Characteristics Matrix 9 Disabilities-3

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Hope Gerhart, #5

Disability-Specific Characteristic Matrix:

Academic Characteristics

Specific Learning Disabilities

Difficulty reading and

understanding directions
Difficulty memorizing and
remembering basic facts
Difficulty with sentence structure
Alphabet (trouble learning)
Difficulty decoding story sequence
Math: confusion pertaining to
symbols and numbers
Often repeats the errors or

Behavioral Characteristics

Often has poor social skills

Easily frustrated
May give up on tasks easily

Social Characteristics

Difficulty in interpreting
subtle behaviors; for example
Difficulty understanding/
reading other individuals
body language
Difficulty with personal space
At risk for dropping out


Does well with a

repeated, daily
May take
complements and
praise well
Can be comfortable
within a close social
setting (can also be
popular among


Disruptive in the classroom

does not adjust easily to change
poor concentration
often tries to manipulate the

Academic Characteristics

Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder

difficulty thinking before action

difficulty waiting for his/her turn
has unrelated thoughts to material
being taught or presented
difficulty staying on task

low self esteem

often has general mood of
unhappiness or depression
shows signs of aggressive
behavior/ tendencies

Behavioral Characteristics

appears fidgety and restless

has difficulty sitting still
often speaks out of turn

difficulty building and

maintaining relationships
intimidates and bullies other
difficulty working in groups

Social Characteristics

difficulty in communication

Hope Gerhart, #5
does well with
short-term set
goals, and responds
well to rewards
when goals are met


has a great amount of
enthusiasm to offer

Mild Intellectual Disabilities

2-4 years behind in cognitive

concrete and or abstract thought
is often not present (or
development is severely delayed)
have minimal organizational skills

Academic Characteristics

display obsessive/compulsive
weak confidence
easily frustrated (pertaining to
schoolwork/ accomplishing

Behavioral Characteristics

difficulty working with

others or in groups
needs reminding of basic
life skills such as hygiene
(hand washing, teeth


Hope Gerhart, #5
does well when
behavior is reinforced
and expectations or


seizures can result in loss of

memory and confusion may
need to review subjects taught
before seizure

often needs assistive technology

often needs accomodations to
accomplish lessons/ tasks

Other Health Impaired (other

than ADHD)

Orthopedic Impairment
(muscular / skeletal)

Epilepsy is a CNS (central

nervous system) impairment
can experience seizures which
cause changes is behavior and
sometimes loss of

Physical impairments can be

caused by birth defects, injury,
genetic abnormalities,
amputations, and burns.

When individual is having a

seizure, uncontrollable
movements of arms and
legs can occur

Has a physical limitation

that causes difficulty when
trying to accomplish daily

Hope Gerhart, #5
Children can (in some
cases) outgrow this
Seizures can be
lessened with use
medication (in some

Hope Gerhart, #5

Academic Characteristics

Hearing Impairment
(Deaf/Hard of Hearing)

Visual Impairment
Blind / Visually Impaired

Behavioral Characteristics



often needs assistance with

hearing (use of hearing aide)
may need hardcopies and tangible
versions of lessons/ notes

difficulty hearing causes

problems in understanding
directions and expected

Has a physical limitation

that causes difficulty when
trying to accomplish daily

Other senses may be

heightened due to
limited sense of

needs assistance with activities

heavy in visual examples/ learning
may need directions verbally
explained to ensure understanding

difficulty is seeing/ vision

problems causes problems in
understanding directions and
expected outcomes

may not be able to

participate in all of the
classroom activities due to
limited sight/ adapted
versions need to be
available f

Other senses may be

heightened due to
limited sense of sight

Hope Gerhart, #5

Academic Characteristics

High-functioning Autism

Delayed motor skills

Difficulty staying engaged and on
Needs routine and structure for
success in school
Overly interested and well
informed in specific areas of a
certain subject (for example

Behavioral Characteristics

reacts strongly to different

sounds (music), smells, and

Social Characteristics

difficulty communicating
and expressing ones self to


Does well with

Good at patterned
based activities

Hope Gerhart, #5


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Hope Gerhart, #5

Painter, K. (2012). Outcomes for Youth with Severe Emotional Disturbance: A Repeated Measures Longitudinal Study of a Wraparound Approach
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