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he Tomb of the Triclinium

Tomba del Triclinio

Period: Around 470 BCE

Shape: Single chamber with long dromos.

The painted walls of the Tomb of the Triclinium have been carefully
removed and relocated to the local museum in order to avoid any
further deterioration.
The subject matter of these paintings is very similar to that of the
Tomb of the Leopards. On the end wall the banqueters recline on
couches, entertained by musicians and waited on by servants. A

typically elongated Etruscan cat prowls under one of the couches on

the lookout for morsels. Above the couches funerary wreaths are
painted to give the impression of being suspended from the walls. The
long side wall is filled with the figures of dancers and musicians
playing together in an idyllic setting with birds and olive trees.


The mensola is replaced by an elaborate fruit vine with a kneeling

figure on each side. The roof, like that of the Tomb of the Leopards, is
decorated with a checkerboard design. The fineness of line and
delicate coloring, however, suggest an artist more familiar with Greek

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