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Math 9 Tool Kit - Chapter 2 Powers and Exponent Laws KEY Powers 7 Exponent 5x5x5 125 Power’ Jase Repeated Multiplication Standard Form Multiplying/Dividing Integers SS + OxQor Qe x4) or C+) + or even # of negative signs is + or odd # of negative signs is — Ex. (-1)(-3)(1)(-5)(-1) = +15 since 4 (even) — signs. Powers with Brackets (BP = (YG) = Ht AP = text Ex. (4)? = (4-4) = +16 Ex. -49*-4x4=-16 Zero Exponent Law n? = 1 as long asn #0 Ex. 59=4 Ex. (5)=1 Ex. -59 ‘Adding Integers (+) = yellow (+) Q+O0=0 10 Ex. (-4) + (-6)=-10 (+) + (-) = depends on what's left over after zero pairs cancel Ex. 44(6)=-2 Ex. (-4) +(6)=2 = ‘Subtracting Integers ‘© Subiracting integers is the same as adding its opposite Ex. (-8)-4 Ex. (-4) +5 —(-2) (+4) (-4) #54 (42) =412 (-4)+7 Order of Operations BEDMAS B — Brackets Ex. £34 (2-47 E — Exponents £:34-(2)(16))° D—Divide > from left to right £34 —(-32)P M— Multiply > from left to right £34 + (+32) A-Add > from left to right (2) S Subtract > from left to right 2) x(-2) x2) = 8 Exponent Laws 1 +r amen Product of Powers: a™ X a” as long as a #0 Ex. (-2)°x (-2)8 = (-2 x -2 x -2) x (-2 x -2) = (-2)"? = -25 = 32 amn Quotient of Powers: a™ + a” as long as a#0 Ex. (-3)! x (-3)8 = (-3)!*8 = (-3)'9 = (-3)'°* = (3% = 9 (3 (3P 3) NOTE: Exponent Laws cannot be used when adding or subtracting powers Ex. 42+ 494.45 16 +64 =80 Exponent Laws 2 )? = al™" as long as a #0 Power of a Power. (a™ Ex. (82)! = 82x 32x 3? x 3? = B24 = 38 Power of a Product. (ab) = ab" as long as a and b #0 Ex. (Bxd)? = (3 x 4) x (3 x4) = (3.x 3) x (4 x4) = 3? x 42 Power of a Quotient. (a)" = a as long as a and b #0 (b) Ex. (5) =5x 5x5 = 5x5x5 = 5% | @) 6 6 6 6xex6 & @ g > x » v 1 - Write as a power, Give the base and exponent of each power. a) —ase_@ Exponent _Be wy eae ease (3) exponent a) 4x4ax4 b) (—3—3X-3(-3X-3) (>) . Write each power as rgpeated-tautiplication and in standard form. a) -28= C92) C2) aC2 de C-2deC- 29 282 b) 10¢= ©) Six squifed a) Five| Evaluate. a) 10°=_f by (-4)9 =_f oes g. a@r- = . Write each number in standard form, a) 9x 108 =9x JQ x _}® x 10 =9x 1900 - 4000 POX 109 FB 101) 4 5 x 109) To eke 4 @ x 109 + (4 x 103) 4 * 10!) + (9 x 109) (2 + (4 x 1p ) 20X10 Jeox py 2000 + 400 +1009 YG 6X 104) +3 x ra vx ae x * (x10) FBI 6. evaluate, a) 32 +3 ) (2) + ay 23 ~Bx ek 7 D @~ 4) + G6 = CF ~ 4) (36 6 a Bm 7. Evaluate, 5x2 =5x% @ *) 10x? +59 = 10% (Oars) 4S = 10x 16 = lop oO (284 C34) = 2 Fy 41 a ($3) + 49 x (-3) = ( 220 3)+ _J x 3) (9+ -26 EA 8. write as a power. 4 a) &xe?= 63+ 2) by Car x (ap = (a l223? =6le = (-4) Fal ©) (-2) x (-2)* d) 107 x11 10 108 |. Write as a power. a) tas %-B) = 9) (68 + (-6P <0 ovsd-(y -#7t EEEH10. Write as a power. a) 5B ¥ by (a= aR & af =e ex ef 2 @Y= gt @) tS £5 -2 5 11. Write as a product or quotient of powers. s a axsp=3Bx5® ax 108= 25 « p0> 3 3 9 (-4x(-sP = (4 XS) 0 @- y 3° 6 co (2+ 108= 24 0% nicn=-oe= C3 269) 92

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