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What is a Grading

A grading rubric is an academic
tool that can be used by teachers
of any subject.
They can be general and/or
tailored to the learning needs of
individual students
Grading rubrics allow for specific,
concrete, and thorough
explanations to the student of
the assignment itself and
expected goals and outcomes

By: Hope Gerhart, #5

Grading Rubrics and ADHD

Grading rubrics provide the structure
and guidance needed by individuals
with ADHD to help them achieve a
desired outcome.
Grading rubrics provide concrete
directions and expectations. They
provide a definite framework for
students to follow.
By using a grading rubric, students
are better able to stay focused on
the task at hand AND complete the
required assignment.
Ashworth, M. (2010). Examining the tension between academic
standards and inclusion for disabled students: the impact on
marking of individual academics' frameworks for
assessment. Studies In Higher Education, 35(2), 209-223.
Howell, R. J. (2014). Grading rubrics: hoopla or help?. Innovations
In Education & Teaching International, 51(4), 400-410.
Rizzo, T., Woodard, R., Ozmun, J. C., Piletic, C. K., Faison-Hodge,
J., & Sayers, L. (2003). Using Rubrics to Assist Educational
Processes for Students With Learning Disabilities.

Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly, 20(2), 206.

Tips for creating a Grading Rubric

for individuals with ADHD
Aim to keep instructions and
expectations clear and concise
DO NOT make it too wordy or busy
Visually break up information so it
does not look too overwhelming or
DO consider organizing it in a graphic
manner. Examples: columns, tables,
word boxes, and bullet points.
Though expectations and instructions
are explained in the grading rubric,
always take time to verbally explain
and clearly define objectives

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