Scaffolding Handout

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and ELL
Scaffolding is an
effective method of
instruction that allows
for increased success
of ELL students.
Research has found
that dialogical
methods are
imperative for ELL

Scaffolding can be
defined as the
support given during
ones learning
process and
development. It is a
method of dividing
up learning into
sections, and then
providing a tool for
learning with each

By: Hope Gerhart, #5

Scaffolding for ELL Tips

The use of teacher questioning is an important method to use when
scaffolding ELL. This allows the teacher to gauge student progress in their
learning process, which in turn allows teachers to help properly guide
students so they can help them continue to build new understanding of
presented materials.
o Teachers provide supportive guiding questions during discussion.
The use of visual aides as a tool is also helpful in scaffolding for ELL.

o Visual aides help students understand new topics presented, especially

if the student has little prior knowledge about the topic being
Brown, C. L., & Broemmel, A. D. (2011). Deep
scaffolding: Enhancing the reading
experiences of English language learners.
New England Reading Association
Journal, 46(2), 34-39.
Chow-Chin LU1, l. (2013). How to build a 5Why
scaffolding guided questioning teaching
case film? Campus insects unit as an
example. Asia-Pacific Forum On Science
Learning & Teaching, 14(1), 1-16.
Masters, J. (2013). Scaffolding pre-service teachers
representing their learning journeys with
eportfolios. Journal Of Learning Design,
6(1), 1-9.
Youb, K. (2010). Scaffolding Through Questions in
Upper Elementary ELL Learning. Literacy
Teaching & Learning: An International
Journal Of Early Reading & Writing,
15(1/2), 109-136.

o As the student progresses and better understands the material, the use
of visual aides to support learning and understanding can lessen.
By using the method of teacher questioning, classroom discussion is often
encouraged and occurs. Peer help is another method noted to be helpful for
scaffolding ELL.
o For example, when discussing material in small groups, students can
help each other with understanding concepts and the material being
discussed. Many students report being at ease in a smaller group
setting with their peers.

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