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"About the Issue." Child Soldiers International. Web. 7 Oct. 2014.

I used this source from Child Soldiers International to help with my research. This source
had information of who child soldiers are and then they had a section about FAQs. The questions
in this section included a lot of the ones I asked in my proposal like: Why do children join armed
forces or armed groups, is the child soldier problem worse among armed groups than
government armed forces, are there girl child soldiers, and where are child soldiers used today.
This source gave me the Child Soldiers International definition of a child soldier, which is any
person below 18 years of age who is, or who has been, recruited or used by an armed force or
armed group in any capacity, including but not limited to children, boys and girls, used as
fighters, cooks, porters, messengers, spies or for sexual purposes.
I plan on using this source as a base for the rest of my information. It gave me some good
background information and gave some information to start the rest of my research. Some of my
questions were answered, but not in as much detail as I would like! This source is relevant to
what I am writing about, but not as informative as I need. The article begins to answer my
questions I have, but it is not enough to be a main source of information. I am not sure how much
of this source I will use. I like the definition it gives for child soldiers because it is in plain terms,
but I think the rest of the source is just too basic to have for my paper. I think if I need some
information to start a paragraph or give some background information, than this source will be
perfect and I will use it!
I know this is a credible source because it is an .org website and is only information
based. Child Soldiers International is also a credible organization so I know their website is a
good source. On the website, they have listed the work they do and publications they have. I
think this is a credible and good starting source to use. I am hoping to be able to look more on
their page to find other credible source and start my research there!
Becker, Jo. "Child Soldiers: Changing a Culture of Violence." American Bar Association,
10 June 2014. Web. 6 Oct. 2014. <>.
I used the source Child Soldiers: Changing a Culture of Violence for doing research. I
read the article and highlighted some important information in it. The article talks about legal
protection of child soldiers, the need for action to help child soldiers and interesting facts about
child soldiers. The article discusses the affects being involved in conflict has on child during war
and after. The main focus of the article was the legal protection that is on the child or lack of
legal protection in most countries.
I think I will use this source in my paper. The facts that were included would be good for
an intro paragraph and I may mention the legal protections on the children. I liked this article and
there were bits and pieces of it that I can use in my paper. This source did not have a lot of
information that I plan to use, it took a different look at child soldiers and was too in depth in the
legal protection that I do not plan to discuss too much in my paper.
This source is a credible source because it comes from the American Bar Association,
which I know is credible. In addition to that, I got my source from JSTOR from Atkinss Library
website. I decided, after my first source, to look on Atkinss website to get my sources because
typically they are very detailed and there is a wide range of articles that I can just print off and

Singer, P. W. "Fighting Child Soldiers." Military Review 83.3 (2003): 26-31. Military &
Government Collection. Web. 6 Oct. 2014
The source Fighting Child Soldiers named different recent organizations in Iraq that
used child soldiers. Some of these included Ashbal Saddam and Fedayeen Saddam. These were
parts of Saddam Husseins regime. The article talks about how in the recent times, child soldiers
have been used in Iraq. The article discussed how boys as young as 10 years old Iraqi boys have
gone through drills, learned to use armed weapons and received a lot of political indoctrination
during summer boot camp type programs. The article had a lot of facts discussing different child
organizations used in conflicts as well! Along in this article, there were policy suggestions
I definitely think I will use this source in some way in my research paper. It discussed
mainly child soldiers in Iraq and I think that is beneficial for us to realize that children are trained
for war in Iraq. I am thinking that I will take a paragraph to discuss how Iraq uses child soldiers
and the different organizations that used child soldiers. I am concerned about using this source
though because it is not too recent. I want my paper to have a lot of recent information for it, and
the source came out in 2003, so I am unsure if it will fit well in my paper. I think I may add some
facts from the article in my paper or add a paragraph in my paper after I finish if it fits with the
rest of my paper.
I know this is a credible source because I, once again, got it from the Atkins Library
database. Its a military article and discusses a lot about the organizations that are known to use
child soldiers. The article discusses a lot of facts that I have read about in my other sources too,
which makes the source more credible to me. At the end of the article, it lists all the sources used
for the article, which makes in more credible in my opinion.
"Factsheet: Child Soldiers." Unicef. Web. 7 Oct. 2014.
I found this source through google from UNICEF. There is not much to summarize in the
article because it is just facts about child soldiers. Some of these facts include legislation that is
in place, how laws are monitored with regarding child soldiers, and another definition of child
soldiers, but based on how UNICEF defines it. The article has a few background facts about
child soldiers, but mostly talks about what UNICEF does to help child soldiers.
When I found this source, I thought it would be a good informational source with a lot of
facts, but it was not. The article mainly talked about what UNICEF does for child soldiers and I
do not plan on using that in my article. The only way I may use it is if I were to talk about what
is done to help/prevent the use of child soldiers. So, depending on how I decide to write my
paper, it will depend if I use this source in my paper. I think it is more beneficial in a different
kind of informational paper instead of mine!
I know this source is credible simply because it is from UNICEF. The information in it is
all about what the UNICEF does and it is also about basic facts that I have seen in other articles.
I know the information is also credible because it references different laws and other
organization to back up the information in this source!

Smith, Gary. "Child Soldiers and the Lord's Resistance Army." America. 190.11 (2004): 13.
I found the source Child Soldiers and the Lords Resistance Army. This article has
some of the history of the Lords Resistance Army (L.R.A). It sets up the background to the
story of the L.R.A in Uganda. There are a lot of facts in the article about the abductions that
the L.R.A. The article also tells a story of the town when the L.R.A came through it. The main
story in the article is about a local parish that the L.R.A came to and how they ransacked and
stole most of the priests belongings. The article also discusses how local religious leaders and
civil leaders have tried to make peace deals with the L.R.A.
I definitely want to try to use this source, and I think I will use the history of the L.R.A.
The L.R.A was the main target with the Kony 2012 project so a lot of people are familiar with it.
The information was published in March 29, 2014 so it is fairly recent. I want to have recent
information in my paper so I think this would be a good source to use to help relate it to topics
that my readers would know about. The only thing I am unsure about with using this source is
that it is a particle story about an encounter with the L.R.A so I do not think that it will be great
for my paper. I think taking bits and pieces of the source and fitting it into my paper will make
the most use of the source and benefit my paper the most!
I know this is a credible source because it is a scholarly essay from the Atkinss library
database. My only concern with this article, like I stated above, is that it is a story about a man
name Father Zachary and there is no way to prove if that story exactly is true. I think if I were to
use this source, I would not mention the story that is in the article and instead I would just focus
on the factual information like the history of the L.R.A that can be proved to be true!

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