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Lander University Teacher Education Lesson Plan Template

Rev. 2013

Teacher Candidate: Savannah Taylor

Lesson # 1
Subject/Grade: ELA/Second
Date and Time of Lesson: October 9, 2014 at 10am
Learning Objective: Students should be able to write narratives in which they recount an event or short sequence of
events in great detail to describe actions, thoughts, and feelings. They should use correct grammar and a sense of
closure in their writings.

Alignment with Standards:

English Language Arts for K-5

Writing Standard W.2.3: Write narratives in which they recount a well-elaborated event or short
sequence of events, include details to describe actions, thoughts, and feelings, use temporal words to
signal event order, and provide a sense of closure.

Developmental Appropriateness or Cross-curricular connections: These learning objectives are appropriate

because the students in Mrs. Cobbs second grade class are at the developmental level to where they are writing in
complete sentences and using correct grammar. This standard is helping because it reinforces different skills used in
writing correctly and recalling events for writings. Some other cross-curricular items would be reading and the four

Assessment(s) of the Objectives:

Lesson Objective(s)

Assessment(s) of the

Use of Formative

Objective 1
Students should be able to
write narratives in which they
recount an event or short
sequence of events in great
detail to describe actions,
thoughts, and feelings. They
should use correct grammar
and a sense of closure in their
writings. They should have a
minimum of 5 grammatical
errors to have completely
mastered this standard.

Assessment for Objective 1

Pre- For the pre-assessment I
will ask the students in whole
group what are some events
that they have taken part in
during the Fall season? Who
were these events with? Where
did they take place? I will ask
these questions to make sure
students are thinking so as I
read the story they will be able
to think of events to write
about. I then will introduce the
book I Like Pumpkins By Jerry
During For my during
assessment I will ask students
about the pictures in the books
and have them to think about if
they have ever done anything
during the Fall season like the
characters in the book. Such as:
picking pumpkins, dressing up
for Halloween, go trick-ortreating, etc.
After Each student will be
given a handout that has a

How will you use the

assessment data to inform
future instruction?
If students are successful:
incorporate the months
associated with each
season, clothes worn in
each season or things you
do in each season,
holidays, etc.
If students struggled:
small group to review
concepts; peer tutoring

Lander University Teacher Education Lesson Plan Template

Rev. 2013

pumpkin frame with writing

lines on the inside for students
to write on. I will them give
them the prompt and have
them to create a narrative of
an event in great detail to
demonstrate that they
understand the purpose of
recalling and writing events.
Accommodations: To make accommodations for students who might write at a slower rate, I will set a timer between
10-15 minutes for them to have enough time to brainstorm and create a well-developed narrative of whichever fall
event they would like to write about. I will be reading the book aloud to the entire class so I will not need to make
accommodations for the reading portion. If students happen to finish before the 15 minutes is up, then I will ask them to
silently read their library books at their desk until everyone else has completed their writing.

Materials: I like Pumpkins by Jerry Smith, pumpkin writing paper, pencils, crayons.
Grouping: Whole class
Probing Question: Can you name the four seasons? What are the characteristics of the season?
Motivation: During the fall, what do you like to do?
1. Have students move to the rug by tables
2. Introduce the book: title, author, and illustrator
3. Ask: What are some of your most favorite thing to do in the fall? I will then tell them that this is called recalling
information and to be able to correctly mentally recall and write down these events are very important.
4. Then, once some students have answered I will then start reading the book.
5. Once I have completed the book, I will then ask students to silently brainstorm some ideas they may have to
write about.
6. I will dismiss from the carpet those students who are most quiet and then for those who are left, I will dismiss by
groups (1, 2, and 3).
7. Then once all students are seated and ready to begin writing, I will pass out the writing sheets.
8. I will instruct them to write neatly and correctly to recall an event that they enjoy doing during the fall months.
9. Then I will set the timer for 15 minutes and instruct students to begin writing. Students will also be able to color
in their pumpkin writing sheets if time permits.
10. Students will then raise their hand and I will come and collect their writing papers for review.

Activity Analysis:
Writing page: students will demonstrate that they understand the standard objective by correctly writing a narrative to
recall a favorite activity done in the fall months.
Discussion prior to and during reading time: This will help students to better brain storm to recall events. By talking
about what is taking place in the book and what others do during the fall months, this could trigger a memory for a
student to create a narrative about.
Technology: Since this is a read aloud, no technology is needed for this lesson. I chose to not use technology because I
wanted the students to be able to look back at the book to get ideas for later use in the classroom, and it was not
necessary because I had the book in paper copy.

No references were used in order to create this lesson plan.

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