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Schmidt 1

David Schmidt
Professor Salgat
English 111

The savvy world of online advertising

In the world today we are constantly surrounded by electronic devices. Whether its
phones, computers, and tablets we are never far from some device. In the last decade a majority
of people have come to rely on our devices for just about everything. Maps, music, communion,
you name it and most likely there is an app for it. Its no wonder than that companies want to use
and profit from our almost obsessive need to have capabilities to be online. Companies have
always invested time and money into finding out what is the best way to market their product to
the masses cheaply yet effectively. Before the internet, products had to have a demographic
uniqueness or a major necessity to the populous. Now companies have the ability to advertise
their product with a click of a button. Companies can now talk directly to upset customers via
Facebook or Twitter. The edge that larger corporations have is remarkable and yields high results
in successfully making upset customers recognize the problem and have to ability to know that
they want to make it right. Besides the fact that it is mutually beneficial for both the company to
use each problem as a learning curve it also helps the customers because their disappointment is
not only noticed by the company but if the upset customer post anything online. The reputation
of a company will be hurt because all of the initial posters friends or followers can see it as well.
The effect of using online marketing has become a complete monster in the game. Online
marketing has become so large and so effective in recent years. There is no one best way to
market to your customers. The best way to utilize television ads and internet ads is to use them
together and created a whole new way to market altogether.

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Companies and organizations have tools and the necessary information to be able to
advertise personally to a consumer now more than ever. In the past companies would manipulate
consumers with promises and extravagant results. Consumers now are done with being undercut
by useless messages and are trying to take control. For instance, look at television ads. Every 15
or so minutes there are commercial breaks that batter and drown in the overwhelming amount of
potentially useless information that is displayed. Many consumers do not like being harassed by
the hurricane of unwanted spam emails and the endless flyers and random ads. According to the
book, Precision Marketing: Maximizing Revenue Through Relevance by Zoratti, Americans
experience up to 16,000 advertisements per day (Pg. 1 Zoratti). That is an astonishing
amount of ads that we witness considering that a study conducted in 1978 estimated that we
witnessed about 2,000 per day. That leap is very important to recognize. With all of the
improvements in technology, no longer are more crude methods of advertising needed such as
going door to door. One of the main reasons that consumers are drawn towards the online
marketing scheme is because it can be much more personalized. For instance a company can
obtain the rights to track and use your personal information such as what you search online to
give suggestions to a particular website. Basically your information is being kept track of sold to
companies who then can see if there product would be of any interest to you by either sending an
email or offering a link to website, using a popup to redirect the initial source to a different
direction. Target marketing is one of the most effective types of online marketing because it feels
so personalized to the consumer. Target marketing takes a lot of time and courage to do because
the advertiser doesnt want to just pester the customer. Companies can use target marketing on
specific types of people such as finding people better deals on items needed in a poorer area, vice
versa just based on searches that are completed by the consumer they could even directly

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advertise to an expecting mother. This is so much easier for companies to directly advertise than
to spend thousands up to millions of dollars on television spots.
Television advertising is also an incredibly important to the public as well. Most dont
realize exactly how significant the television advertising spot is to the consumers. Because of all
of the advancements televisions have become a center for companies even though profits based
off of television ads are down. Half the battle in product placement and product development is
being a known brand. While it is possible to become a known product off of apps and other
strategies television is a better way to become known. Consider this, if one person in a startup
company was using Instagram or even Pintrest to advertise their goods, while its virtually free
marketing, it takes a ton of luck and even uncanny timing for any product to take off from there.
The amount of competition out there for people trying just to be noticed by others is truly
staggering. According to Forbes, in 2012 the potential reach to online customers is around
211,633,000 while the reach to customers on the television is at 283,302,000 people. What this
means is that still more people watch television. Television ads can potentially reach up to
seventy-thousand people more than online advertising can. However the spending for companies
on using online advertising is exploding up while television ad spending is staying just about
relatively the same amount. In 2012 the combined spending of all companies for television ads in
the United States of America was 71.8 billion according to Forbs which is only a whopping 4.5%
increase from 2011. On the flip side the online route exploded onto the scene. In 2012 the total
amount of spending on online ads in the United States of America was at only 32 billon dollars.
However being put into perspective that 32 billion dollars that was spent was a 21.7% increase
from the previous year and surely still climbing at an exponential rate. All this means at this
point is that in the future either internet marketing will take hold as the way companies will

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strive to market. Or it means that internet marketing and television ads will have to coincide with
each other and make an even stronger marketing technique. So back to the person whos using
Instagram for their startup product what does all this jargon really mean? It means that at the
current moment television spots would be the best way currently to be known. It means that
television advertising is not as dead as people would seem to believe. Consumers whether they
know it or not, every time that they are exposed to a commercial, consumers will most likely be
able to remember that brand or company and that is the main reason television ads will stay
extremely relevant is because of the use of being able to have recognition. Another reason why
startup or companies find it hard to use social media to advertise is the timing of each post. There
is a small window of time between when an ad was posted and something being advertised on
Groupon, Twitter, and Facebooketc. That a person will have the chance to see it. According to
Forbes an average person is watching television for about 5 hours and 16 minutes each day.
Having that much time to deal with companies have a statistically better chance to have their ad
viewed by the general population than the amount of time that an average person will spend
being on social media or the internet which is only
about an hour a day. To get even more specific
companies need to be aware of the demographics of
certain people to be effective. For example spending
excessive amount of money on internet advertising for
products targeted to elderly folks would be ludicrous to
do. Based on the stats from the figure to the left from
Forbes people 65+ weekly use the internet for only
about 25 hours. So it wouldnt make any sense to spend

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a quality amount of time or money on trying to have ads placed to only attract so few ads. The
generation gap is a serious problem for marketers because it is forcing people to look so many
different ways. The elderlys usage of the internet compared to what teens and young adults use
is staggering. Young adults and teens use the internet for approximately 31-37 hours each week.
On the TV side the elderly watch television for about 220 hours per week which is behemoth
amount. Whereas the young adults only watch television for around 117 hours a week almost
half what the seniors do. Its very logical that that would be that way. Many of the 65+ are
retired and at home, while teens and young adults are out and about. This shows though exactly
the point above. Companies need to be especially aware of who they want to target. Televisions
are regardless still a crucial part of advertising to people. Its remarkable how far technology has
progressed into changing the very ways that we are forced to see our products. Other types of
advertisements such as newspaper and magazines are irrelevant to this because we are talking on
a nationwide scale. Newspapers flyers and radio spots can be and are usually best used in local
surroundings. In the future the best way to have good ad placement is to have each types of
advertisement to work off of each other and combine into a sort of synergy that incorporates and
excites consumers into wanting to learn more and to have the desire to find out more about the
product. Many companies already do this, however in the coming years it will more than likely
be at the very core of marketing.
Synergy is the interaction or cooperation of two or more organizations, substances, or
other agents to produce a combined effect greater than the sum of their separate effects (Google
definitions) Synergy between online marketing and television is going to be at the centerpiece of
marketing in the future. According to J.S Park in his scholarly journal From On-Air to Online
World: Examining the Content and Structures of Broadcast TV Stations' Web Sites. He explains

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exactly how companies have merged into using websites to cross advertise. The synergy
between broadcasting and the Internet may well be a critical success factor for broadcasters
future growth. Broadcast media are becoming more active in using the Internet for marketing,
programming, and communication purposes. A summary of the Web activity of TV stations
prepared by NAB in 1998 found that more than two-thirds of all TV stations have Websites.
Non-commercial stations were more likely than commercial stations to have a Website. In
general, TV broadcasters are using the Internet to provide station and personality information;
promote and market news and other programming; communicate with audience, clients, and
agencies via e-mail; sell online ads and sponsorship; and engage in web-casting and video
streaming (Pg. 322 J.S Park). This explains that the effectively of a television ad can be better
determined by the influence it had onto making a consumer care enough to look it up. From the
one small television ad, companies can pique an interest into going and looking on a website
where suddenly the entire store can be leisurely viewed from the comforts of their house. With
abilitys to search by keyword for a specific product that is wanted or not the option is now there.
With many types of savvy advertisements all coming from one company it can start to form an
image in the consumers mind. And if it is a positive image and a reoccurring positive image, then
customer loyalty has been created for that specific company. It is incredibly important to
remember how social media can now be incorporated into this synergy. Because of all the
advancements the marketing is much friendlier on social media not even starting to mention the
customer service and advice that can be used in terms of social media. Now with social media
companies can have a full staff on twitter monitoring what people are saying about the company
positively or negatively, the staff can jump right onto social media and try to sooth a problem out
by being humble and apologizing immediately if someone tweets or mentions that company. The

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limits are non-existent when it comes to the capabilities of what social media does for customer
service and keeping up an image of being a good, morally sound company. Its very important to
keep in mind that all of these aspects of marketing need to be kept in complete balance otherwise
it wouldnt work. Companies have so many resources that are available to them to make sure all
of their customers have exactly what they want or need to have in order to maintain. The idea of
using all of these different types is difficult to understand the complexity of synergy between
three monster areas in marketing.
Using different types of marketing to appeal to consumers is the best and most effective way to
sell products and have their name known to the general population. Using synergy in marketing
creates a powerful form of communication that is constantly being reinforced in everyday life.
Companies that have the power to use social media in marketing have an edge on competition
because having that extra tool to be able to communicate with the customers is so incredible.
Making sure to understand who the target market is and what is being gained by targeting
someone is vital. In the words of Zorratti what todays customers now ask of us is something
different from what they asked of us in the past. Customers no longer expect us to merely
respond. They want us to anticipate. They want us to envision what will help they achieve
greater success or a more powerful experience. They want suppliers and service providers who
know them intimately and can provide offers, products and services that match their personal
needs. Customers want to be treated as individuals.(Pg. 200-201 Zoratti). Customers do want to
feel as if they are special, this is the future of all marketing and all advertising.

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Works cited
Fromm, Jeff, and Garton, Christie. Marketing to Millennials: Reach the Largest and
Most Influential Generation of Consumers Ever. Saranac Lake, NY, USA: Amacom, 2013.
ProQuest ebrary. Web. 16 November 2014.
This book goes on and explains all about how the newer generations the Millennials will need
to be marketed to. Jeff Fromm bases his book off of original research conducted specifically for
this book.
I used this information to show how old television and marketing techniques will not be nearly as
effective to the younger generations because as a generation we feel entitled to everything
working perfectly
Chan-Olmsted, S. M., and J. S. Park. "From On-Air to Online World: Examining the
Content and Structures of Broadcast TV Stations' Web Sites." Journalism & Mass
Communication Quarterly 77.2 (2000): 321-39. Web. .
This Article examines the potential between of synergy of television ads as well as online media.
He analyzes the messages that ensue from the television as well as effectiveness and the possible
expansion of companies by using websites in order to become a more complete company.

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This will more than likely take up most of my paper in terms of reference. This is an unbiased
scholarly journal that is honing in on facts to determine plausible outcomes for the future of
using online ads in order to reinforce all of the television ads. This article also helps me compare
and contrast all the main and significant differences between the lasting consequences of using
each form of marketing.
Zoratti, Sandra, and Gallagher, Lee. Precision Marketing: Maximizing Revenue Through
Relevance. London, GBR: Kogan Page Ltd., 2012. ProQuest ebrary. Web. 16 November 2014.
This book helps break down and show ways to provide more powerful types of messages in
competitive marketing world. In the business of marketing this provides a lot of useful
information about all types of marketing online and offline.
I used this book a lot while it wasnt specifically engineered towards my exact needs this book
gave me tidbits of vital information about the psyche of being a consumer and how consumers
want and enjoy receiving information about specific types of marketing.
Close, Angeline. Online Consumer Behavior: Theory and Research in Social Media,
Advertising, and E-tail. New York: Routledge, 2012. Print
This book describes all about the theories and in social media and how it can have an impact
whether it comes from startup business to large corporations just trying to save face. This book
provided me adequate information on social media and where televisions are better for making a
name for a company
I used all of the information that was relevant enough to my topic. The language is very peculiar
and was hard to understand but I took what I could and integrated what I could about how

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business cannot rely on basic free social media to make there company in to an overnight
American Dream.
Gleeson, Brent. "TV Advertising VS Digital Marketing." Forbes. Forbes Magazine, n.d.
Web. 16 Nov. 2014.
Co-founder and Chief Marketing Officer at Internet Marketing Inc. (IMI), a fast growing digital
marketing agency in the country. IMI was recently named #185 on the Inc. 500 list of the fastest
growing private companies in the country. He had so many statistics and facts about Americans
and using the internet comparatively to watch television.
First I made sure that he was a reliable source and his information kick started all of the ideas on
the page. I used his information pretty much all throughout my paper because it helped to
reinforce the ideas that I was putting down onto paper

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