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Friends of Times Beach


Andrew Cuomo


We urge you to help us preserve the Buffalo Outer Harbor on Lake Erie as public





Myron Deputat

Grand Island, NY


We need to preserve our wildlife for future generations!!

Jay Burney

Buffalo, NY


Save times beach nature preserve

Christopher Hollister

Buffalo, NY


This land is surrounded by ecologically sensitive and internationally recognized

wildlife areas. Please, for once in the history of Buffalo city planning, do the
smart thing with this land!

Holly Sweeney

East Amherst, NY


Buffalo has waited a long time to

Clark Sykes

Buffalo, NY


Public access to waterfront is essential!

William Watson

Tonawanda, NY


Timer Beach is a natural warbler trap in the spring. Thousands of birds rely on
Times Beach N. P. to complete their migration

Joyce Boone

Buffalo, NY


Take the animals home away. I won't come down no more. I ride my bike
across Buffalo to see nature not concrete.

Leslie Misener

Kenmore, United States


I strongly believe in keeping the Outer Harbor free, green, natural, and
accessible. This ispublic land, it should not be privatized.

Karen Lewis

East Amherst, NY


The Outer Harbor and our waterways belong to our wildlife first and foremost.
We need to support and protect it for future generations.

James Schoenle

Buffalo, NY


The people of wny have been cut off from their waterfront for generations. We
have a historic chance to right past wrongs and create an ecologically
important and public friendly amazing park at the outer harbor

maleea brooks

Myrtle Beach, SC


Former Buffalo resident and I agree with this.

Kathy Hil

Huntington Beach, CA


I grew up in Buffalo and want to see the area protected from development.

David Reilly

Buffalo, NY


Keep it out of developers hands!

Mary Lou Dietrich

Buffalo, NY


The Outer Harbor belongs to all of us.

Denis Gould

Dandridge, TN


Former WNY resident, still love the Lake and beach.

Marcia Nixon

Lewiston, NY


As a member of the Buffalo Audubon Board of Directors, I feel a commitment to

keep the areas of our IBAs open to the public and free from development.

Christine Tirella

Amherst, NY


For too long Western New York has abused its wonderful shore land instead of
preserving it for all!

Kate Soudant

Buffalo, NY


We need to do all we can to preserve nature, especially on lands connected to

our Great Lakes.

Deborah Gondek

North Tonawanda, NY


Environmental sustainability and public access to waterfront


Buffalo, United States


I love Buffalo and want to see this space preserved for public use for us and all
the generations to come.

Joyce DiChristina

Buffalo, NY


I am signing because we have a boat docked at the marina across from

Canalside that we enjoy that location. We have also been at Wilkenson Point
many times and have appreciated the thought that went into that great park
that we have been waiting for for years!!

James Hufnagel

Wilson, NY


Keep the waterfront natural! We want parks, not condos!

James Kessler

Lake Alfred, FL


I believe we should preserve property i and n0t sell it to the highest bidder for
apartment houses

Janet Kowalski

Buffalo, NY


I want the harbor to be green space for all the people.





Don Duggan-Haas

Amherst, NY


Making Buffalo's waterfront green and lush not only better for we humans, it's
also quicker, less expensive and serves future generations better than any
other alternative.

Diana Strablow

Lewiston, NY


We need more natural habitats not more development.

Robert Nesbitt

Buffalo, NY


because I am a people and because I and other people have worked so hard to
make this happen - - - don't want it subsumed by careless developers who
have money in mind over People In Heart.

Susan Munschauer

Tonawanda, NY


We need to preserve this historical area not just for the animals and space but
also for our future generations to have a place to wander/wonder, enjoy, share,
learn and explore the beauty and wonder of this area "naturally".

Arthur Marks

Buffalo, NY


Use open space for passive recreation not buildings for residential use.

Judith Swain

Scotia, NY


Buffalo was my birth city....I LOVE it and want it to thrive!!!

Collette Ligammari

Niagara Falls, NY


Once you give our waterways away to private development, and call it
progress, it is a process you can't turn back. Waterfowl has no voice and no
campaign money.

Shelley Joan Weiss

Sun Prairie, WI


This beautiful land needs to be available to the public!

John Szalasny

Williamsville, NY


Why do the "urban planning experts" all want to build multi-story housing units
on the outer harbor, when people who will use the site want a natural setting?

John Rosenburg

West Valley, NY


Times Beach and Tifft Farm are wonderful natural areas ....

Sue Barth

Orchard Park, NY


Too much habitat is being lost and I am very concerned that our greed will soon
destroy what little there is left for the needs of wildlife to survive.

shelley seidman

buffalo, NY


we need to protect this land as it is part of a migratory bird path ... wildlife
needs to be protected not destroyed by $$$$$$$$$$

Guy Marlette

Snyder, NY


We should block our natural resources, we should embrace them, preserving

them for future generations.

Mary Jo Graham

West Falls, NY


It is time to restore a natural waterfront in Erie County after decades of

industrial modification and pollution of this natural asset.

Adam schiffmacher

buffalo, NY


Times beach is better than condos.

Jonna Hamann

Buffalo, NY


Save Times Beach Nature Preserve.

Alice Gerard

Grand Island, NY


The outer harbor is an important resource and should remain available to the
public. And, while you're about saving this harbor, how about pedestrian
access, as well as mass transit access. Let's make this new park available to

Fred Tomasello Jr.

Cheektowaga, NY


As a local resident, the harbor is part of nature that needs to be preserved in

every respect.

Fred Nash

Akron, NY


No condos in the park.

Elizabeth Vogl

Buffalo, NY


Buffalo needs to protect the beautiful greenspace it has.

Jackie Heinl

Beaver Falls,, PA


We often vacation in this area and feel nature in general is under assault.

David Hiebert

Scottdale, PA


I have not visited this area, but know that areas of water need buffer zones to
help preserve water quality. I'm all for it!

leslie edmiston

buffalo, NY


I love spending time at the Outer Harbor - all urban concerns melt away in that
peaceful, natural setting. We are finally experiencing dynamic urban growth
within the boundaries of our historic city - let's not compromise that
development by creating a competing one on the Outer Harbor. We have one
chance to get this right; let's leave this environment as a place to experience
the natural world and the importance of these two elements, water and land.





Karen Vizzi

Buffalo, NY


Buffalo has a legacy of amazing architecture and historical buildings. Much of

which has been abandoned and left in ruin. WHY do we need to destroy natural
habitat and compromise wildlife to create MORE building? It make NO sense!

john Hartman

Buffalo, NY


Starting with housing development at the north end of the parcel is simply bad
economics. I/we have had discussions with the large adaptive reuse
developers. They said "build a world class park and we'll have developers
knocking on the door."

Margo Peryea

Buffalo, NY


It is a privilege to live in such close proximity to Lake Erie

Yet many of our urban children are surprised when they learn about this fact.
We need more public access, not less!

David Gomlak

Marcy, NY


The Outer Harbor is the Crown Jewel of the city and should be open to the
most residents and visitors as possible.

Michael Galas

onawanda, NV


open space to public is rapidly disappearing. Very few places anyone can walk
by the lake without permission. Leave the remaining open spaces free for our
children and their children to enjoy freely

Danielle Peters

Buffalo, NY


Times Beach is a beautiful contribution to Buffalo's natural spaces. Residents

in the City are for the most part shielded from the waterfront's beauty by 190,
and Times Beach Nature Preserve provides a space where anyone can come
and enjoy the waterfront, in one of the last few places that the city allows its
residents to do that.

Joseph Allen

Buffalo, NY


Every thing about Buffalo is important to me!! Especially, anything to do with

the environment!!

John Whitney

East Aurora, NY


This is not just a "Buffalo" issue.

Richard Thomas

Grand Island, NY


Vital greenspace/water habitat for multiple species of animal and bird.

Joel Rose

Buffalo, NY


I recently discovered this magnificent public space, and have been going there
with my dog. It is utterly irreplaceable. Don't destroy our heritage!!

Margaret Buckley

East Aurora, NY


It is important that we keep a natural habitat so close to lake Erie and the shore
line for the migrating birds and all other wild life and ecosystem.

judi mazziotti

Williamsville, NY


It is part of our nation's history. Please protect it!

Mark Abell

Knoxville, TN


As a native New Yorker, I am vitally interested in preserving the state's natural

beauty and wildlife. Urban sprawl is a blight upon the land. We have a chance
to do the right thing. Let's not blow it!

Gayle Stewart

East Amherst, NY


We need to preserve animal sanctuaries and provide access to the our

waterfront to our residents and tourists. Our beautiful waterfront access should
not be sold out to the highest bidder. Canada has total access to their
waterfront along the Niagara Pkwy all the way from Fort Erie to Niagara Falls to
Niagara-on-the-Lake. Let's keep BOTH sides of the border beautiful!

David Goddardf

Williamsville, NY


Condominiums and Business Developments are a dime a dozen. Public

Access to an important natural waterfront site - this is priceless. Preserves
God's Beauty and His natural processes - to destroy yet another masterpiece
of natural design would not only be a mistake - it would be a sin.

Joseph Gardella

Buffalo, NY


The proposal for housing would have negative impact on Times Beach, and
need extensive resources for roads, power and sewers. Other housing options
exist. The argument that tax income is needed on this site for housing neglects
the need for public investments to support the housing and is specious. I
support this petition and hope the leadership will listen to Rep. Higgins and
Assemblyman Ryan.





Franklin LaVoie

Buffalo, NY


Buffalo has an opportunity to lead the earth, the planet, the culture into a
sustainable future. The first order of business is respecting natural limits.
There's a huge urban sprawl problem, houses sitting empty or dilapidated for
miles around. What half-wit dink brain looks at the large open space along the
waterfront which gives us a tiny respite from the awful urban sprawl and thinks:
Oooo develop it. Outrageous. Let's give the future a fighting chance and show
the world what it means when a large group of sick-to-death modern humans
begin to respect natural limits and the fact that earth and the environment
belong to everything and everything needs to have some open space without
the human plague continuing its free-for-all.

jim misener

Kenmore, NY


This is the ONLY open land in the city of Buffalo that the citizens can enjoy
No where else can a person walk along the water in Buffalo and see aan
assortiment of wildlife and boats as they can here on the Outer Harbor
It would be a shame for me , my children and THEIR children , not to be able to
enjoy this area 10 months out of the year
and currently we DO THAT at least once a week from March thru december ,
most years and even sometimes during January and Feb

Craig Davison

Buffalo, NY


The outer harbor does not need any further development - especially condos.

Karin Lowenthal

Buffalo, NY


I enjoy this green space and I want it to stay public.

Kevin Preston

Clemmons, NC


Parkland on the Lake is needed

Nate Naetzker

Buffalo, NY


We need more green space.

Anne Dayer

East Aurora, NY


It is critical to save the green space along Lake Erie!

Jim Landau

Colden, NY


Enough already with the luxury condos! But if there must be condos, re-use is
the way to go in a city with such a wealth of existing spaces with "good bones."

Josh Graap

Charleston, SC


Buffalo is such a beautiful city, because of the natural harbor areas such as
this. There are so many run down and abandoned places that should be
cleaned up and reused. This would only ad to the beauty this great city holds.
Keep that natural, and fix the abandoned city surroundings.

Ang Westmoreland

Pearland, TX


Important for migrating birds as well as preserving a beautiful place.

Joan Dionne

Buffalo, NY


This is an important area for migratory birds. Also, look at the REST of the lake
shoreline...private property and condos !!! THERE IS NO ACCESSTO THE
LAKE ! Please, NO RESIDENCES in the outer harbor !

Scott Smith

Amherst, NY


waterfront property should be public space.

tara welty

buffalo, NY


we need to kept and preserve nature and not clutter our outer harbors with

Dennis Seekins

Lyndonvill, NY


Once buildings are erected it is expensive and difficult to revert back. At

present ALL benefit from the beach. If built upon only the developers & future
occupants of these buildings will be the beneficiaries.

Alan Oberst

Buffalo, NY


Let's reuse the million+ square feet of existing buildings on the Outer Harbor
FIRST. Outer Harbor works best for parks, recreation, nature, and heritage -not new development.

Meghan rogers

Tonawanda, NY


there are plenty of eye sores that are currently abandoned in which one can
demolish and then build upon! Save the natural beauty of nature that we still

Traver Detras

West Seneca, NY


The waterfront should be a beacon visible to all Buffalonians and visitors alike
not to a privileged few.





Krista Palgutt

Buffalo, NY


I worry about condos and their parking lots destroying the nature preserves and
I want more water front park space.

Kimberlie Reszetucha

Buffalo, NY


Jay Burney told me to!

fawn hoelcle

Hamburg, NY


Preserving our wetland habitats is beneficial and NECESSARY. In preserving

wildlife and bird populations that are already threatened! !please please please
don't build on or near this precious habitat!!!!

Stephen Paskey

0, NY


There's more than enough room for more housing in the city's core and
neighborhoods on the near East Side. We don't need it -- and the revenue isn't
needed for a public park. The outer harbor is irreplaceable. Do it right, and it
will be a modern complement to the Olmstead parks -- a vital, much-loved part
of the City for the next century, and longer.

maureen rowley

Lockport, United States


Preserving the water front for public use is extremely important to me. I kayak,
bike and enjoy the Outer harbor with friends and family on a regular basis.

james carr

buffalo, NY


It is what the people want!!!!!!!

Emily Frank

North Tonawanda, NY


Please, preserve this area for its wilderness beauty. We don't need any more
homes in western New York. Many mistakes have been made in the past,
leaving Western New Yorkers without beachfront and access to park beauty.
Don't blow it by encroaching on this area with houses. Thank you.

Mary Schraven

Amherst, NY


We love having access to the lake by canoe, kayak and bikes.

Amy Prentiss

Buffalo, NY


The Outer Harbor is a regional asset that needs to be open to the public. Times
Beach and Wilkeson Point are ecologically important.

Jack Norton

Tonawanda, NY


I go there all the time to photograph wildlife. I also was involved in some of the
early cleanup.

Janice Kramer

Buffalo, NY


We must preserve these nstural places along the waterfront and maintain
public access.

Tara Schrull

Buffalo, NY


We walk/ bike there every week. It is our favorite evening getaway.

Phil Stevens

Amherst, NY


I am proud of Buffalo and its heritage.

Paul Sheldon

Tonawanda, NY


There are other areas suitable for commercial development, but only one
lakefront area.

Lynne Marino

Buffalo, NY


I believe this are should always be for public use only, Wild, free and
environmentally sound putting any type of housing in this area would be
detrimental to all three reasons I have stated and break the continuity !!!! NO
NO NO NO NO!!!!!!!!!!

Patricia Ciesiel

Tigre, Argentina


Buffalo is my home town and I believe in keeping it free of condos where only a
few can enjoy the river and natural so that more people and animals can enjoy
nature at the river shore.

Amy Halliday

Mississauga, Canada


I visit Buffalo regularly as I grew up here and live just across the border. Give
Buffalo something beautiful to show off and a place for tourists to go in the
downtown area. Right now I often stay in the suburbs - but parklands would
help make downtown attractive.

leane schultz

west seneca, NY


parkland for area residents is needed for stress relief

Susann Musial

Depew, NY


We need to preserve the waterfront for its intrinsic beauty.....for our souls!

John Gilewicz

Grand Island, NY


This is a once in a century opportunity to protect waterfront for future

generations. We made a terrible mistake in the 1960's by putting highways all
along our lakes and rivers. Here is a chance to correct that mistake.





Robert Galbraith

Buffalo, NY


There is no need for new housing in Buffalo (which is still losing population),
especially in an environmentally sensitive area.
The outer harbor should be maintained for EVERYONE'S enjoyment, not just
those that can afford to buy new-built luxury condos.

carl hansen

Clearwater, FL


It is an area important to all who live in the U.S. and want to preserve our
heritage and natural areas.

Elle n Gibson

Buffalo, NY


This area should be held in the public trust as parkland. The proposed plan
would leave Times Beach Nature Preserve surrounded on all sides by
development. Preserving this area as parkland is essential for the well-being of
both migrating birds and local wildlife.

Hedwig Swanson

Buffalo, NY


I want to keep greenland more than see expensive apartments on the


Robert Frantz

Tonawanda, NY


We need to leave space for natural processes to take place.




I worked downtown for 25 yrs and felt Buffalo needs more green not building.
We need more places to enjoy waterfront, fly kites and sit on blankets to enjoy
the outdoors. Once built up, you cannot unbuild. Building get old - open
parkland does not.

Molly Glennie Gray

Buffalo, NY


The migratory path should not be disturbed. This is a very important area for
the nature we cherish.

Theresa Fleig

Orchard Park, NY


Need to keep this space open for wildlife and for people's access to the

Kristine Kittrick

Lancaster, NY


If we want Buffalo to prosper, and I know I do, then this land must be kept open
to the public. The wildlife including the hundreds of bird species that utilize this
space must also be protected. As a citizen I am sick to death of the
privatization of everything. It's ridiculous. It blocks commerce of the people.
Give people places to go and things to do. Keep this space open to everyone,

Marek Parker

Buffalo, NY


We urge you to help us preserve the Buffalo Outer Harbor on Lake Erie as
public parklands

Frits Abell

new york, NY


Cities around the globe would kill for the opportunity in front of us in Buffalo: to
develop a world class, eco-friendly waterfront--with direct proximity to a
downtown core--that is subsidized by adaptive reuse development of existing
industrial facilities. We do not need additional residential development on this
site, for all of the aforementioned reasons.

Colin Macdonald

Buffalo, NY


The outer harbor has the potential to be one of the most beautiful public
waterfronts in the nation. Buffalo doesn't need new housing; it has hundreds of
architecturally interesting buildings that are falling apart and are in need of
restoration. No one wants or needs condos here.

suzanne eberhardt

Buffalo, NY


preservation of public space as well as the eco system and lake which will
greatly suffer if turned into private condos etc.

Joanne Kahn

Buffalo, NY


This is foremost a quality of life issue for our city and WNY region.

rick williams

Buffalo, NY


After so many years of neglect, I believe the people of Western New York
deserve public, unencumbered access to their waterfront. There is so much
blight in and around Buffalo and empty spaces to build housing, affordable and

Susan Bowles

Buffalo, NY


This is important for all of us. God never intended people with lots of money to
over power the beautiful wonders of a waterfront like ours here in Western New





Judy Fitzgerald

Buffalo, NY


It is extremely important because we all want a natural waterfront and not more
development. We have waited to long to have access to the lakefront . Don't
destroy it with housing.

Kevin Bauch

Buffalo, NY


I live on the West Side and love having the Outer Harbor as a beautiful bicycle
destination inside the City. It is fascinating to watch nature reclaim a former
industrial site.

Sara Schultz

Williamsville, NY


I believe the public deserves this parkland and the city will benefit!

John Bland

Canandaigua, NY


I still feel sad over the ORIGINAL 'tragedy of the commons.' Recently the last
as vestige of the public's unfettered access to Canandaigua (Chosen Place of
the Iroquois) Lake was 'privatized' because the land 'wasn't making any
money.' Another wretched commercial / residential / retail carbuncle on the face
of mother nature to accommodate the well heeled and skin the foolish. The
taxpayers will have to provide road, utility and sewage infrastructure or the
'infestor' may decide not to proceed. Bad dream, like the Rochester ferry. I
used to roam the then 'wild' Niagara Gorge in the 50s . . . before Robert moses
and the 'parkway' (now being removed I hear) blighted it. Now Buffalo. . .?

Courtney Huckle

Buffalo, NY


We have neighborhoods, including high priced condos, that sit empty. We

have shopping districts, e.g. Main Street, with boarded up shop fronts. Why
would we take an amazing green space and hand it over to the developers for
short sited, profit driven plans?! Let them build their projects in the other areas
of Buffalo that need help, and leave this for tourism and recreation.

Sarah Griffin

Buffalo, NY


i love the park and just got to start the o enjoy it. We all should be able to enjoy
it. It makes Buffalo a beautiful destination for visitors and locals

Gordon Porterfield III

Harleysville, PA


This is a part of my childhood....buffalo's history. There is enough in this

country that is fading, why phase out a staple of the community and an area
that makes home so unique.

Peter Schwartz

Buffalo, NY


A green space adjacent to downtown Buffalo would be a unique asset, while

the existing urban core is already poised and ripe for housing. Keep the
waterfront open to all.

Sandra Carrubba

Buffalo, NY


this is everyone's waterfront and should not become a housing development

which would negatively impact wildlife and our lake. We want parkland, just

Matt Vandenack

Chicago, IL


I have long standing family ties to the area and visit frequently. I feel
preserving this area for public access will enhance quality of life and overall
economic development.

Merridy Knips

Hamburg, NY


I love having access to the harbor area. Biking and hiking are so important and
we are very fortunate to have land like this that is open to the public so that
everyone can enjoy the lake.

Paul Wheeler

Lancaster, NY


Lets keep the water front available for may people local and visitors to enjoy.

Martha Heussler

East Aurora,, NY


Why, when we have finally gotten access to some of our long lost waterfront,
take it away ? It's all about greed.

Mark Brind'Amour

East Aurora, NY


We only have one chance to get this right. I do not agree that the developers
with deep pockets should get to determine the landscape of our waterfront.
Don't ruin it for the rest of us!!

mary Velasquez

Buffalo, NY


The waterfront is an important area for all people to have access to, not just
those fortunate enough to afford waterfront housing. Times beach and
surrounding areas are too important to local and INTERNATIONAL bird
migration to alter the landscape.





Linda McDade

East Aurora, United


Our beautiful Buffalo Outer Harbor needs to be preserved and it's natural


beauty supported. The area needs to be available for all of Buffalo and WNY
citizens and visitors to enjoy. Building Condos and/or commercial buildings will
mar the beauty and impede access. These developments should be erected
elsewhere if necessary. Continuing repurposing, revitalization and renovation
of already existing Historically and architecturally worthy edifices is an exciting
and lovely option!

David Caligiuri

Buffalo, NY


The water front needs to remain public!!

Renee Tarrant

Williamsville, MP


We have plenty of existing buildings that can be repurposed. Carry forward the
ideals of Olmsted and develop the area to allow all to enjoy the views. We are
craving more access to nature near the city as much as the local flora and
fauna of the area need to survive there too

Cynthia Casey

Hamburg, NY


The most wonderful walking place to see birds, wildlife AND the beautiful city of
Buffalo and Coast Guard from a different point of view. Love what has been
done there by people who care. Come visit and see for yourself. It is the
nicest surprise.

Charles Bowman

Getzville, NY


Public access to the waterfront is a hallmark of every Canadian village and city
-- a place that attracts tourists and where citizens can relax. Tourists will not
come to Buffalo to view a malled-over privatized waterfront. Please let the
public have access to the waterfront, and facilitate tourism.

jill lamantia

Buffalo, NY


I biked the outer harbor the entire summer, 4 days a week usually timed to see
the glorious sunset, and with the blue water, sailboats and native landscape it's
as close to paradise as I've seen, and I've traveled all over the world.
My father lived in the 1st ward (my aunt at 90 is still in that house) and he was
one of fastest swimmers who dove into one of the slips close to times beach &
swam to the break wall & back. I feel closest to him there.
I also have a cousin who perished at 19 with the 5 Sullivan brothers on the SS
Juno in WW2 who called home to the 1st Ward while in Hawaii before being
shipped out & told my family Hawaii did not come close to the beauty of Times
There is a memoriam to him in the SS
Sullivan in the naval park.

Sarah Sutcliff

Buffalo, NY


In the third poorest city in America, this is public land, held foe the public good.
Not an opportunity for a government run by rich people to sell expensive
condos to other rich people. Also this is prime territory for migrating and nesting
birds. Preservation of open space for wildlife/species diversity matters!

John Buckley

Buffalo, United States


We need need Nature preserves to ahve a liveable well balanced city. Cement
everywhere becomes unbearable.

Catherine Urbanski

Orchard Park, NY


Having multi-storied structures use a nature preserve to fulfill their greenprint is

just wrong. Move them back and have the residents/users take a healthy walk
to the water. Putting the condos farther back will allow for more storeys, higher
rents and more panoramic views . "Development" doesn't have to mean
"buildings". Public access to the lake has been limited for too long. Commerce
had its shot for 50 years and did nothing. Give us back our "Western Door".

Janet Lenichek

Amherst, NY


Buffalo has a history of making urban planning errors. People love to look at
nature and lakefront, not private condominium complexes! There is lots of land
for building in the Buffalo area, we do not need to build right on the lakefront
itself. Look at Milwaukee and Chicago - they have preserved many miles of
lakefront for public access and parks.





Paul M. Gannon

West Seneca, NY


Buffalo's waterfront has been held hostage by, first inductry, and then the bus
company, for over 100 years. We finally have a chance to develop a world
class attraction that gives all residents of WNY access to our greatest natural
asset. We must not allow this valuable green space to become the front yard,
landscaped at taxpayers expense, for a few wealthy residents.

Robert Wirth

East Aurora, NY


as a life long WNY resident I feel the waterfront is one of best assets and
should be designed and developed for everyone's enjoyment.

Joseph Pfohl

Lake View, NY


As a long time member of the Western New York Windsurfers Association we

also support this effort to keep this area as Public Parklands for all to enjoy for
generations. It's hard enough/sad living so close to so much water front to
enjoy it with all the construction an private land.
<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>

Judith McClelland

Amherst, United States


Protecting the Waterfront is a key piece in the revival and survival of Buffalo.

Liz Evans

Buffalo, NY


Buffalo citizens and visitors need increased access to a public and preserved
waterfront. We have been underserved in this area for decades and it's time to
develop the outer harbor in a way that will go down in history as the right way.

Judy Laurenzi

Buffalo, NY


To me time spent at the waters edge is a time for reflection and renewal. There
is little area in Buffalo to do this in an unstructured manner. This is one way to
decrease stress and exercise in an unstructured manner. Closing in this harbor
will eliminate this type of human communication with the waters, flora and
fauna of the region.

Mary Klier

Colden, NY


Buffalo needs open access to water and green space

Joanne Milioto

Buffalo, NY


I'd like to preserve that sliver of land as public parklands. Can't housing be put
further down the lake as was suggested by someone (Riverkeepers?) I am
responding to Gerry Rising's article in The Buffalo News, 10/19/14.

Bob Hazen

Lockport, NY


This is a quality of life issue for all the residents of Buffalo.

Mike Hassett

West Seneca, NY


This area needs to be a recreational public access area leveraging the hub and
spoke design of our city. Build underground parking and connections to light
rail, bus and trolley cars to move people to and from ALL neighborhoods. This
will provide public access and rebuild neighborhoods that already exist.

Mary Lou dietrich

Buffalo, NY


The waterfront belongs to all of us.


Tonawanda, NY


The people need the waterfront not a specific group

Buffalo, United States


There already is so much housing being developed in the city we should not be

Joan LoCurto

encouraging sprawl. This waterfront area should be available to all of the

people of Buffalo and the surrounding area.
Suzanne Tomkins

Grand island, NY


I am a life long citizen of WNY and treasure our natural resources. We need
more public access to the waterfront.

howard clarke

clarence, NY


keep access for the public at large

Kathleen DiGiore

Lancaster, NY


The people have spoken.

Beverly Schwiegerling

Elma, NY


Public access in fair to everyone and will generate revenue.

Toni Iadresin

Buffalo, NY


We want public access to natural beauty not more development.

Linda Schroeder

Buffalo, NY


The public has been restricted from Buffalo's waterfront too long. We need
access that EVERYONE can use.

maria rosa

Buffalo, NY


Preserve Outer as public Park






Mildred Champlin

Bristol, RI


I don't live in Buffalo but I think this area is important to preserve for the nation.

Bruce Karas

Clarence, NY


I believe it is very important for the majority of people to have access to the
beautiful waterfront instead of a select few. Look to Canada for development.
They seem to get it right more often than us. Also, take our time with lots of
input for all people from Erie county. Thank you

Richard Sharples

West Seneca, NY


I bike the Outer Harbor and appreciate it's undeveloped nature.

robert hollingsworth

buffalo, NY


this is the only chance we will have to preserve the lake front for the future. I
don't want it to become the home of the rich. All of our waterfront property in
WNY has become the homes of the wealthy, with a very little access for the
rest of us. Save the water front for the people.

Gary Kresser

Kenmore, NY


We want public access, not property owners complaining that people are
walking by etc. the success of the harbor area so far is due to needed public
access and should continue

Larry Brooks

Buffalo, NY


Housing does not belong next to a nature sanctuary. It will disconnect the
wildlife corridor that was planned.

F James Ginnane

East Amherst, NY


Great cities have extensive public access to waterways. Western NY has 30

miles of river and lake coast line with a very small percentage easily
accessable to the public. Please do not make the same mistakes in the future
that our predecesors made in the past. Open up as much of our coastline for
public access as possible.

Nancy Eisenhut

Springville, NY


Animal habitat

Bernhard Wagner

Buffalo, NY


We have made so many mistakes in our city over the years. It's time those
planners listen to us citizen. It's ALL OUR city

Lenore Tetkowski

Grand Island, NY


Protect our natural resources for future generations!

Marie Hernandez

Buffalo, NY


Sick of 60 years of talk and finally a plan - only to be hijacked by well meaning
politicians and questionable developers!!!!

Mary Flickinger

East Aurora, NY


scenic more important than homes on Outer Harbor

Sue Novits

Grand Island, NY


I don't want precious waterfront space available to a few who can afford
waterfront residency, rather have all waterfront space available to all. We
already have to live with our mistakes made in WNY regarding hampering
..waterfront access such as the niagara thruway. Please let's make better
decisions to benefit all Western New Yorkers.

Penny Messinger

East Aurora, NY


Buffalo's waterfront has been a mess for decades. We have a chance now to
develop it in a sustainable way--and if we get it wrong this time, it's another lost
opportunity. This land should be dedicated to public use, not to private housing.

Mary Dressel

Buffalo, NY


This is the ideal opportunity to maximize the public access to the waterfront. It
would behoove us to model other cities. The waterfront has become a major
attraction for Western New Yorkers. It should remain accessible to all and not
to just developers and those able to afford prime residence in this area.

Rick Singer

Buffalo, NY


I am a bike rider & ride here 4-5 time a week.

Ann Powell

East Aurora, NY


Very, very important to our whole state. We are on the flyway for many birds. If
we fail them, we fail ourselves.

Anne Dayer

East Aurora, NY


Longtime resident of East Aurora, recently moved. Will continue to visit often. I
want the green space along the Inner Harbor to be preserved and protected for
the citizens, tourists, history buffs, and the wildlife. Once it's gone, it's gone!





Elizabeth Nichols

grand Island, NY


It is VERY important to me that this NATURAL resource be kept as natural as

possible with ACCESS for al Western New Yorkers! In order for Buffalo to
become a true waterfront city, the Outer Harbor should remain accessible to all
at all times of the year. If housing is allowed, it will become the purview of the
few! just as at housing near Erie Basin Marina and LaSalle Park. There should
be NO BUILT DEVELOPMENT near Times Beach. The only acceptable
'development' of a built nature should be the 'reuse' of Terminals A & B. Such
reuse would take advantage of the embodied energy in the existing buildings.
Those buildings should be heated and cooled with geothermal energy, some
solar and wind as appropriate for the site. Visitors to Niagara Falls and Western
New York will not visit to view condos on the waterfront; they will come to
experience a waterfront designed to take advantage of the last and largest
remaining 'undeveloped' waterfront property on the Great Lakes. It should be
developed for historical, environmental and educational purposes ONLY.

Kathleen Gerken

Hamburg, NY


Lakefront access needs to be available to all people

Ralph and Eva Holtyn

Depew, NY


We need to conserve green space, not build more buildings, especially right on
the waterfront

Dorothy Westhafer

Grand Island, NY


Open spaces provide valuable services. The destruction of open space through
poorly planned development will result in a lower quality of life and result in
economic loss. Open lands provide the services of cleansing air and water,
aquifer recharge and erosion name a few. Replacing this natural
and cost free infrastructure with artificial infrastructure would not work as
efficiently and would be quite costly - please protect the interests of the public let's not be lured by "developers' self-serving projects"

Elaine Reinhardt

Cheektowaga, NY


my grandchildren and their children need to experience The wonder of nature

and wildlife . The city of Buffalo itself needs housing not on the precious

Maureen George

Buffalo, NV


The outer harboe is a place of natural beauty, which should be retained for
future generations.

Charles Slack

Medina, NY


We already have too much retail and habitational for declining population.
More will not attract new residents or spending. Improve quality of life and
environment to attract people today.


Grand Island, NY


I still cringe when I think of the Robert Moses Parkway and the miles of fence
preventing the public access to parkland.




Free space for ALL people and critters alike; not just wealthy condo owners

Nancy Hassett

West Seneca's, NY


Public access is important no housing

Pearl Westling

West Seneca, NY


We've waited so long to have access to the outer harbor, keep it natural!

Gerald Hassett

Lackawanna, NY


Public access on the water connected to all the other neighborhoods. Put
transportation hubs with parking underground to maximize public land open for

Douglas Harty

East Aurora, NY


Plans now for the outer harbor would be another huge mistake. Keep the
private develpers out....keep the entire area open to the public....we'd like to be
able to see our river and lake....not like the downtown water front that has been
destroyed by the condos / high rise buildings, thruway etc. Time to do it right!

Donna DeLeon

Williamsville, NY


The waterfront should belong to the public and remain minimally developed
with access that does not degrade the environment.

John Senneff

Tonawanda, NY


boating and ground recreation





Margaret Price

Grand Island, NY


I love just being by the lake! It belongs to everyone. Need to protect the wildlife

Helen Bilowus

Lackawannsa, NY


The people of Buffalo need more FREE public access!!!

Beth Zoffke

Buffalo, NY


It should remain public and as a vital tourist area

M Cheryl Butensky

Amherst, NY


I moved to Buffalo in the 1970s and have only recently begun to be optimistic
that we will take steps to reclaim our waterfront from the environmental
degradation and carelessness of our past. Let us reclaim this land for public
access to restored wildlife habits and areas of recreation. Let us not create
barriers to access and housing for the wealthy. Buffalo has more housing than
residents; we do not have adequate access to our waterfront! Please let us
learn from our past mistakes.

Kim Carloni-Singer

Buffalo, NY


It's a beautiful area for walking andbike riding

Joseph Rebisz

Buffalo, NY


Please - Public Access. There are so many other accessible areas for the
developers to build housing. Thank you. Joe.

Monica Pomeroy

Akron, NY


WNYer ... for LIFE! WE need to preserve, improve to thrive again!

Bruce Beyer

Buffalo, NY


Wealthy people already control too much of our waterfront!




I walk here almost EVERY night it is beautiful green space and everyone is
now coming down to enjoy our water front. The wild life is beautiful to see NO apartments their is land to build on just leave this area alone! The area is
used by many as a park someplace to go relax

to sit watch the sun set

children play boats and water activity by developing this land you take this
away from EVERYONE
margaret druar

amherst, NY


should not be for any sort of private property this is is a public venue to be
shared byALL

Gerald Gammack

west seneca, NY


it's for public / not housing

Rosemary Vazquez



Preserve area for wildlife, migrating birds, nature trails.

Linda Franchell

Buffalo, NY


Buffalo has industrial and housing along the lake...leave the current free park
like area alone. If more housing or businesses need to be on the lake ...let
them use the area where it is right now...

Christine krauzowicz

Buffalo, NY


save our Canel side

charles ellis

lockport, NY


keeping land in nature state. stop over development.

Dannielle Koerner

Hamburg, NY


If we want to grow as a society we need the ecomonic viability the outer harbor

Cynthia Osborne

Hamburg, NY


I want to preserve the beauty of the waterfront and it's wildlife.

John Ernst

Akron, NY


Should be for all people not for developers

Laurie Pawlak

Hamburg, NY


Because the waterfront belongs to ALL of us and the people need to have full
access. This means NO HOUSING! The waterfront should remain a natural

bonnie mueller

lake view, NY


people and animals need green space

Tom Jordan

Town of Tonawanda, NY


Please keep the new development in the downtown area. Today I took a
walking tour of downtown Buffalo and saw sill many boarded-up storefronts and
office buildings just waiting to be brought back to life.

Mary Keefe-Hinners

Orchard Park, NY


There is such a good view and there should be open space to enjoy the water.





Andrew Graham

Buffalo, NY


As a waterfront resident for over 25 years, I know that the Outer Harbor would
not be a good place to live. It has significant ground pollution. Winters there
are vicious. It is geographically disconnected. To make it a sustainable
community would require much new infrastructure, the cost and maintenance
of which would exceed any taxes new development could recover.
Development on this order would directly compete with the city's inner core and
near-by neighborhoods which should be our first priority for area revitalization.
The Outer Harbor is environmentally sensitive. Its best use, therefore, should
be recreational and largely seasonal. The outer shoreline in particular should
be respected. The inner shoreline along the Buffalo River and City Ship Canal
contains the best dockage at this end of Lake Erie. It would make no sense to
disrupt these facilities either economically or as a major contributor to the
area's quality of life.

Mark Brady

Williamsville, NY


There are plenty of places in Buffalo where commercial development can be

located. It is important that the Buffalo Outer Harbor be used for public benefit
and as a wildlife preserve.

Paulette Notaro

Buffalo, NY


we the people want unfettered access to our waterfront.

do not let housing developers make money from our waterfront.
all levels of income need to have prime access , not just the rich.

DeLynn Suszynski

West Seneca, NY


All of WNY and Visitors should have access to the beauty of the Outer Harbor.It
should not just be for the Wealthy to enjoy.

James Mohler

Buffalo, NY


I believe that we should duplicate the Canadian shore- more access and
natural spaces and less development

Judith Haun-brooker

Hamburg, NY


Preserve wild life habitats

Sheila Murphy

East Aurora, NY


More waterfront for more people

Constance Christ

Angola, NY


I believe we do need to develop but not to the extent of all this, natural whether
it be land or wildlife is a huge part of the harbor and as i drive by daily for work i
see more and more wildlife struck by cars because they are being driven from
their natural habitat. The city of Buffalo has plenty of space in from the outer
harbor that can be developed and should be, who wants to look at falling down
or vacant buildings while driving to the outer harbor, develop inland first.

Julie Norman

East Aurora, NY


I have ben waiting my entire life to have the outer harbor open to me in a
completely accessible way.

Patricia Jakubowski

Orchard Park, NY


The public is entitled to use this area for enjoyment. Do not let the Rich make
more money at the expense of citizens

Anne Fanelli

Elma, NY


Because too much of the waterfront is inaccessible to the public as it is.

Tino Bellanca

Buffalo, NY


The City has long been remiss in not developing our waterfront for all our
people and tourists as well! We don't need more housing on our public lands.

Michael Herrmann

Buffalo, NY


Because I live in Bflo and have seen some of the unwise planning of the past...


Buffalo, United States


I live here and love Buffalo!

Joanne Lundberg

Buffalo, NY


Keep residential property out of the outer harbor

Kevin Hickey

Buffalo, NY


Buffalo has PLENTY of empty space for commercial development. Leave the
waterfront alone.

Charles Kaars

Buffalo, NY


We must keep this area as open space to benefit all of the people of Buffalo
and environs and not as an elite residential community for the wealthy and to
protect an important avian flyway.





Veronica Michalek

Blasdell, United States


There does not need to be commercial developments at this part of the

waterfront. It's not ugly, it's a part of nature that most people enjoy on walks
and on the bike path that leads to the canal.

Maryann Byrwa

Buffalo, NY


Public access and wildlife land is more important to health and life than
constructing more housing on the waterfront.

Joan Gruen

Buffalo, NY


I want the outer harbor accessible to all of us.

daniel beyer

buffalo, NY


to keep housing out

Jack LoSecco

Manlius, NY


I was born and raised in Buffalo, my son goes to college there and I have many
relatives in the area. High density development would destroy an important
treasure for a city on the verge of rebirth. It would essentially destroy park land
and create a barrier eliminating the ability for residents to access and enjoy the
serenity that exists when land and water meet.

Maria Gleason

Niagara Falls, NY


I am a hobby birder and don't want to lose any species.

michael wesolek

lancaster, NY


we must stop any housing at the outer harbor.

Diane Evans

Grand Island, NY


WE need to preserve the green space we have so longed for on our waterfront.
We need to protect the migratory birds that stop here. Sincerely, Diane Evans

Judy Fabiniak

Buffalo, NY


I oppose private residential building on land that is much more valuable to the
area for other, public uses. And for the greater good of the Buffalo area.

Sandra Walch

Wilson, NY


I love the outer harbor. Keep it green like Niagara Falls,Ontario.

Todd Faut

Amherst, NY


I enjoy the outer harbor public areas

Theresa Paradowski

Buffalo, NY


The proposed plan will eliminate lake front scenery. Only those with wealth will
profit from the project. Many others will be forced to move.

Kathryn Stroehlein

East Amherst, NY


I feel strongly that the buffalo harbor area should be for all to enjoy!!! Not just a
select few!! We want Buffalo to be a place people will want to come and see
and experience!!!

Dale E. Railsback

Buffalo, NY


I live in North Buffalo. I grew-up on Tifft St in South Buffalo.

Maureen Anderson

Kennedy, NY


The natural beauty of the landscape is so important to the value of the Buffalo
residents who need a place to enjoy the water. I live in Chautauqua county and
would like to visit this area.

Mary Ann Gerstle

East Amherst, NY



tim herrmann

orchard park, NY


we don't need anymore housing on the waterfront..more public access

michael castanza

west seneca, NY


kayaker / runner opposed to housing developement

Janice Kissel

Collins Center, NY


I feel very strongly that MANY mistakes have been made in the Western New
York area in the name of progress. Those who have the power to change our
waterfront should do so very carefully and only with the consent of area

michael castanza

west seneca, NY


kayaker/ runner who wants to have ability to use " our " waterfront

Sandra Nowak

Buffalo, NY


The waterfront is beautiful and could be a huge tourist draw and place for
WNYers to enjoy if plenty of access is provided. Overdevelopment would
destroy this in the way that the beauty of our side of the Niagara Falls Parkway
is made ugly by all the business development and empty buildings---Where the
Canadian side has beauty,walkways,parking,public access and attractions
behind the gorgeously attractive scenery. Don't compound WNY's history of
errors!! (Also the rich have plenty of opportunity to travel+enjoy beautiful spots
all over the world that many WNYers cannot afford to do. Look at Baltimore,
Niagara-On-The Lake etc.----take success stories and failures, and then wisely
choose success for our waterfront---not pandering to the rich again.





Diane Goupil

Grand Island, NY


Ii enjoy the waterfront and don't want it for the primary enjoyment of the wealthy
who can afford condominiums. This area should also remain a place where
birds and waterfowl can continue to stop and rest, and nest.

Lisa Langenfeld

Hamburg, NY


We enjoy riding our bicycles at the outer harbor. Twice we have seen deer
there and dozens of birds. It gets developed and we will not be going there

Aaron Lowinger

Buffalo, NY


The outer harbor should be maintain minimal new residential development and
all development should seek to accentuate the environmental assets already in
place. Times Beach to Gallagher Beach with Tifft is an important ecological
corridor, let's keep that intact.

Judith Utz

East Aurora, NY


We need to make the lake accessible to the public.

Joseph Macielag

Tonawanda, NY


We have to protect and enjoy our natural resources and prevent further
"sprawl" which only adds to municipal burden!

Kathaleen Burke

Buffalo, NY


Buffalo citizen and member of Buffalo Niagara Waterkeepers

Patricia Ulrich

Buffalo, NY


Every day we take out two Golden Retrievers to Wilkeson Point for a walk.
They and we, love this spot and don't want it to change. There is a spiritual
quality to the place, especially at the pinnacle where the wind sculptures are
looking out at Lake Erie. Please preserve it. Thanks!

Ellen Schaffer

Barrington, RI


I am Buffalo born and raised and long to see the improvement of nature and
healthy public access along Buffalo's waterfront. It is critical to the overall wellbeing of the city and it's community of residents and businesses.

Mary Corp

Buffalo, NY


love the outer harbor to take family and friends and enjoy

Mary Anne Viehmann

Derby, NY


We need more green space on our beautiful lake - not more condos

Beth Ward

Hartford, NY


As a native of the Buffalo area, I know how important the waterfront is and feel
that it should always be available to all citizens, not just those who can "afford"

james brace

buffalo, United States


I value the water, the lake side, the plants, and animals in the natural
environment. Preserve the Great Lakes.

mary beyer

buffalo, NY


I think this land should be set aside for public space and nature.

Joan W. Barry

Lockport, NY


The harbor needs to be available to everyone

william duffy

hamburg, NY


after all these years waiting for someone to take the lead, the last thing we
need is housing there. i support utilizing terminals a and b. Im at wilkerson
landing and gallagher beach 3 to 4 times a week with my golden retriever. i visit
canalside quote frequently and my wife and i recently took the buffalo river
cruise. and also say that we support taking down that skyway.

Lonny Lewis

East Amherst, NY


We have plenty of old buildings that being turned into housing close by. Key the
waterfront public!!

Cathleen Meyers

Clarence Center, NY


We have waited so long to have GOOD things happen on our water front, I
hate to see this beautiful spot being obstructed with too much development
and/or the view saved for a few who can afford an expensive condo.

Susan Orr

East Aurora, NY


I love Buffalo and it's shore.

theodore szymaszek

buffalo, NY


I'm 76 years old, & still remember the toxic smells from bethlaham steel plant,
the paint co. on lee street, and the chemical plants in Niagara, when
they're finally making the waters available to people like myself, they want to
put up private, gated communities where there should be parklands. let's finish
the job right...tourists, and visitors will not be coming to this area to see those
buildings. there are enough buildings, from industries, along furman blvd, that
could be cleared away to make room for those communities.





Amy Johnson

Buffalo, NY


We need green space and access to it. Buffalo's waterfront is a precious

natural resource that is only now being understood for its value as a doorway to

Laura Loehr

Alden, NY


The general public has for too long been denied direct access to the waterfront
of Lake Erie; keep private housing away from here!! Keep the flyway open for
migrating birds and enhance the habitat for them and for non-migrating birds
and wildlife.

David Friedrich

Lockport, NY


I care about the waterfront as vital habitat for migrating and resident birds and

Claude Welch

Williamsville, NY


As a resident of the Buffalo area for over 50 years, I've seen parts of the
waterfront change from abandoned factories and railroad property to a vibrant
mix of public access and private housing - at a very high price.
I strongly urge that currently open space be maintained for multiple public
recreational purposes. Residential and commercial development, needed for
financial viability, should be concentrated in areas where buildings already

Diane Dale

Buffalo, NY


Keep our waterfront open to all people. I love biking there !

Mary Durlak

East Aurora, New


I want access to Lake Erie--the same thing every citizens' group has been

alice Rosenthal

Amherst, NY

asking for over the last 30 years of my interest in our waterfront.


preservation is essential for the quality of life for all of matter the socioeconomic in Buffalo.

Kathleen Herberger

East amherst, NY


The beautiful view will be hidden. Enough building, more green.

Brian Fitzgerald

Buffalo, NY


I want the public to have access to our waterfront

Carl Skompinski

Williamsville, NY


For as long as I have have been alive, the waterfront has been cut off from the
city and residents. Successful cities have waterfronts that are accessible to all,
not only to the rick and well to do. Here we have an opportunity to provide this
community an area that can be used for the benefit for all and not be a
continuation of "the concrete jungle". Let the ECHDC hold open meetings to
allow residents to voice their concerns and wishes. Not some silent "auction"
that was held under the guise of a public meeting.
Developers have a the whole Eastside and plenty of land for placemaking and
to help redesign our city to make it more livable. They can start by infilling the
over abundance of parking lots in Downtown Buffalo and put those lots to good
multi-use properties and parks.

Gary Witman

Clarence, NY


Let's preserve this resource for the many by keeping it public not for the
privileged few by allowing private development.

jola dzierzynska

Buffalo, NY


Power to the people!

Nina Wright

Buffalo, NY


This is crucial for the future of Buffalo to maintain the vision Olmsted brought to
the city in the 1800s of green space for all the citizens.We need to have the
land used by the greatest number of people. Use adjacent land for residential,
not prime real istate.




I live in Buffalo. . We don't have enough access to the water. Residences will
create a barrier to the water and ruin the unique ecology of our waterfront.

Linda King

Buffalo, NY


public access is needed, not condos and homes




have to protect the wildlife

Doreen Mitri

Buffalo, NY


I lived in Buffalo all my life. This waterfront property represents a significant

aspect of our national heritage and that it should be protected for public access
and for historical, environmental and educational purposes.





Roz Mayerat

Colden, NY


!st -for birds, 2nd-tired of only the wealthy having water access. If this is public
land-they shouldn't build housing. Gerry Rising said it all best!

William Leslie

South Wales, NY


The general public has finally starting to appreciate and use the outter harbor
waterfront access. The current proposal to use a portion of the waterfront for
housing (which would restrict access and visibility) is completely inappropriate.
Also, the property owned by NYPA is currently used as a boatyard and marina.
Is the intention to remove hundreds of current users of the waterfront in favor of
some high priced condos? Unbelieveable!

Norman Gibbon

Grand Island, NY


Keep this land open to all the public

louis flury

west seneca, NY


it is a treasure and needs to be open to the public forever !!!

Rachel Beerman

Brooklyn, NY


As Buffalo embarks on its newest period of growth it seems so important that

the community preserve this land so that it becomes a signature element of the
city, and a place where all can enjoy its beauty for generations to come.

terry Beerman

Buffalo, NY


The outer harbor will be a great Buffalo asset and its prime space should be
open to all. Commericial space for housing can be done on adjascent land not
on prime location property.


Orchard Park, NY


It has been denied to us for a generation

Kimberly Holtyn

Lancaster, NY


I believe in preserving our local heritage for generations to come. Should

be,accessible to all, not privatized.

Jack Sullivan

Kenmore, NY


For the reasons Gerry stated in his Sunday article.

pat sorbini

buffalo, NY


it is my city.

frank bartkowiak

lancaster, NY


Our waterfront is for the enjoyment of everyone....not just for those who can
afford to purchase waterfront property.

Eleanor Wieleba

Lackawanna, NY


Because we need to keep it as a parkland and not ruin it with housing.

Paul Borden

South Wales, United


This is important because I spend so much time in nature. Remember Thoreau,


"In wildness is the preservation of mankind." Do you want to be preserved or

sold out?

Dave Hunger

Cheektowaga, United


Because we have ZERO waterfront land available for recreation usage!!


Because our public waterfront parkland should remain so. Myself and hundreds

Dana Furman

Buffalo, NY

of other Buffalonians I know love and use the Outer Harbor. We don't want a
"world class" waterfront- we want a Buffalo waterfront. Authenticity, simplicity,
Judith Derry

Lockport, NY


waterfront conservation

Derek #1

Buffalo, NY


The Outer Harbor is one of our most precious resources. Rather than allow
developers to profit from this amazing waterfront, we need to ensure that it
stays in the public trust for our generation, and all future generations to enjoy.

Judith Slater

Williamsville, NY


crucial to public welfare and ecology of the area

deborah williams

buffalo, NY


The restorative nature of the water is not achieved in 125 feet of corridor
allowed by the state. Additionally, we do not need residential, commercial, and
cultural sprawl on the Outer Harbor. Our City resources are not even close to
being fully utilized yet.

Leonard Zemrac

North Tonawanda, NY


The waterfront is finite. It must be preserved for future generations who will
inherit what we do with it now. Follow the Canadian example.

Gloria Cannon

Derby, NY


Having grown up in the Old First Ward, it is exciting to see the rest of WNY
begin to discover our fantastic waterfront. The last thing needed there are big





Lauren Makeyenko

Buffalo, United States


I have worked along the Outer Harbor for 9 years. It is not suitable in the winter

Minor Outlying Islands

for residence. Public Parkland is of high importance to preserve the already

existing wildlife corridor. Help make it for everyone that uses the Outer Harbor not just people. Thank You.

Ken Najuch

Lancaster, NY


The outer harbor should be a resource and refuge to everyone and not just
those who pay to live there.

Mary McManus

Buffalo, NY


I strongly support this petition saving the outer harbor from development. This
area must stay open to the public with picnic and park areas along with
preserving the wildlife.

Richard Bonilla

Corona, NY


Would like less corporations controlling landmarks

Natalie Green Tessier

Buffalo, NY


the land is a beautiful park and should belong to everyone.

Martin Manjak

Albany, NY


Don't make the mistake Albany did and cut the city off from its waterfront.

andrew ploski

ny, NY


Preserve the waterfront for the public!

Timothy Warner

Brooklyn, NY


Our side of the Falls has always

looked BAD!

Carol Lawson

Jackson Height, NY


As a New Yorker, who has lived in NYC all her life, and watched real estate
developers run amok, I don't think it's a good use of our public spaces to "malli-fy" them, as they are trying to do with Flushing Meadow Park -- our public
officials, elected and on the take, are giving away what is left of our public
heritage for their personal edification and gain -- this is obscene!

margot brinn

Ithaca, United States


This is, whether recognized as such or not, a world heritage and should not be
used for anything other than public good, for beautification.

Antonia Shouse

Ithaca, NY


ALREADY too much ugliness and environmental degradation. STOP NOW!

Catherine Siemann

New York, NY


My parents live in the Buffalo area; I am in love with the lakeshore and the
area in general. So much of Buffalo needs to be preserved or rebuilt, while the
lakeshore should be accessible to all.

pamela scerba

clifton park, NY


I love Niagara Falls, I used to live in Rochester and went there all the time with
out of town visitors. It is truly a spectacular park and should be public property
for all to enjoy. Not only our citizens but international visitors as well

Dr. Virginai Lawson

Syracuse, NY


A water view for development purposes need not be on the waterfront IF the
land between is left, restored to natural setting with appropreate walk ways,
leaving the natural resources, bird habitat and views. Redesign this!!!

margie licchiello

Pleasant Valley NY, NY


I like the idea but scale it down abit. Margie

Alan Batterman

Monsey, NY


Since Buffalo is upriver from the Falls, any pollution generated by

overdevelopment can impact the Falls.

Barbara Riter

Buffalo, NY


Because Western New York has a great gift in the water that surrounds us and
it should be left for the greatest number of people to enjoy: those who live here
and those who will travel here.

Brian A. Wren

Sidney, United States



anita welych

syracuse, NY


We should preserve our great national treasures and not diminish them for
personal gain.

Robin Wallace

Buffalo, NY


I'm sick and tired of the city being so greedy for profits that they're willing to fall
for poorly thought out scheme after scheme. We've already lived through the
Bass Pro debacle where they poured millions into something that cost local
taxpayers but never came to fruition. C'mon Myron, grow a set and do
something besides grab face time! This area should belong to and be enjoyed
by every American, not just the greedy developers!





kyle cleveland

Buffalo, NY


rebuild what we have stop trying to make new when you have so much decay
fix it dont expand it

Daniel Hulseapple

Middletown, NY


Nature over human greed.

Joanne Foeller

Hamburg, NY


For preservation of the area for migrating birds.

Mary Kresge

Buffalo, NY


as we travel around the country we see to many of the one percenters gobbling
up the shore lines for there own personal gain. it's time to give what little park
like settings left along the shore to the rest of us.

Wendi Cohen

Ossining, NY


All our beautiful places & landmarks Etc. deserve our respecting & protecting &
all the nature in it all serve a purpose & are a big part of there eco-system & we
need to do more to protect them before it's too late especially since we have
the power to do so thank you?!!!

Wilma Cipolla

Buffalo, NY


We need open space along our beautiful waterfront, not more commercial

Sande Oliver

Rochester, United States


Check out with PayPal

I am signing because Niagara Falls is a national trasure we all need to protect.
Look at the Canadian side. Please sign this petition.

Daniel Lewis

Rochester, NY


Ive been to niagara falls before and it was a beautiful place

William Foeller

Hamburg, NY


Preserve the NATURAL beauty of the harbor.

Aaron Falk

Buffalo, NY


As a Buffalo resident, I think its important for a healthy city to balance the
urban and natural environments.

William Butler

Tonawanda, NY


We need to preserve our waterfront for natural habitat and public access plus
rebuild and rehabilitate our deteriorating neighborhoods.

James Greno

Buffalo, NY


I believe we should take every opportunity to preserve the waterfront as public

space. In the long and short run that's the best policy for a city with that kind of

Barbara Bronstein

Buffalo, NY


The beautiful outer harbor needs to be preserved for people and future
generations. Build the condos somewhere else there is plenty of unused land
on the east side of Buffalo. Once the waterfront is commercialized there will be
no turning back. WE need to learn from our past mistakes: the skyway and the
scajaqada expressway.

Jason Poole

rochester, NY


The Us side of Niagara Falls definitely needs a makeover, but not a corporate

Mary Kulinski

Buffalo, NY


We love to go to the waterfront. If it becomes privately owned our accessibility

will be limited.




As a former N.F. resident I am always saddened when I go back to visit. I

would love to see this beloved area restored.

Oluwaseun Eleyinafe

Bronx, NY


This is really an important place that the waterfront can be viewed from.

Mary Anderson

Astoria, NY


This development would be ugly and could harm birds.

Walt Murek

Buffalo, NY


The city long ago gave up access to the it's only other water, the Niagara river.
this our last chance to preserve the waterfront for our citizens.

eileen ortner

tonawanda, NY


We just got the waterfront back- I don't want to lose this beautiful gem to
overdevelopment. Everyone should be able to access this land.

Pat Carlson

Ithaca, NY


For a beloved national landmark we need MORE parklands, not just

"promenades" and "neighborhood" parks

Joan Sanford

Buffalo, NY


There is much building going on downtown now and the harbor is much better
than even 2 years ago Lets keep it for everyone not just a rich few.





richard ortner

tonawanda, NY


i ride my bike there twice a week.the best ride in years in the buffalo area

Ralph Raimi

Rochester, NY


In territory already crowded with cities, as is the case near Buffalo, NY, we
need all the green parklands we have, and cannot reduce their number without
loss, draining the future

Karen Ioviero

Hamburg, NY


It's a no-brainer, do what is best for ALL not just a few.

Bonita Martin

Medina, NY


I lived in Buffalo most of my life and have spent many days at Times Beach on
the trails. This land needs to be protected for the wildlife that is there as well as
the people who need to get away to someplace quiet and enjoy nature.

Diane Cress

Buffalo, NY


The Buffalo Outer Harbor project can be a monument to the beauty that what
was once and can be again the shoreline of eastern Lake Erie. Migratory birds,
animals and plants can share space with human visitors. Leave the condos
and restaurants to the areas of Buffalo that are beginning to thrive again.
Downtown, Elmwood, Hertel do not need more competition. What a great gift
to the future a shoreline park could be!

Sue Lewandowski

Orchard Park, NY


Twenty or so years ago I belonged to Southtown's Walleye Association and the

big push at the time was waterfront access. In Erie County, we have 90 miles of
shoreline - at the time more than 90% was privately owned and that has only
changed slightly in the years since. Putting housing and private business at the
downtown waterfront only serves a narrow (i.e. wealthy) population. Though it
will probably be rammed down our throats by the Robert Gioia and his ilk
doesn't make it viable.

Brenda Kousheshi

Orchard park, NY


I don't just want a promenade along the outer harbor, I want a significant area
for parks alson the watersedge for everyone's use not just a rich condiminium
owner neighborhood park. I want to go bird watching. I want picnic facilities
including washrooms not johnny on the spot.

Evelyn Hicks

West Seneca, NY


Buffalo's Outer Harbor represents the navigational and terrestrial gateway to

the City of Buffalo. It is a regional asset. Now is the time for clear-headed
thinking about the value of public access to Lake Erie. I believe that extending
the greenway belt to the Outer Harbor will provide habitat connectivity and
allow for additional passive recreational opportunities for the regions residents.

David Carnahan

Niagara Falls, Canada


All of the people need unfettered access to the waterfront in Buffalo.

John Shea

West Seneca, NY


for the future growth of buffalo region and not to repeat mistakes of the past. if
done right could make buffalo outer harbor unique in the world. present plans
are seriously flawed

Paul Hofheins

Tonawanda, NY


Waterfront land to too valuable to devote to individual houses. This land should
be open to all the public.

Carol Kite

Chttenango, NY


I agree that this proposal is a bad idea.

Trina Mitchell

Tallahassee, FL


I am from Buffalo and have family there. I love wild places and wild creatures
and we need to do all we can to help them out.

Jeremy Maxwell

Buffalo, United States


I enjoy Times Beach frequently and can't imagine a bird refuge can survive
with any further development. I'm all for Outer Harbor development, but there
must be (better) environmental impact studies first. The plan as it seems
currently is going to force the wildlife out. Tifft Farms would not be enough
refuge. There is so much more land further down Fuhrmann, why not develop
there? Why not ask the current industry to relocate with moving incentives?

Sheila Haggerty

Lackawanna, NY


Keep residential areas downtown, not the outer harbor.

Janet Harmon

New York, NY


We need public lands and bird habitat more than we need a few condos for rich





Elisabeth Ellor

New York, NY


I've see tne creep of privatizing waterfront property and sectioning off our public
lands for private investors. Create more beautiful public lands, don't profit off
our National heritage.

Mary D'Alessandro

Lackawanna, NY


Keep the water front for the use and enjoyment of the public.

A. S.

Fayetteville, NY


Please don't ruin the natural beauty of my home town!

Carol Nelson

East Aurora, NY


We the people of New York State, Erie County deserve free access to water

lynne perry

penfield, NY


It's all about the money. Yhey're trying to do the same things in Rochesterr...
reduce public access, build up private property /ndustrial holdings. My fear is
that this is the front runner to our great lakes fresh water becoming the next big
oil cartel.

John Cooper

Syracuse, NY


Preserve our Historical Sites,

but keep them available for all citizens to enjoy.Read the history of the falls,
you might learn something too!

Mredith Wilson

Orchard park, NY


The outer harbor should be natural parkland. Here and there a place of interest
like a museum, retail or restaurant. It should be a destination. Build it and they
will come. Condos will be for a few and lessen the appeal for the many.

Regina Hanchak

Cheektowaga, NY


It's the last remaining access to the lake. Housing and other private
development will negatively impact on this great natural resource.

Lynn Connare

Buffalo, NY


We don't need housing there...we need things that will bring people down there
to enjoy the area, not exclude them.

eric gallion

blasdell, NY


This is a precious resource that should belong to all, and once it's gone - it's
gone forever.

Marilyn Klaiber

Clifton Park, United



This is a magnificent waterway and an historical part of our heritage. So many

people have evn spent their honeymoons at this beautiful spot. Do not take
more beautiful spots away from out public lands! This is MY NY and I want it

William Cox

Buffalo, NY


Our waterfrount should be for everybody. It has been spoiled by the Niagara
Thruway, the Skyway and many other mistakes. Do not make another one!!

Doris Jones

Buffalo, NY


Waterfront should be kept for everyone to enjoy. There are plenty of condos
already. Do not need any more!

Kenneth Lelito

Buffalo, NY


I am sick and tired of developers wanting to destroy our shoreline buy putting
up $500,000.00 houses and limiting the publics access.

Karen Roberts

Buffalo, NY


The natural beauty and open spaces along the waterfront should be enhanced
for the people of the city of Buffalo to enjoy. We have enough ugly buildings
(not to mention vacant/abandoned ones) to look at already.

Phyllis Newman

East Amherst, NY


to quote John Muir "everyone needs beauty as well as bread,places to play in

and pray in, where nature may heal and give strength to body and soul"

Karen Howard

Lake View, NY


I have gone bike riding there and walked through Times Beach. The area
would be ruined forever with that amount of development. Keep it green and

Loretta Malabre

Buffalo, NY


I have lived in Buffalo for 65 years. We the residents want and deserve access
to the waterfront without the developers and greedy polititions making
MILLIONS off the rest of us. I fully support Sean Ryan and Brian Higgins.

janice barton

east aurora, NY


Waterfronts should be accessible to the public, not private.





Rick Johnson

Buffalo, NY


This is a unique natural public asset that should not be corrupted by housing
for the privileged few. World class parkland and nature preserves have a yearround attraction that will be beneficial to the entirety of our community.
Developers should look elsewhere.

Christine Snyder

Cheektowaga, NY


This land should be accessible to everyone.

Linda Regan

North Tonawanda, NY


I am a native Buffalonian and a frequent visitor to the outer harbor. Much

progress has been made in revitalizing the area. Much more needs to be done
to make the area available to us all, not the wealthy few who would restrict
public use.

Joan Mondul

Buffalo, NY

this is one of the most beautiful sites to watch the sunsets -and an additional
draw to build a Buffalo community


East Amherst, NY


PUBLIC ACCESS=more vibrant community= more young educated

population=more prosperous WNY




We are fortunate to have waterfront to visit.

Phoenix Hawelu-Hills

Buffalo, NY


Why does Buffalo sell out when we finally get something good going? The
waterfront should be accessible to all (more than it is now!).

Barbara Sobczak

Baldwinsville, United



I am a native Buffalonian and return several times a year to enjoy, among other
things our beautiful lake front. Please leave it alone and build your
houses/condos elsewhere

Helen Kuppel

Irving, NY


Because I feel it is the right thing to. Love our parks

Patricia Hall

Buffalo, NY


Public sentiment has been very verbal about not obstructing the access to
Buffalo's waterfront. We lost public access in Lasalle Park. Let's not let
development impede access @ Times Beach

Annemarie Jason

Buffalo, NY


Protect wildlife and environment; use space for ALL people, not just visitors
and people with more money, especially corporations.

Deborah Martin

Yorktown, VA


I also live in Buffalo several months throughout the year.

Thomas Zimmerman

Hamburg, NY


We visit that area throughout the summer and fall. Please keep it public.

John Costello

Lancaster, NY


Let's get it right, don't keep repeating past mistakes/misuse!

Nina Kaars

Harwich, MA


I lived in the Buffalo for many years. The Lakefront development is an

opportunity to do things right.... to make is available to everyone, to make it
environmental friendly. Do not wall it off for a few and ruin the environment.

roland hayes

williamsville, NY


I am a life-long boater and this area is critical for access and docking for
Buffalo's sailing activities, in addition to environmental concerns.

Sylvia Robison

Eden, NY


Bike path and the beautiful view of the lake

Bridget Humann

Buffalo, NY



MaryBeth Neary

Buffalo, NY


I believe in the future of Buffalo!

Clare Corbett

Buffalo, NY


This is one of my favorite spots in the world! It holds so many great memories. I
would hate to see it be commercialized and ruined when it's already so perfect.

Linda Zippier

Grand Island, NY


This land should be accessible to the public.

Alfred Minklei

Grand Island, NY


Because housing, retail and restaurants on the Outer Harbor

will create a satellite city, for the wealthy only, and compete with established
neighborhoods in the city. This city has a good stock of existing housing, let's
not take away from what many areas, Elmwood and Hertel, for example have
built up into viable neighborhoods. Instead of creating more, wealthy only,
neighborhoods, lets help those still striving to renovate existing ones.





MIchelle Spilecki

Schenectady, United


I went to college in Buffalo and even back then I found it hard to believe how


little of Lake Erie's shoreline was available to the general public and wild life.
PLEASE cultivate more public parkland there instead of continuing to clog it




I live at the waterfront and see how mnay people want to use it for recreation

Donald Winkelman

Cheektowaga, NY


To keep the water front open to every one.

Patricia Pendleton

Buffalo, NY


The harbor development is needed by all the residents and we need to keep
shoreline access open and available to all. Residential highrises can be set
back from the water and people will be able to enjoy water views. PS. Consider
requiring luxury housing to include affordable units for the rest of us peons.

Robert Bohner

Buffalo, NY


Preserving the space for a people is super important.

Darlene Hill

Whitesboro, NY


We need to save our parklands.

Richard T. McCarthy

Buffalo, NY


I want a place I can go, a place I can take my grandchildren that IS natural. I
am really tired of everything having a dollar sign attached to its importance. If
you want infrastructure and housing and commercial please..take advantage of
the east side of Buffalo.

Kathy Hardiman

Olean, NY


We need to keep open spaces. They are the calming balance to the hectic

christopher cahill

Buffalo, NY


tired of rent seeking behavior from big corporations

Margaret Anderson

Orchard Park, NY


I believe it's important to keep a balance. There has been wonderful progress
on Buffalo's waterfront. We need to be able to enjoy some of it by public
access, to watch the waves and the birds, etc. Thank you!

Steve Cooperdock

Hamburg, NY


We need to keep our green spaces for our grandchildren to enjoy

Josephine Komarmi

Orchard Park, NY


I believe that the outer harbor should be for us to enjoy, not for the wealthy.
Access should be for everyone, and if condo go up, the public will be shut out.

Lucille Emmi

Hamburg, NY


This land should be experienced by all in Western New York, not just a select
few. Let's keep this land green and for the public good.

Mary Bisson

Buffalo, NY


For public access and environmental preservation.

Christina Hart

Setauket, NY


This is a geographical landmark that should be preserved and cleaned up, not
privitized for the rich, blocked from the public THEN beautified. Completely
outrageous and unacceptable. Selfishness.

Peter Zippier

Grand Island, NY


The outer harbor should be for everyone to enjoy.

Henry Karcher

Cheektowaga, NY


Natural habitat is constantly being destroyed for "development" - money. Future

generations will have to go to museums to see what wilderness and wildlife
used to look like.
So who's helping the developer fast-track this approval? The public may want
to know this.

Richard Komarmi

Orchard Park, NY


I've come to enjoy the beauty and recreational opportunities that the outer
harbor provides. I never thought I would see the progress that's been made
there in my lifetime. Now in my 70's I'm hopeful of enjoying this gem with
friends family and out of town guests from now on.

Linda Difrank

Amherst, NY


This should be preserved as public parklands!!

Carol Cedro

Depew, NY


I agree that the land should be protected for public access and for historical,
environmental and educational purposes. If our tax money is to be spent, it
should not go to the builders of condominiums or commercial buildings, but
rather to make the space parkland, as at Wilkeson Point.





Carolyn Buxton

Tollesbury, United


I grew up in Buffalo and think it is very important that people can connect with


the water there.

Lucy Barbera

Bearsville, NY


it is a wonder of the world and a U.S. and NYC treasure

gregory wiatrowski

buffalo, NY


I fish, kayak, bicycle, photograph wildlife here. This is no place to develop


Sharon Wiatrowski

Depew, NY


I want my family, who live in or around the Buffalo to have access to the
beautiful waterfront. Like St. Louis MO.

Jim Koelmel

Hamburg, NY


We need to save the outer harbor for public access and wildlife and not turn it
over to developers for private development of residential buildings. All
residential should be in the existing building as the south end of the outer
harbor in existing buildings.

Mary Ellen Glass

Gulfport, FL


Please do not destroy the environment. We were never told about over 2000
housing units. Please don't do this!!!

Dale Neseman

Hamburg, NY


Preserving all of Buffalo's history is a priority.

Florine Melnyk

Buffalo, NY


Let's not make more mistakes in Buffalo. Preserve Nature and we preserve

Dip Bhattacharya

Clarion, PA


Freedom and Clean Air

Lucinda Greene

Harrison Valley, PA


I saw this area during the Rust Belt days and found it very sad that this corridor
leading into the city had so little green space left. Now the powers that be have
a golden opportunity to create a one of a kind showpiece for the city that
incorporates its history and includes access to its public. Please do not
overdevelop this area again and repeat past mistakes that left it an eyesore.

Jenece Gerber

Buffalo, NY


The Outer Harbor is a critical sensitive environment that is far removed from
any infrastructure needed to support development - particularly residential
development. It is disconnected from the city and would require exorbitant
environmental remediation and maintenance costs to support development in
what would be an absolutely inhospitable place to live in the winter and in
storms that sweep across Lake Erie. The natural regeneration that has been
started in the Outer Harbor is beautiful and significantly adds to the livability
and vitality of the whole city Buffalo. Instead of sprawling into environmentally
sensitive and incredibly vital coastal areas, let's focus on rebuilding the broken
residential areas of the city.

Christina Donegan

Buffalo, NY


I sail and have enjoyed the waterfront for 20 some years. Housing is not
needed down there esp housing that would limit the area to their security and
our no access....rethink this please.

Philip Coppens

Williamsville, NY


We need a waterfront for everybody to enjoy. No mistakes this time, PLEASE!

Lance Marafiote

Spring Hill, FL


Not only is this a landmark of two nations, it's about habitat, nature, history and
future. Oh, yeah; it brings in money, too. Destroy it, and money will be what it
takes to fix it.

Karen Licker

Hamburg, NY


I believe the waterfront is an asset that belongs to everyone.

Francoise Mathews

Chicago,, IL


This is public property that should not be privatized for the rich and it will
imbalance the ecosystem. This is pur greed!

Linda McAlpine

Hamburg, NY


We enjoy going to the waterfront. I don't feel that we need housing there or
large commercial development.

Don Shedd

Buffalo, NY


Important resource

Barbara Blyth

Hamburg, NY


The lake should be accessible to everyone.





John & Teri Drum

Orchard Park, NY


The outer harbor is for everyone! There are plenty of sites in close proximity
that could be developed for housing.

Jusing grandits

Buffalo, NY


kerp our lakefront open and beautiful

fran campagna

eden, NY


it's harder and harder for walkers to enjoy a peaceful green space, away form
crowds and noise. no condos-build them in cities where they belong.

David Terpin

Tonawanda, NY


I would love to see the outer harbor get doneand the Peace Bridge done and
bring more people downtown Buffalo.
build up the waterfront build up Niagara Falls

Bonnie Scheller

Williamsville, NY


Everyone loves to be near the water and enjoy the outdoors. Don't build more
condos and office buildings and DON'T build another football stadium down
there either that will take up more tax payer dollars and unwisely use the
beautiful green space and lake views.

Manon Paquet

West Seneca, United


Quality of life to have Public Parklands!


Less development on waterfront like this is important for the environment and

States Minor Outlying

Joanne Bolemon

Casselberry, FL

for recreational use.

Barry Chapman

Buffalo, NY


We need to do our best to maintain public access to our waterfront and create
greenspace, not condos.

Adrianne Mostiller

Buffalo, NY


I don't believe that the area of Buffalo Outer Harbor should be privatized. There
have been people living in that area for over thirty years. To renovate is one
thing but to take it from them and turn into an area for the rich or upperclass is
totally unjust. It's beautiful in that area and there are up and coming
generations living in that area too that deserve to dream and live bigger and
better in one of Buffalos most prime area that is filled with rich culture.

Wayne Gall

Lancaster, NY


Priority on the waterfront should be preservation of open space for public

access and protection of wildlife habitat and natural values.

Noreen McAllister

Hamburg, NY


We enjoy both walking and running in this scenic area.

Stuart Rubin

Getzville,, NY


The development will ruin a potentially beautiful natural area that we need and
have so little of thanks to Robert Moses and all the previous industrial
developers. We also need to preserve this wildlife habitat.

Marie Evans

Amherst, NY


Even though I live in the suburbs, downtown and the waterfront are my
entertainment and recreation destinations.

Chris Snyder

Hamburg, NY


I oppose housing development in this valuable parkland.

Carolyn Montgomery

Burr Ridge, IL


I believe in saving mother nature

Anne Grupp

East Amherst, NY


We will never regret having equal access to a natural waterfront. We or those

who come after may regret any other choice for "our" waterfront. We must be
good stewards of this gem.

Robert Henderson

Amherst, NY


For the total environmental community and our contct with it. Also, for the
scenic area that we can enjoy.

Marguerite Coppens

Buffalo, NY


To preserve Buffalo's natural beauty.

Gary Pletscher

Boston, NY


Green Space

candace hines

hamburg, NY


ride my bike there all summer and must have wild development

michael cerny

williamsville, NY


open space, green space, outer space

Donna Swinnich

Hamburg, NY


As a citizen, I would be extremely insulted not to have access to that waterfront






Terence Mosher

Fredonia, NY


For the area's beauty and its importance to wildlife, specifically waterfowl, gulls,
and songbirds.

Jacyra Guard

Buffalo, NY


PLAN for the next 7 generations, not just for upper middle class housing!!

Nicole Urdang

Buffalo, NY


I believe in public access for the waterfront.

Liz McQuaid

Cleveland, OH


I have been to Buffalo's harbor and enjoyed it immensely as it is. If it all

became private residential properties, where would tourists go to enjoy it?

Kenneth Archambault

Birmingham, AL


Don't approve this development! Save public lands for wildlife and the
enjoyment of ALL of us!

Brian Wulker

Cincinnati, OH


I'm signing because I'm tired of seeing important migratory bird habitat being
developed for a "better" purpose by individuals who think money is the only
thing of value in the world.

Wesley Boyce

Fairport, NY


I support that this area should be maintained as an area for environmental and
educational access. I support its use as a resting area for migratory birds.

Sandra Buckles

Burton, OH


We are in a fight in Geaug County Ogio to save our Parks from ATVs
skateboard parks drilling and gun ranges.

Chuck Slusarczyk Jr.

Cleveland, OH


Preservation of wild lands is vitally important and destroying vital habitat is

irresponsible stewardship of our natural resources. Please reconsider this

peter yoerg

buffalo, NY


call me for an earful...

Jerry Cairo

Colimbus, OH


Don't like development in places that's still undeveloped.

Tom Wasilewski

Edinboro, PA


Very Important to preserve bird and other wildlife habitat.

Kathy Flora

Thompson, OH


Preserve natural areas for our clean air and water and wildlife diversity so that
we might live and thrive

Susan Quaintance

Buffalo, NY


This is an area my husband and I walk and/or bicycle every spring, summer
and fall. The waterfront should be open to the public. There is no reason that
big buildings should be put there, for housing or anything else. There are
already waterfront condos further up the waterfront. Please help to preserve
the Outer Harbor for people and nature.

Irene Lavin

Amherst, NY


My husband and I see the need for available public parklands by the water for
the people of Buffalo--and the many thousands, who visit our area each year.
Utilize those buildings we have already instead of using key areas of this
resource area for condominiums and commercial buildings. Also, follow the
example of FL Olmsted in preserving and making nature accessible for the
benefit of the Western NY area. More people will come to such an area, if it is
available, rather than one with less accessible waterfront. Thank you.

john black

st. catharines, Canada


Beaches are our last opportunity , for those of us who do not live beside the
lakes, to access the shorelines of our wonderful environment.

Larry Wilson

Elyria, OH


We have plenty of luxury condos, but the birds and other wildlife are running
out of habitat. I don't want to have to look up pictures of extinct birds to show
my grandchildren what they used to look like.

Mary Jean Janora

cheektowaga, NY


I'm a bird conservationist

Eric Felton

Newport, MI


The preservation of wildlife areas is extremely important. Building in these

areas will result in the destruction on needed natural areas. Years from now
the built up area will only become another blighted area wasting taxpayer
money to restore it to the previous wildlife area

Marlene Davis

Elma, NY


I love the outer harbor and to put residences there is ludicrous. We already
have limited access toLake Erie





Nelson mostow

Moreland Hills, OH


The privatizing and development of natural land is of great concern, not only in
New York but other states as well. Public Parklands were established as a
legacy not only for us but for future generations and shouldn't be squandered
for short term economic gain.

Cindy Pirson

Buffalo, NY


I'm signing because green space is critically important in this area. Green
space can be successfully shared and used by people and wildlife. This area is
extremely important habitat for migrating birds and there are already plenty of
shops and restaurants to go to - we don't need to make room for more. This
area needs to be preserved.

inga schmidt

cleveland hts, OR


there are so few areas left for birds to rest during migration.....some shoreline
has to be available to them. let's not be responsible for the next passenger

Timothy W Ashton

Buffalo, NY


It would be wonderful to have open space so near to downtown. What a

wonderful contrast and opportunity. There are acres of nearby land to develop

Peter Gold

Buffalo, NY


Get it right the first time.

Nancy Rice

Rochester, NY


The continued privatization of land that should be accessible to all, including

birds, is still another example of efforts to "sell off" our and our children's,

Michael Zook

Mansfield, OH


Our natural area need to be kept natural. I think there are more than enough
condo's along the shore already. We don't need any more.

Carla Hall

Wooster, OH


Please help save shoreline habitat for migrating birds. Development should
occur farther back from the shore, leaving a natural area. Thank you.

Timothy Delventhal

Buffalo, NY


Preserve wildlife Habitats

Pamela Righter

Buffalo, NY


I can not imagine anything more atrocious than the proposed waterfront
development in the Buffalo outer harbor. We must not continue to destroy
green space. Please stop this abomination.

Linda Sharp

Dayton, OH


I spend money and visit the Lake Erie shoreline repeatedly for the last 30 plus
years. We need to protect Lake Erie sores and not develop it.

Elaine Snively

Massillon, OH


Bird-watching and scenic beauty.

Marilyn O'Connell

Silver Creek, NY


I am a birder and concerned about too much development. Not enough open
areas for people to enjoy walks along the lakeshore and be able to observe all

kathleen shoemaker

buffalo, NY


for reasons stated in the petition

Carol Smidutz

Tiffin, OH


The lake soul be injoyed by all ,not only the ones who can afford it.

jeffrey berchou

tonawanda, NY


There is a natural beauty there that highend condos will not enhance

Gary Schwartz

Buffalo, NY


Continue to preserve habitat for bird life. If residential must be included build it
to the South of the outer harbor where development is already established. The
lest amount of negative impact will be imposed . W don't need more exclusive
housing restricting public access to an IBA that is one of the most unique in
the country.

Susan Kandzer

Novelty, OH


Wild places and public waterfront are in short supply. They matter to the health
of many species, including man. It is much more valuable to a much wider
group of people as public parkland.

Barbara McQueeney

Buffalo, NY


I want green space and to protect wildlife.





Kathleen Sweetman

Rochester, NY


Lakes Erie and Ontario are incredibly important wildlife habitat, especially
during spring and fall migration. Interestingly, before this petition came to my
attention I picked up a book at the library entitled "The Fourth Coast" by Mary
Blocksma. The author drove from the St. Lawrence Seaway to Minnesota. In
her book she talks about how hard it is to get close enough to see the lakes at
many points in the journey. The privately owned land and the industry along the
shorelines exclude the public and destroy necessary habitat. Along the Erie
shore in Ohio wetlands are being recreated because the effect of filling them in
was so detrimental to water quality and water control.
I strongly feel that coastline should be retained for public use, enjoyment and
education. And I feel that we should set aside adequate resources in an effort
to preserve the environment rather than paying lip service to that end.

Robert Drajem

Buffalo, NY


We do not need any housing in this area with more than enough available

Anne Izydorczak

Amherst, NY


For my children and theirs.

Ann Pendley

Buffalo, NY


I want our shoreline to mirror the Canadian side- beautiful multi-use paths that
do not interfere with the natural environment. A space that Frederick Law
Olmsted might have approved of as a respite for migratory birds and humans
alike, not just more construction of buildings that provide profit for developers
and leave the community with wasted space and an eyesore. Save our outer
harbor for public enjoyment for generations to come!

Carol Borom

East Aurora, NY


Buffalo needs space for ALL it's residents, not just the wealthy.

Norma Henderson

Amherst, NY


public access, bird sntuarty, undeveloped, free wildlife place for all put housing
away fron the waterfront as it limits true access

liz kalisiak

north tonawanda, NY


We don't need an extension of hotels and restaurants in this it for

an environmental resource

William Burke

Hamburg, NY


janet wasmund

Buffalo, NY


I don't want to see another Harbor Pointe or Rivermist.

I'm afraid the ones with the money will get the houses and townhouses. No
way should that happen.
Eric Schlabach

North Canton, OH


To protect the natural state of the waterfront for animals, especially birds, and
people to use.

Perrie'Lee Prouty

Rockville, MD


It is important to preserve access to our natural resources (if that is

water such as lakes, rivers) by citizens. That goes for destructive wind farms
as well.

Kathleen Contrino

North Tonawanda, NY


Preservation of vital migratory property, green space and quality of life issues.
I travel everywhere and green space is what brings people to the waterfront.

Sandra Burton

Cheektowaga, NY


For the children and for us

Jay Wentland

Williamsville, NY


Buffalo needs more green space and can offer residential within the city nearer
to new shopping and developments

Mary Steuer

Tonawanda, NY



Mary O'Herron

Buffalo, NY


The Outer Harbor property setting, as it now stands, is a precious haven and
unique sanctuary for area residents, visitors, butterflies, birds and other living
creatures. The more natural and development -free it remains, the more it will
holistically benefit the common good,..particularly because so many city
residents have such terribly limited access to places that soothe the mind,
heart and soul!





Joseph Schroeder

Buffalo, NY


Public access to green space on the waterfront for the general public. Not
housing for the elite in Buffalo.

Mary Ferguson

Orchard Park, NY


I am concerned about the wildlife, and also about preserving the natural
beauty, which is a gift!

Cynthia Allen

Buffalo, United States


This property must be protected for public access, environmentally, for

migrating birds NOT for privatization for condos and/or commercial buildings.
This area is for all the people - not just the few (you know who you are).

Pamela Heilman

Buffalo, NY


We only have one just to get this right. The key word is space which is not a
green strip along the water.

David Kiefer

Buffalo, NY


commercial development or housing on this land will only benefit rats like

Deborah Froeschl

Buffalo, NY


I grew up in the Ward and believe the shore should remain wild

Paul Przybysz

Buffalo, NY


I live in South Buffalo!!. My family and I use the lake shore alot during the
summer and restricting travel through to the lake is greedy and disgusting!!.

JoAnn Calandra

East Amherst, NY


Can't we ever have a pkace of natural beauty without putting buildings on it ???

laura dahl

Buffalo, NY


So important to keep and protect out!

Linda Costa

Buffalo, NY


Important the waterfront is available for all to enjoy as well as saving the bird

Dennis P. Lennon

Buffalo, NY


I would like the outer harbor open to the public not commerce.

Patricia Frey

Buffalo, NY


I do not want residences in the Buffalo Outer Harbor development plan. It

should be accessible and mostly natural.

Joan Berwaldt

Youngstown, NY


It will give more people the opportunity to access and enjoy the beauty we have

Rebecca Schafer

Dunkirk, NY


We need to preserve the history of the outer harbor and maintain that property
as a place for people to enjoy and spend time there.

Gail Donaldson

Buffalo, NY


agree with Gary Rising and statement at left, parkland not multistory,
multipurpose, or commercial buildings contributes most to the most citizens of
Buffalo, and the region.

Stacey Kranz

Hamburg, NY


Public access to the waterfront is extremely important - the public should be

able to enjoy the natural beauty and views without muti level condos for the rich
and inevitable privatizing after completion - it is inevitable - seen it happen too
many other places- what we finally have now is thrilling - keep the concrete out

Eric Ptak

Tonawanda, NY


I believe the most important part of the development of the waterfront is

maximum public access to the water. Privatizing any of it will diminish its value,
and decrease the attractiveness of going there.

Carol Botticelli

Hamburg, NY


I'm signing because I love Buffalo and believe the waterfront/outer harbor
should remain public. We've waited long enough.

Peggy Ptak

Buffalo, NY


I want more public access, not less

Diane Redding

Williamsville, NY


Our beautiful waterfront should be available for everyone to enjoy. Also I don't
believ these areas would be practical to live in in the wintertime.

Michael Phillips

Buffalo, NY


keep the harbor for all the public

JoAnne Long

Clarence, NY


I'm signing because I think the waterfront should belong to everyone-not for
developers to make money building housing that only the rich can afford!

Douglas Domedion

Medina, NY


Because it is a public area of nature's wonders and should be open to all as


Nancy Vigyikan

Orchard Park, NY


public access, important bird flyway





Jennifer beahan

Buffalo, NY


The whole reason I enjoy the harbor is for the natural beauty!

Fred P. McNeela

Buffalo, NY


We do not need housing on what has been promised as free & open public

Kristen Reilly

Buffalo, NY


After many decades of waterfront occupation by industry, it is time for the

waterfront to be PUBLIC ACCESS! Replacing industry with corporate profiteer
development that would again keep the public away from the lakefront IS NOT

Daniel Ihrke

Angola, NY


The lake should be for everyone to enjoy without obstruction caused by


Toby Kane

Irving, NY


I grew up in the Buffalo area with virtually no close-in access to the lake. (we
had to go to Canado for that). We have an opportunity to make this a truly
special and unique place acccesible to all. Houses and condos can be built
anywhere... please don't build them here!

christopher muranyi

Kenmore, NY


Because, I want to see my own homeland become something much, much

bigger and better! Also, I agree with the one Solar company that should be
taking place sometime in 2015 or 2016. With that in place, the rest of the
United States should know about where this kind of technology is going to
happen at, "BUFFALO!!!"

John Schimminger

Buffalo, NY


There is no need for new neighborhoods in Buffalo. All energies should go to

preserve existing neighborhoods. The only housing on the outer harbor should
be converted existing industrial buildings. The rest should remain parkland.

Nancy Oakes

East Aurora,, NY


Citizens have waited so long to reclaim the waterfront. We do not wish to sign
it over to yet another special interest group.

ann obermeier

buffalo, NY


the waterfront belongs to all the people, not just the rich.

Mark Nichter

Lancaster, NY


To protect the wildlife

ron miller

Buffalo, NY


please listen to our out cry for preservation!!!!

Fred Langdon

Orchard Park, NY


Because it belongs to all of us!

Ann Bellows

Buffalo, NY


I'm signing because I believe turning this area into a public park to be
extremely important.

Rita Gallagher

Buffalo, NY


Let's get it right the first time!

ME McNeill

Buffalo, NY


Please follow the people not the developers interests.

walt olszowy

lackawanna, NY


we need to keep this parcel of land public

Sean McAtee

East Aurora, NY


I am a bicyclist. Several times each year I travel to Canada to ride on the

excellent trails that Canada has built along the Niagara River and the Welland
Canal. I hope that the day will arrive in which I can enjoy a similar ride in my
own country.

Cynthia Jelstrom

Lake View, NY


The Outer Harbor should be totally accessible to the public

Jim Mendola

Buffalo, NY


Cost of infrastructure and future city services far exceed economic benefit that
developers claim. Opoen space far more valuable than further urban sprawl for
developers benefit. Improve the city core not this unique chance for a
magnificent park for all.

Anne Clark

Buffalo, NY


I use the waterfront , finally!!!, do not over develop for housing. You just know it
will go to the wealthy. Or the lowest incomes, leaving out the middle class , in
turn it will decrease access to the water , and
Limit green space. We have waited forever for this. Do not blow it now

David Grotke

Snyder, NY


I'm signing because the Lake waterfront should be protected from commercial
development. Instead it should be a public jewel and accessible to all.





Robert Zahm

Colden, NY


All these park lands should remain in the public domain, for all to enjoy.

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