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Evan Roberts

EDCI 270
Rudy Rico
3 December 2014
Individualized Instruction Blog Post
I believe what works best about this project is the ability for the students to see the points
plotted on the graphs. I hyperlinked the graphs that show whether or not functions are actually
considered to be functions. I showed the students in several different ways how if a graph has
more than one y value for one x value then it is not considered to be a function. I believe that the
hyperlinks made it very easy to visualize what is and is not considered to be a function. They
were clearly able to see what a function looked like if there were more than one y values for
every x value. I showed them using words, tables, and graphs.
If I were to make my project better, I would include more animations or graphics. With
math, there is not picture that usually coincide with the subject like in history or science. My best
bet was to use graphics that had to do with my theme of traveling. If I had more time, I would
have done more brainstorming on graphics to use for the project. Animations that could have
made my project better would have been more hyperlinks that explained the answers to questions
provided instead of placing it on the screen immediately.
The planning cards made my project flow very well. They prevented me from having
writers block while creating my presentation. I was able to move from one slide to the next when
creating it because I already had it all planned out. Rudy provided great insight after the planning
card review because that made the assignment more clear once we talked about my strengths and
weaknesses. The peer evaluation made my project better because I had no idea that my
embedded video was not working. Abby also informed me of a few grammatical errors
throughout my presentation. Also, she gave me a few tips on how to make it more presentable.
I learned two main concepts about the instructional planning process through the creation
of this project. I realized that it was difficult to know the previous knowledge of my learners
since I am not their teacher every day. This will be a challenge for me as a student teacher and
my first year of teaching because my students are new to me. I also learned that it is difficult to
directly address the standards provided by the state. This makes me aware of the real life of
teaching because teachers must make it known what standards they are trying to accomplish
through each lesson plan.
The ISTE standards for teachers that were incorporated through this project were a part of
Standard 6 dealing with 9th grade functions. The specific standards are given a table the student
will be able to correctly identify if the numbers create a function, given a function the student
will be able to evaluate a real life story problem, given a graph the student will be able to identify
whether the slope is horizontal or vertical correctly. Throughout the applications and the
assessment throughout the presentation, the students met these standards.

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