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Parent Volunteer Forms

Student Reflection
Freebie Set!


Volunteers Needed!
If you have time to give, I would love to have you volunteer in our classroom!
Please complete the form below and return it to me as soon as possible.
Name: ____________________ Childs Name: ________________
Phone: ___________________ Email: ______________________

Weekly Volunteers:
_____ Reading Groups/Literature Circles


M ____ T ____ W ____ Th ____

_____ Math Centers

M ____ W ____ F ____

_____ Prep Work (photocopy, cut, paste, etc.) 1:30-2:15

M ____ T ____ W ____ Th ____ F ____

Special Occasion Volunteer:

_____ Holiday Parties
_____ Special Class Projects
Room Parent: The job of room parent is to assist with coordinating
classroom parties and special activities. If you would like to be a room
parent, please check here: ______

Parent Volunteer Survey

Hello! Thank you so much for offering the
gift of your time to our classroom this year!
If you could please take a moment to fill out
this brief survey, that would be wonderful!
Thank you.
Name: _______________________________
Birthday: ______________________________
Favorite Color(s): ________________________
Some favorite snacks of mine are: _____________
A treat I enjoy is: ________________________
My Starbucks Order: ______________________
In my free time I like to: ____________________

Erin Lane. All rights reserved.

My Weekly Reflection
Name: __________________________________________________________

Week of: ______________________________________________

This week at school my favorite activities were: ________________________________________________________________


I learned: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Next week my goal is: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________


My Weekly Reflection
Name: __________________________________________________________

Week of: ______________________________________________

This week at school my favorite activities were: ________________________________________________________________


I learned: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Next week my goal is: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________

Erin Lane. All rights reserved.

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feedback is always appreciated
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Erin Lane
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