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Step One: Define

Communication and Marketing Planning

Guide for School Counselors


Project Title:_________________________________________________
Project Team Members:

1. Initial Process Data:

2. Goal Statement:

3a. WHOIdentify your target audience(s)

based on Initial Process Data:

3c. WHYHow will this help

you or your target audiences:

3b. WHATIdentify what you want to see at the

end and any resources you have:

3d. WHEREMethod this will go


3f. WHENIdentify the time

frame, duration, and ideal time:

Created by Jeff Ream (2014). www.thecounselinggeek.comReproduction by permission only.

Step Two: Design

4. DescribeDescribe your message in a short paragraph:

5. Socializere-write your message in 140 character or less for a Tweet and compose a Facebook

6. Announcecreate a script for an announcement, phone blast, or elevator speech:

7. Catchy titleuse your created content to come up with a catchy title that will attract attention:

Additional descriptive language or adjectives for your project:

8. Visualizethink of an image, feeling, color scheme, or mood the message will present:

Who will be responsible for locating graphics and formatting the visuals:

Created by Jeff Ream (2014). www.thecounselinggeek.comReproduction by permission only.

Step Three: Deploy

9. Deployment How will this be communicated:

Deployment Schedulewill this be repeated? If sowhen:

Project Start Date/Deadline:____________________________________________________

Step Four: Determine

10. Results Data PlanHow will you collect results data:

Summary of Results DataWhat did your results data tell you?

Did you meet your 2. Goal Statement? (If yes, what worked? If no, what can you do dierent?)

11. One paragraph recap:

12: Next Steps:


Created by Jeff Ream (2014). www.thecounselinggeek.comReproduction by permission only.

The Four Ds



Define Audience

Needs Assessment

Develop Goals

Select marketing focus

Define purpose

Assess Resources



Pick deployment method

Collect Data/Analytics

Diversify your Reach

Compare goals to data

Begin Marketing

Determine next steps

Created by Jeff Ream (2014). www.thecounselinggeek.comReproduction by permission only.

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