Η Επιθετικότητα Και η Βία Στα Σχολεία

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11 - 2009


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(, 2006).

(, 2004).


(Pateraki & Houndoumadi, 2001).

10% (Sapouna, 2008). ,


, ,
, .

, .

. ,

. ,


. , ;
68% , 58% , 53% ,
32% . ,
, , ..
, .

(Rogers, 1969,1980)

, ,


(paradigm shift).


(Durant, 1995; Molnar & Lindquist, 1989). Apter Conoley (1984)

, . Cooper Upton (1990)

. ,

, Durant (1995)
, :
. (.. )
(.. , ).
2. /
, .
, (Borgelt & Conoly,
(.. ,
(, 2005).

, . K
(Effective Schools Movement) (Reynolds,1997).

, :
(1) , (2) , (3)
, (4) , (5)
. (

. ,
- .

. .

. , ,
. ,
, ,

, ,
(, 2005)
Rogers (1969)
, (. 17). ,
. (
) ,
Responsive education (
) (Responsive Classroom) (Northeast
Foundation for Children, 2005).
, , .
, , ,
. ,
, (2007-2008)
. ,
( , 2008).

. ,


( , 22 2008).


(Albee, 1996). ,
, ,


, ,

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(conflict resolution)
( lias 1997)
(Freitas & Downey, 1998).


. ,
(, , ),
( , ).
, .

(, 2004) .

( ).
, .
(4) ( & )

(Matsopoulos &
Gkavogiannaki, 2008).


(classroom management).
, ,

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( )
, ,
, ,

. (..
, )



, , ,

, ,
, (
, 2007).

(). ,

, .

(paradigm shift)

, .
(school climate)
. Lehr Christenson (2002),
Haynes, Emmons & Ben-Avie (1997) :
() (achievement motivation)
() -
, .



. Carl Rogers (1969)
(. 43) .

Carl Rogers
, ,
. . ,



, .

( & Chiementi , 1996).

. , ,



, ,

, ,

. ,

(Bear, Cavalier & Manning, 2002). O

reflective practitioners .
, ,
, (Christenson & Buerkle, 1999).
(Functional Behavioral Assessment)

. ( )

, ,
, ,

( )

, . ,


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, . (2004) : , .
, . (2004) ()
- . & . (.) ,
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, . (2005) : . :
, . ( , , 2008)
, & , & :
, . ( , 2006,
: .


Matsopoulos, A. & Gkavogiannaki, M. (2008) Behavior Problems in Preschool and Elementary School Settings
: What Do Greek Educators Know? Paper Presented at the International School Psychology Conference July
8-13 Utrecht, The Netherlands.
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