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Lander University Teacher Education Lesson Plan Template

Teacher Candidate: Savannah Taylor

Rev. 2013

Lesson # ___3___

Subject/Grade: Math/Second
Date and Time of Lesson: 10/31/2014 10am
Learning Objective: Students should be able to classify the ones and tens place when subtracting two-digit numbers,
which will help them to solve the given problem(s).

Alignment with Standards:

EEDA Standard(s):
o CCSS.Math.Content.2.NBT.B.9: Explain why addition and subtraction strategies work, using
place value and the properties of operations.1
Developmental Appropriateness or Cross-curricular connections: The given learning objectives are
appropriate for second grade because students have been introduced to different place values before and this
lesson should just reinforce what they already know. Also, this lesson is an introductory lesson to what they
are going to build on in further units. This lesson hits on the social aspect of developmental appropriateness
by letting student helpers to assist me in passing out materials for the activity, and helping inside their groups.
No physical movement is really done in this activity except for the gathering of materials and then completion
of the activity, even though through developmental appropriateness, second graders could do a lot more
physical activity, this lesson does not require it. As a math lesson, emotional developmental appropriateness,
is not highlighted, even though students might take emotional pride and excitement when mastering this
Assessment(s) of the Objectives:
Lesson Objective(s)

Assessment(s) of the

Use of Formative

Objective 1
Students should be able to
classify the ones and tens
place when subtracting twodigit numbers, which will help
them to solve the given

Assessment for Objective 1

Pre- For the pre-assessment I
will ask students questions
about ones and tens place in
order to get a grasp of what
they already know. That way if I
need to modify anything in my
lesson, I can do so. I will also
give the students one-digit
subtraction problems to get
them started to then compare
those problems to the new twodigit problems.
During- For the during
assessment, I will give the
students a piece of red and
green construction paper in
order to create a manipulative
for them to solve two-digit
subtraction problems. We will
work on this as a whole group,
but students will also be given
time to work on this

If students are successful

in mastering this lesson,
then Mrs. Cobb will know
that she can move on with
further instruction to help
students to move on in
their units of subtracting
two-digit numbers. But if
students are not
successful, then I will
know that they need extra
help before they are able
to move on and master
other units. To provide
extra help, I will give them
more practice problems to
complete at home or if
time permits in class, give
them the extra problems
to complete in class.

To ensure that students have

mastered this standard, I am
expecting them to score and
80% or better on the post
assessment problems that
they will be completing

Lander University Teacher Education Lesson Plan Template

Rev. 2013

Post- For my post assessment I
will give students a worksheet
of two-digit problems for them
to complete individually. If
students correctly solve 8/10
problems (80% correct), then
they will have mastered the
standard and Mrs. Cobb will
know that she can move on
with further instruction.

Some accommodations that might need to be made with this lesson would be to give extra time to those students who
might not be grasping the concept that I am teaching as well as others, helping students to tape the construction paper,
and moving students who might be having a hard time seeing the board to the front since I will be using the Smart
Board. I do not have students who are ELL, or any with other special accommodations, so the ones listed should be the
ones to be concerned with

1. PowerPoint
2. Red and Green construction paper squares
3. Tape
4. Pencils/crayons
5. Worksheet with 10 problems for post assessment
Grouping: Whole class
Probing Question: Who knows what a two-digit number is? What is the difference between this and a one-digit?
Motivation: Would you use subtraction of two-digit numbers outside of the classroom? How?
1. First, I will have the students to go back to their seat if they arent already, and then pull up my PowerPoint.
2. I will ask my probing question and give the proper response time to get an answer back from students.
3. Then, I will ask the motivation question to have students to start thinking a little bit more critically.
4. We will go through the proper slides, and when we get to the activity portion, I will ask the classroom helper to
help me pass out a piece of red and green construction paper to each student.
5. I will then have them to tape the two pieces together on the back so they have plenty of room to write on the
6. Then, I will introduce the activity in explanation of the paper and what the colors mean, and demonstrate one
problem for them using the construction paper.
7. Students will then have time to write and figure out the problem on their own construction paper as I will be
circling the room to help anyone who may need my assistance.
8. Once everyone has completed the activity, we will then review what we have gone over.
9. After the review, the students will then be given the worksheet with 10 problems to complete independently.
10. Once students have then turned in their worksheet, I will ask them to silently read their library books while the
others finish.

Activity Analysis:
-Construction paper/Stop & Start visual: I am having students to create this visual to accommodate different learning
styles. This will also be helpful for them when they are at home and working on homework to have at their hands to help
them. This will also give students a chance to move around a little bit to release some of the energy in a positive way.
-Independent worksheet: I am having students to complete this independent worksheet in order to see who has
mastered the lesson and concepts being taught, and who still needs help in order to move on.

Lander University Teacher Education Lesson Plan Template

Addition and Subtraction Unit (Addition and Subtraction Unit)

Rev. 2013

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