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Kocsis Istvn

Der Rote Baron

English-German film history.
The film was directed by Nikolai Mllerschn. The composer Stefan
Hansen and Dirk Reichardt. The main actor Matthias Schweighofer

It is directed by Nikolas Mllerschn. The main character is

Manfred von Richthofen. He and his brothers fighted in World
War I. He was the best fighter pilot. His nickname was "Red
Baron",because his plane was red. This film is about his life,his
love and his success.His girlfriend was a nurese.Her name was
Kate Oteesdorf.I think it is not a tipical film about wars,because
these pilots loved their country and nation but they respected
their enemies,too.
This film is not only attractive and interesting historical film, but also
very character-forming.

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