Skill 2 Lesson Plan

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Skill 2 Lesson Plan

Microteaching Lesson Plan Template

Name: Lauren Nakaso

Date: 11/21/14
Lesson Plan

Daily Role:

Skill 2

Number of

4v 4 game play


1-2 soccer balls, 6-10 cones , 2 goals, pennies
SHAPE Standards for PE

CA Standards for PE

X Motor Skills and Movement

Forms (1)

X Motor Skills and Movement

Forms (a)

__x__ Movement Concepts (2)

____ Health Related Fitness (b)

____ Health-Related Fitness (3)

X Psycho-Social (c)

X Personal & Social Behavior (4)

____ Values Physical Activity (5)
Lesson Objectives
Affective: SWBAT demonstrate
Psychomotor: SWBAT to pass, dribble, and desirable social behaviors (e.g.,
shoot the ball when there is a defender
competitiveness, cooperation,
around in a game like situation 70% of the sensitivity) for the duration of the
lesson by being an effective team
Cognitive: SWBAT to accurately find their
teammate or shoot a goal when they have
a ball in less than 20 seconds.

Health-related fitness: SWBAT

properly engaged with the content and
be active for 70% of the lesson.

Safety considerations: Spatial awareness!

Eyes up, always moving to find space to
receive the ball from a teammate.

Behavioral Contingencies: Lesson will

not start until all students are listening.
1. While Im talking youre listening.
2. Show good sportsmanship

of Tasks


Goal Orientation or

Good Morning Class! My name is Lauren.
Can we all get in a straight line please?
Introduction: Thank you. Today we are going to play
1 minute, 30 4v 4 going to goal. This activity should
challenge all of you how to dribble, pass,
and move the ball in order to find open
space to score.

This task will address

SHAPE standards 1, 2, 4
and CA standards a, c.

The goal of this task is to

ensure that all students
know how to apply all
their soccer knowledge
There will be no goal keepers and I want from offensive to defense,
all of you to use the space given to you
passing and moving with
to use.
a teammate and shooting
the ball. Sportsmanship is
If the ball goes over the line/ out of bounds, it
really important and
is the opposing team ball. We will play the ball keeping the energy high
from the ground. There will be no throw ins.
is this game.
Keep game going and see which team can
score the most goals in the allotted time. Each
team must complete 2 passes before scoring. It
can not be two passes between the same
people. Make sure everyone is staying active
and opening up for his or her teammates.

Introduction Students will be in a line. Teacher will be in front of the students

of Tasks
Lesson Core
2 min. 45


I will focus on four communication

behaviors during this task.
1. Encouragement: Praise effort during
2. Feedback: Provide general (e.g., good
job! and specific feedback (e.g.,

Goal Orientation or
This task will address
SHAPE standards 1, 4 and
CA standards a, c.
The goal of this task is to
ensure that students are
on-task, actively involved,

Remember keep your head up!)

3. Student Questioning: Are you actively
4. Rule Adherence: Once goal is made,
other team starts with the ball.

and are able to

communicate with their
Communication should
create the opportunity to
practice dribbling, passing
or shooting the ball with
proper technique

For the lesson core I will be actively moving and monitoring the task!
Students will be divided into 2 teams. There will be a goal on each side. Students
will be on the soccer court, marked by cones. They must keep control of the ball and
use their spacing.

of Tasks
Closure 1


Goal Orientation or

Freeze. Bring it in class. Please leave

your pennies next to your goal. Thank
you for your effort. What was
challenging about this activity? What did
you have to do to become successful in
this game? Awesome, Thank you! Great
job class! High Fives for everyone. Lets
get ready to move to our next station!

This task will address

SHAPE standards 1, 4 and
CA standards a, c.
The goal of this task is to
question students on the
soccer lesson and what
they learned and worked
on. This will show the
students what aspects of
the game of soccer they
need more practice on.

For the lesson closure students will be in a half circle facing the teachers.

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