Kylee Williams - Tech Journals 1-8

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Kylee WIlliams

ED 377-2: Technology in Education
Pinterest; - need to create a free account to pin
links to boards
Pinterest is a website that hosts a variety of links that is shared with site visitors.
Those who sign up for accounts on the site (which are free), are able to create boards.
Boards are subsections in which an account user can be able to pin ideas to the
boards, which is overall a gathering place of links related to interests. The subjects in
which the site covers varies from Art, Education, Fashion, Food, Do-It-Yourself projects,
among others. The site also provides buttons in which to pin or to send the link in an
email for easy sharing. This site can be useful as a sharing tool for teachers and students
I think this site would be useful in the education field due to the ease it is to find
various ideas and resources that could be applied to your classroom. For instance, when
looking at the education tag in Pinterest, you are shown a variety of links that show
ideas for classroom projects, materials lists, even tips on how to get through your first
year of teaching. Also, the content of the Art Classroom Management board hosts a
variety of link that provide art projects, ways to keep the classroom organized, and ideas
for decoration. However, if you are looking for daily content, it is better to surf through
the tag listings rather than grow dependent on the boards or Pinners that you
subscribe to. You could also connect your Pinterest account to Facebook, Twitter, and
Google+, which my Fort Lewis account is tied to. There is also a mobile app for Androids
and iPhones for easy access on the go.
I would also find this site useful in the classroom as a tool to share links
and resources with students and teachers alike or have students share their finds on the
site with you with the Pinterest share options, which includes sharing with other
Pinners. If finding resources on Pinterest were to be given as an assignment to
students, this would be an opportunity to show students how to take advantage of
finding resources and doing research with non- traditional tools, meaning being able to
use a non academic source and being able to find answers to questions and more
information about a particular topic. It then in part encourages collaboration between
both parties. Overall, I do find Pinterest as a useful educational tool when the time is
taken to explore its features and take advantage of the influx of information that it
Education Tag:

Art Classroom Management:
Kylee Williams
September 15, 2014
ED 377
Technology: Prezi
URL/ Access:
Found through a link on Pinterest
Technology Overview: This is a website that is a presentation tool that used a cloud
based system that allows users to create and present from a web browser, desktop,
iPad, or iPhone. It has 24 hour support fro experts, templates to begin work on
presentations, and has a library of materials for user use. It has a free month trial, and
then begins a $4.92 per month subscription to keep presentations private. There are
also other subscription options that open more tools for presentations, and more cloud
storage space. However, there is a completely free option. All thats required is creating
a free account. The downfall to the free account is that there is no storage and all
presentations that are created are public.
Analysis: This is a great alternative tool for presentations. It was fairly simple to use and
the end results of creating presentation was great. The flashy graphic and ease of use
would very much be the sort of tool teachers and students would benefit from. The
flashy nature of the premade templates could help teachers with keeping the students
attention during lessons (while also having said templates reflect the subject matter, eg.
Science). Based off past experience, students making presentations want to make their
presentations look as nice as possible or need to find a way to work on presentation in
groups so having this option available to them would be helpful. The only downside to
this website is the need of a paid subscription to open up data storage and open up
more gallery options.
"Be a Great Presenter." N.p., n.d. Web. 06 Oct. 2014.
"Techie Tech." Pinterest. N.p., n.d. Web. 06 Oct. 2014.

Kylee Williams
September 29, 2014
ED 377
Technology: Inspire Pro iPad app
Buy in the Apple App store and download onto the iPad. This app was found as
part of a list of art apps for education on Pinterest.
Technology Overview: This is a mobile app that acts like an electronic sketchbook with
various brush setting, options, video recording, a color picker, and various other art
tools. It can be used for a full on painting or a simple sketch while on the go. This app
also has the option to publish the finished product onto site such as Facebook, Twitter,
and Flicker or van be sent via email through the app itself. It can be downloaded from
the Apple App store for $9.99.
Analysis: This app is fairly easy to use. It does what its suppose to do, which is to
provide an easy drawing tool. The power and sensitivity while using the iPad is not great
when compared to using a drawing program on a computer, but Im looking past that.
Overall, this is a rather convenient tool for teachers to be able to have something on
hand to demo any drawing technique for students without the use of paper. It could
also be a tool for students to be able to complete assignments so they are not restricted
to staying in the classroom and to be able to have a convenient place to save all their
work to create a portfolio, provided that the school district does provide items such as
iPad for classes to use to their advantage.
References: "Art Teacher IPad Workshop." The Art Pound. N.p., n.d. Web. 29 Sept. 2014.
"Inspire Pro - Paint, Draw & Sketch." App Store. N.p., n.d. Web. 29 Sept. 2014.

Kylee Williams
October 5, 2014
ED 377
Technology: Diigo
URL/ Acess:
I came across this tool while browsing through the search results of Technology
for Education on Pinterest. (
Technology Overview: Diigo is a resource website that assists in finding resources in
research projects, The site will allow you to create a reference library to digital files that
vouches no broken links to websites, has a highlighting tool to be able to mark
important information and be able to share said information with others.
There are several account options: Free (provides unlimited bookmarks/notes,
limited social privileges for anti-spam, 500 highlights, and 100 images), Social (unlimited
social privileges, few advanced features, 2000 highlights, 500 images, no ads, $5 a year),
Standard (Social plan with unlimited cache with full text search, unlimited images, and
100 PDF files with annotations, $40 a year or $5 a month), and Professional (Standard
plan with unlimited PDF annotations and unlimited groups.
When joining the site (I went with the free option), it immediately walks you
through tutorials of each tool for ease of use and to begin doing research right away on
the site. The account page will also provide links to the Apple and Android app stores to
be able to download mobile versions of Diigo.
Analysis: This reference site is extremely convenient in term of ease of use and mobility.
No teacher and student could possibly ever have too many resources for information. I
think this tool would be more useful to students, who are the typical group that needs
an infinite supply of text and information to be able to complete tasks and essays
assigned to them by their teachers. This site can easily keep track of the Internet
resources that are found, as long as users use the bookmark button in their add-on.
Students will still need to format their findings within citation guidelines and Diigo does
not do the formatting for the user.
"50 Education Technology Tools Every Teacher Should Know About - Edudemic." Edudemic.
N.p., n.d. Web. 03 Oct. 2014.
"Diigo - Better Reading and Research with Annotation, Highlighter, Sticky Notes,
Archiving, Bookmarking & More." Diigo - Better Reading and Research with Annotation,

Kylee Williams
November 1, 2014
ED 377
Technology: The Ideal Tech Setup for the Art Room
( found through pinterest: )
Technology Overview: While it is not technology. This article does go over the kinds of
technology that would maximize its usage in the art room. It mentions things such as a
document camera, iPad, projectors, EGA adaptors, and a laptop. The article also
discusses why the tools are preferred over a SMARTBoard.
Analysis: Yes, this is not technically a piece of technology (no pun intended). However,
this article talks about some pieces of tech that can be utilized in an art classroom and
why they seem to be good options to have. This helps prove that the classroom does
not have to be overly complicated to help develop 21st century skills. Having an iPad
with a VGA chord connected to a projector can be as useful to show drawing skills just
as well as a SMARTBoard, but is a much smaller sixe for convenience and ease of use.
Much of the technology for the classroom is highly dependent on the schools budget,
so its nice that document cameras and projectors were mentioned in this article. When
we used these tools in our class lab, I couldnt stop thinking about how I could be able to
incorporate them into my lesson and how easy it could be to be able to get students
involved by being able to put their drawing under the camera to be projected and the
class could practice critiques. Its all about being smart with the tools and taking
advantage of the ease of use.

Kylee Williams
November 5, 2014
ED 377
Technology: Three Ring
(Found on Pinterest:
Technology Overview: Three Ring is an app that works on Androids, iPhones, tablets,
and computers to help capture documents, record presentations, and upload from
anywhere. They way that the app helps you organize the documents and uploads is to
tag them with the common cores or state standards, classify work as its uploaded, and
also has a build in search engine to help find what you need. When signing up on the
website, you can register as a teacher, student, parent, or an administrator. Accounts
are free. The interface is very easy to use. Text is reasonably sized and the buttons are
big to help make sure the correct one is as visible as possible. Uploading documents was
easy and being able to share documents with student and parents was simple as well.
Its literally just a click away.
Analysis: This is a nice alternative to the traditional three ring binder! It is also an
alternative to GoogleDrive in the way that it makes scanning and adding paper
documents to the collection easier. It also brings a sense of authenticity as the work that
would be added into the program is handwritten and can be identified as an individuals
work. I like how you can organize documents through tags to sort everything by the core
standards of the state that you are teaching in. It will make it easier for teachers to keep
track of the work that they give to their students that meet the curriculum and state
requirements and can be easily shared with parents who are curious about the work
given to their children. Teachers using this app has control over what can be shared, to
be able to make comments on work, and to see what their students are uploading so all
parties can keep track. Students can have a place to easily upload their work and have it
safe for damage or loss.

Kylee Williams
November 10, 2014
ED 377
Technology: PlayART
(Found on Pinterest: )
Technology Overview: This is an art app thats available for the iPad at the price of
$3.99 in the Apple App Store. This app allows the user to create artwork with a variety
of pre set designs, objects, and strokes based of the work of well known artists such as
Monet, Picasso, and the likes. After work is done, the user can title and save the work
and share it on social media such as Facebook or email. Included in the app are videos
narrated by children about famous artists and a gallery containing many of the artists
original works for the user to look at.
Analysis: My thoughts of PlayART is that its a very well put together app. I ca imagine
using this app in classrooms with K-3 graders. I did not buy the actual app, but the
webpage does provide videos about the use of the app and how to use it. I love its
simple interface, which gives it accessibility from young children to adults that are not
tech savvy. This would be a great supplementary tool to help students revisit artists we
may have covered during class and to review techniques that made their work famous.
However, the one downside I can see is the fact that most of the canvases and palettes
are preset and come with the app so there is little room for actual drawing onto the
iPad and the limit of sharing is through basic social media, such as Facebook, twitter,
and email. I think its due to its limited sharing it would be difficult to save work as part
of a portfolio, but I would still use this app in my classroom as a fun activity for students
to play with in between units and lessons.

Kylee Williams
November 18, 2014
ED 377
Technology: Sketch and Paint
(Found by first a pinterest post:
then browsed this webpage with suggested SMARTboard art apps: )
Technology Overview: This is an interactive online drawing board that has color
palettes, tools such as brush, eraser, color picker, magnify, and masking, which are used
to create a drawing by the user. It also has options to have you change your brush
setting varying from setting the sixe, pressure, and opacity. The site flashes shortcut
keys, such as pressing Z to undo an action, to help the user use the program more
efficiently. By hovering over the file button, you have the option to save the work, print
it, open a saved work, or create a new one.
Analysis: This is an app that I greatly appreciate and may help with some issues that I
had with using SMARTBoards in an art classroom. This is a great example of having a
tool that is interactive, easy to use, and be able to project drawing better articulate
techniques if you so chose to not use traditional pen and paper. As a 21 st century skill,
this is an example of being able to cross learn, meaning the one at the SMARTBoard can
still be able to learn traditional art techniques but take advantage of the technology, in
this case, the undo button when a mistake is made. I played around with this site on my
laptop and liked the results from the drawing I was doing, though I think it would take a
little time to adjust to be able to use it on a SMARTBoard. But thats part of the learning
curve when using these tools, which is also part of having 21st century skills. Without
discovering your learning curve and taking the time to learn how to use the now readily
available tools, then keeping up with the education world as it evolves will prove to be
difficult to say the least.

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