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Usinger 1

Zack Usinger
Ms. Agosta
UWRT 1102-002
3, November 2014

Annotated Bibliography
Do you coach the game of hockey for the money, because you love the game, or both?
Lemaire, Eddy. "Interview with Eddy Lemaire." Telephone interview. 10 Oct. 19.

This interview was with a man named Eddy Lemaire who was one of my coaches in high
school. In this interview he talks about being a fighter in semi-pro or pro hockey. He
discusses how it can take a toll on you mentally and physically from broken hands too
concussions. Lemaire answered several questions for me about his career and its
significance to his identity.
This interview relates to my research because it gave me a better understanding of the
different identities that each type of player has on the team. In Lemaires case it was the
tough guy role (fighter). Lemaires interview relates to my topic because he was semiprofessional hockey player for a team in the OHL (Ontario Hockey League). This shows
how hockey players express their identity and how other people view them.
Is it worth it to get into the NHL as a fighter?

Usinger 2

What different struggles do players have to overcome or go through to get to the NHL?
"Rich Clune's Long Road to the NHL Video - NHL VideoCenter - Nashville Predators." NHL
VideoCenter. NHL, 31 Oct. 2014. Web. 03 Nov. 2014.
This video was about Clune and about his road to the National Hockey League. Clune
had several obstacles he had to overcome such as drug and alcohol abuse. Clune re-found
his love for the game when he was picked up by the Nashville Predators, at that point he
swore to leave that life behind him and to be a good example for his children.
This video will help me in my research because it is a prime example of how a man
showed me how he became the player that all that fans love and came out of even the
darkest of times to shine in the NHL.
Did all players in the NHL go through the same journey to get to where they are now?

What are certain kinds of identitys within the game of hockey?

Basi, Gurrajan. "Dropping The Gloves: Men And Masculinity In Canadian Hockey." Online
Academic Community. University of Victoria, 12 Dec. 2013. Web. 03 Nov. 2014.
This article was about the different roles of identity in the NHL. The two predominant
roles where the enforcer role like NHL star Tie Domi or the goal scoring role like Sydney
Crosby. The article went on to say how the identity of masculinity comes into play every
game from hard body checks to savage fights. Each role must perform to get the fame he
desires. For instance a fighter/ enforcer like Domi must live up to his reputation, much
like a gladiator in a coliseum pleasing the fans.

Usinger 3

This article will help me in my research because it goes in-depth into the two major roles
of a player in the National Hockey League. I am going to compare and contrast the two
roles to each other and analyze both roles up and downsides.
At what point in each player's role do they know when their time is up as a professional

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