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Natural Disaster

Preparation Plan:
-high energy non-perishables.
-Made-ready meals
-safe to ration.
- food supplies to last seven days
for each family member.

Hawaii Hurricane

-supply suffient to last seven days
- Electrolyte-enhanced water
-Prevent illness and hypothermia.
-Affordable, lightweight, portable,
and breathable.

Tropical Storm - winds 39-73

mph (34-63 kt)
Category 1 - winds 74-95
mph (64-82 kt)
Category 2 - winds 96-110
mph (83-95 kt)
Category 3 - winds 111-129
mph (96-112 kt)
Category 4 - winds 130-156
mph (113-136 kt)
Category 5 - winds 157 mph

Allyssa Koki
Natural Disasters

-Hawaii is the U.S. state

at greatest risk for a
tsunami. Hawaii records
about one a year, with a
damaging tsunami
happening about every
seven years.

Tsunamis hit the land

as a series of coastal
waves and the largest
wave is usually
somewhere in the
middle of the set.

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