Verb Lesson Plan 11-16-14

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Lander University Teacher Education Lesson Plan Template

Rev. 2013

Teacher Candidate: Savannah Taylor

Lesson # ___5___
Subject/Grade: ELA/ Second
Date and Time of Lesson: 11/19/2014
Learning Objective: After giving instruction through PowerPoint and inserts from the book, students should be able to
complete a worksheet in class with 80% of the questions correct in order to have mastered the standard.

Alignment with Standards:

EEDA Standard(s)
o CCSS.ELA-Literacy.L.2.1.d: Form and use the past tense of frequently occurring irregular verbs
(e.g., sat, hid, told).
o CCSS.ELA-Literacy.L.2.3
o Use knowledge of language and its conventions when writing, speaking, reading, or listening.

Developmental Appropriateness or Cross-curricular connections:

This lesson will be appropriate for this second grade class because they have prior knowledge of verbs but do
not know the distinction between past and present. This lesson works on social skills as they sit at their desk
and respect classmates as they listen to my instructions, but doesnt play as much on emotional or physical
development as students do not need these characteristics during this lesson. I am using a book, which I will
be reading inserts out of, which is a cross curricular connection for the students to have. I do not have any ELL
students in my class so I can go on with instruction without keeping those student needs in mind.
Assessment(s) of the Objectives:
Lesson Objective(s)

Assessment(s) of the

Use of Formative

Objective 1
After giving instruction
through PowerPoint and
inserts from the book,
students should be able to
complete a worksheet in class
with 80% of the questions
correct in order to have
mastered the standard.

Assessment for Objective 1

Pre- For my pre assessment I
will ask students what they
think a verb is. After I ask my
probing question, I will then put
simple sentences on the board
(3 of them) and ask the
students to think about what
word the verb is in the given
During- For my during
assessment I will ask questions
throughout on given
PowerPoints to check and make
sure students are grasping the
concept of the objective for this
lesson. Some questions might
be, What is a verb? Does
every sentence have a verb in
it? Why are verbs
important? This questions
would be on slides after this
certain information has been

If students are successful:

Verbs will then be
incorporated with other
things such as nouns,
adverbs, and adjectives.
This will give the students
a greater understanding
of the parts of a sentence.
If students struggles:
More attention will need
to be given to verbs
through small group
instruction before they are
able to move on to
another element.

Lander University Teacher Education Lesson Plan Template

Rev. 2013

Post- My post assessment will
consist of a worksheet that
students will complete at their
desk independently. To ensure
that students have mastered
the given standard they will
need to score an 80% or better
on the worksheet.

I have planned to have something involved in my lesson that will accommodate all 3 types of learners: the book for
those who learn better by listening, the PowerPoint for those who learn best with a visual, and a worksheet for those
who work best with hands on things. I do not have any special needs students or ELL students in my classroom so those
accommodations will not need to be made. For those students who finish their independent worksheet early, they will
be asked to read their silent reading book in order for others to finish in a timely manner. For those who do not finish,
they will be asked to finish it at recess or to stay in during a bathroom break to finish it quickly. I will give students a 10
minute time limit to be able to finish their sheet which should be plenty of time.

- PowerPoint
- Kites Sail High (the book for the reading inserts)
- Worksheet
- Pencil

Grouping: Whole class
Probing Question: What is a verb? Do you know what a verb represents?
Motivation: We use verbs in everything we do, as we go through this lesson think of verbs that you might do
throughout the day and we will talk about them at the end of the lesson
1. Have students move to the rug by table groups
2. Once all students are seated, I will ask my probing question: What is a verb?
3. Students will then respond to my question
4. I will introduce the book I am going to read Kites Sail High: A Book About Verbs I will tell them that this book
will be a book that will help us to figure out what a verb is
5. Half way through the book I will ask by a show of hands if anyone has an idea of what a verb might be and
then continue reading
6. Once I am done with the book I will then ask the probing question again, Does anyone now know what a verb
7. I will give students time to respond
8. Once students have responded, I will instruct them to return to their seats and to get ready to listen and pay
9. Once all students are seated I will then give the PowerPoint presentation while asking certain questions in
their specific places in the presentation (they will be on designated slides)
10. Students will have time to answer each question before I move on to the next slide
11. Once all slides have been shown, students will then receive their worksheet and instructions on how to
complete it
12. I will then give the students 10 minutes to complete the sheet
13. For those students who finish early, they will be instructed to read their book silently.
14. As students finish I will collect the papers

Lander University Teacher Education Lesson Plan Template

Rev. 2013

15. Everyone will then be instructed to read their library book silently in order to move on quickly and quietly to
their next planned lesson

Activity Analysis:
Read aloud: this activity will help those students who learn best through listening and those who learn best when
looking at pictures. Students in the second grade do a lot of listening to books as the teacher reads and I think this
activity will reinforce the objective of this lesson.
Worksheet: this activity will help students to do a self-realization of what they know and what they dont know. This
will not only help the students, but will help myself and Mrs. Cobb to know where to go with what the students know.
By letting the students think independently I will better be able to know what the students need on an individual
Technology: I am using technology in this lesson by using a PowerPoint to help reinforce the learning objective for
those students who learn best through listening.

No references were used for this lesson

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