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(Global Positioning System)

The Global Positioning System (GPS) is a space-based satellite navigation

system that provides location and time information in all weather
conditions, anywhere on or near the Earth.
It is an accessory not a replacement for map, navigator or an altimeter
Ease complex business network
Helps in managing supply chain management
Uses GPS as communication system and GPRS(General Packet Radio
Service) as communication channel to pin point location

Parts of a GPS System

About 31 satellites
Very high orbits
Several replaced every
6 orbital planes ensure at
least 4 or more satellites
available at almost all
There is a large gap to
the north.

Uses of GPS
Track your luggage, laptops,
and anything of importance
while traveling
Track your parcels / letters.
Tracking mobile.
Use in logistics
Satellite communication.

Used as altimeter/navigaror

Few companies uses gps in india

Tci xps
India postal services

Meru cabs
DHL group of companies
Courier companies

Leading national logistics organization
Customer product tracking support via online
Call based tracking also possible
Used by Small or mediate level business firm to flourish their business across
state boundaries
It provide generic identity based product tracking service for customers
Uses gps to track the vehicle carrying all the goods to deliver


In USA all taxies are mandatorily installed
gps system.

It helps to track all it taxis and keep

them inform about there location.
If any accident occurs there is an
emergency alert to the taxi station.

Gps used in india.

There is no gps tracking system used in
Mumbai taxis.

But there are various private taxi service

provider companies namely ;
Meru cabs
Tab cabs
Easy cabs
OlA cabs.

Use of GPS
To track there cabs location.
To direct the driver to the route.
Helps the company to take decision that where & which commuter shall be

Indian Postal Service

The Department has taken steps to mechanize mail delivery in the NorthEastern Region of the country as well as in Andaman and Nicobar Island. In
order to ensure better monitoring, 75 mail carrying vehicles in the North-East
Region have been equipped with the Global Positioning System (GPS)

Thank you.

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