. We use
humor between colleagues and friends to humor one self and those around us by picking on or
influencing one to do things out of the means. We use this not in an attempt to bully or harass
but to brighten one selfs day or days. Not knowing how much we may be hurting oneself or
those around us as well.
John Eligon, 2011, February 18, Lawsuit Alleged Discrimination by Board at the Dakota, New York Times,
Page A18.
The board discriminates those of different race and color of skin. They are discriminating those
that are non-white residents or foreigners just passing by and needing a place to lay there heads
for a couple of hours. It also seems as if they are discriminating those with ethnic slurs that do
not speak the language perfectly ad they make it seem.
Entenman, Janis; Murnen, Timothy J.; Hendricks, Cindy (2005). Victims, bullies, and bystanders in K-3
literature. Vol. 59, No.4 352-364.

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The young adults growing up these days are being influenced by the media or medias that are
being released in todays economy to harm or discriminate those that appear to be different it is
being brought up as we are growing up and the more and more that we look back we notice
that the material that kids view today separates them from those of different races.
Lopez-Ropero, Lourdes. (2012). You Are a Flaw in the Pattern, Difference, Autonomy and Bullying in YA
Fiction. Vol. 43, 145-157, DOI 10.007/s10583-011-9145-0.
Childrens books influence kids in a sort of speak that bullying or discrimination is fine amongst
people. But it has gone back to late back in the day. But the way it is viewed now it shows that
there is no actual dysfunctional behaviors or differences in the way kids are acting with one
another there are hardly any separations between the different kids around one another.
Effects of Bullying (2001). Effects of Bullying. Retrieved from
The acts of bullying affect every one including the victim, bully, bystander and every one else
around them it does not affect them all in the same way . They are all affected in there own way
whether it may be in a bad or good way. Yes you can be affected in a good way it may give you a
sense of acting against the crime of discrimination taking place.
Smith, Peter K.; Cowie, Helen; Olafsson, Ragnar F.; Lefooghe, Andy P.D.; (2002) Definitions of Bullying: A
Comparison of Terms Used and age and Gender Differences, in a fourteen Country International
Comparison. Child Development Vol. 73, No.4, Pages 1119-1133
Is bullying different as the age or race or gender change through the years that one is alive or
growing up as kids. Or is everything growing with us as we are getting wiser or learning the

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differences between the races and religions of others that are not quite similar because they
are from different parts of the world than we are.
Jonathan Young; Ari Neman; Sara Gelser (2011) Bullying and Students with Disabilities, Washington,
D.C. :National Council on disability
Bullying also affects those with any types of disabilities whether they maybe physical or
emotional. It affects every one because you never know the disabled may be the ones being
bullied and harassed. It may be the individual that is disabled that maybe doing the bullying it

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