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Julie Vondra

Math Playground

Welcome to Math Playground. Play with numbers and

give your brain a workout!. (2014). Retrieved

Math Worksheets for Kids

Practice math and language arts | K-12. (2014). IXL Math

and English. Retrieved from

Create a Graph

Create a graph. (2014). Kids Zone Learning with NCES.

Retrieved from

Who- Colleen King/Math Teacher. Critique: However, it would have

been informative to know where she received her college degree. It
would have been more reliable.
What- This site is very easy for students, teachers, and family to use.
Provides lessons and games about math K-12. Certified in privacy/kid
safe. Critique: This website meets all requirements to be user-friendly
for all students (K-12). However, there could have been more games
for students with disabilities.
When- Colleen King created this website in 2002. Updated in 2014.
Critique: Users of the website will have to search for this information
under About Me. This information could have been under the
Home page, which would have been easier for viewers to find.
Where- Colleen King provides a biography under the link, About
Me. She informs her viewers her background in education, and also
the co-team with multiple game developers she works with. Provides
email link for questions: Critique:
Colleen King did not provide information on her co-team members
credentials or college degree backgrounds.
Why-This website is very beneficial for educators to teach students
about math free of charge. Critique: This website is game based,
which provides educators ideas to create fun and engaging lesson
plans. However, not every game is accessible to use a vodacast.
Who- Founder/CEO: Paul Mishkin Critique: The founder did a very
nice job providing his biography and credentials. Information was
very informative.
What- Websites goal is to improve learning through the use of
technology, especially in math and language arts. This site is helpful
for students, teachers, and parents to find lessons and homework
tools. Certified in privacy/kid safe. Critique: This website provides
more features than games. IXL is very easy for teachers, parents, and
students to maneuver.
When- Founded IXL in 1998. Updated to Math content in 2007.
Critique: The founder provides when IXL was founded within his
biography. Viewers of the website will be able to find out background
information easily throughout the websites sub-pages.
Where- Website provides the link, Meet The Staff. This link
provides the biography of John, which provides his college degree in
Software Design and Education at Harvard. Critique: Background
credentials were presented of all team members who helped create
this website. Each members college degree was mentioned.
Why- This website is useful for educators, because it is free of
charge. Also, professionals in the education field created it. Critique:
This website is more lesson plan based, which will be easy to adapt
into vodcasts or lesson plans.
Who- National Center for Education for Statistics. Commissioner:
Peggy Carr PhD. Critique: Dr. Carrs credentials are listed through
the Department of Education. She discusses her mission statement for
this website.
What- This website is certified in privacy/kid safe. This website is
free for students, teachers, and parents. The website will let its
viewers plug in information and create a graph. Also, it allows its
viewers to be able to send their graph via e-mail. Critique: Create a
Graph allows each user to e-mail their graph directly to their e-mail.
Very easy to use.
When- Updated in 2014. It does not provide the date the website was
established. Critique: Even though this website is founded under
NCES, there was no mention of the year created.
Where- More information about NCES is under the link, NCES
Home. The link will provide what the Department of Educations

Fun Brain

Fun Internets #1 Education Site for K-8

Kids and Teachers. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Discovery Education

Welcome to Discovery Education | Digital textbooks and

standards-aligned educational resources. (2014).
Retrieved from

Cool Math

Cool Math free online cool math lessons, cool math

games & apps, fun math activities, pre-algebra,

staff and information on lesson plans and assessments. Also, the link
provides NCESs home office address in Washington, D.C. Critique:
NCES Home sub-page provides in-depth goals of curriculum for the
Why- This website is a great approach to use inside/outside of
classrooms, because teachers and students can create bar graphs and
pie charts free of charge. Critique: Create a Graph provides
educators an easy way to teach bar graphs using the Internet.
Teachers and students can print or email their work.
Who- Family Fun Education Magazine and Pearson Education.
Critique: Family Fun Education Magazine and Pearson Education
are reliable sources for education; however, there are no names of
presidents, CEOs, or team members involved with the website.
What- This website is very easy to use. It provides games of different
school subjects. The games and lessons on the website are free for
students, teachers, and parents. Critique: Each game is easily labeled
on the home page at the top. Students, parents, and teachers will
know which sub-page to click on. Students will have a choice to pick
certain topics within their grade level.
When- Website was created in 1997. Updated in 2013. Critique: The
information was easy to find under the link About
The website has been updated to meet all requirements for Common
Core Standards.
Where- More information is under the link, About It
provides the history of the site. Also, it provides information of
Pearson Education and other contributors to the website. Critique:
Information concerning important dates and events making the
website is available; however, team members names are not
Why- This website is known for providing high-quality educational
games for students to play. Also, it provides math games that would
help a student understand problem-solving using graphs. Critique:
Through step-by-step games, educators will be able to teach students
to construct bar graphs.
Who- President/CEO Bill Goodwin. Critique: Bill Goodwin provides
his users a personal background on his credentials.
What- This website provides free and high-quality education to
students, teachers, and parents. This website is aligned with standards
from each individual state in the United States, and also 49 other
countries. Critique: This website is a global network to meet
educational requirements beyond the United States.
When- Created in 2007. Updated math textbooks in 2014. Critique:
Information is provided under Meet The Team sub-page. Website is
updated yearly.
Where- More information is under the link, Meet The Team.
Provides biographies of each person. Informs viewers that the
websites president graduated from The University of North Carolina
with a Bachelors Degree in Journalism. Critique: Each member is a
professional in web designing, education, and journalism.
Why- This site is very unique, because it will match an individual
states standards in a particular subject. This website provides a lot of
math lessons for K-12. Critique: This website is accessible for 49
countries. Discovery of Education is great for educators teaching
Who- Cool, L. L. C. Founder is Karen (No last name
provided). Critique: Karen does not go into detail about her
background in education.
What- This website is free and very easy to use. There are specific
links for teachers, parents, and students to use. The website provides
lessons, games, and advice for parents to help their kids with
homework. Critique: Cool Math is user-friendly and provides sub-

algebra, precalculus. (2014). Retrieved from

pages for each grade level.

When- Created in 1997. Updated in 2014. Critique: Cool Math is up
to date.
Where- More information is under the link, All About Cool Math at Provides a biography of the founder. Also, provides
awards the website one in 2011. Critique: Karen provides
accomplishments and awards her website has won, but does not
provide a lot of personal accomplishments.
Why- This website has many games and lessons to help educators and
parents create a math lesson. Critique: Cool Math has age
appropriate lesson plans for elementary school math lessons (bar
Math is Fun
Who- Founder is Rob Pierce. Critique: Rob Pierce meets all the
requirements of providing credentials and his background in
What- This website is free for students, parents, and teachers to use.
This website is helpful for teachers to create lesson plans that involve
holidays and activities (sports). Critique: Provides many options for
teachers to use holidays and sports to create a math lesson. The
website is easy for students to find grade level math lessons.
When- Created in 2005. Updated in 2014. Critique: Math is Fun has
been recently updated in 2014.
Pierce, Rod. (6 Oct 2014). "Data graphs (bar, line, pie)".
Where- More information is under the link, About. Provides Robs
Math Is Fun. Retrieved from
educational background: DipCE andBEng/college professor. Rob
works with multiple mathematicians and math teachers help develop
the site. Critique: Website users are able to view the About subpage to learn more about Rob Pierces history in education.
Why- This website will elementary school teachers, because it
provides creative lessons to teach measurements and bar graphs.
Critique: Math is Fun allows educators to communicate with each
other to share ideas about making bar graphs and pie charts.
Who-Mr. Bertosch. Elementary school teacher. Critique: Creator is
Kids Know it
a professional in the field of education. However, she did not provide
a lot of information regarding her college education or
What-This website includes free educational videos, and games.
This is helpful for teachers and students who want to learn in a fun
way. Critique: This website provides multiple ways for teachers to
provide differentiated instruction their students.
When-Founded in 1998. Updated in 2014. Critique: Website is
updated yearly.
Where-More information at the bottom of the website. This includes - Internet's Most Popular Educational
Website For Kids - Thousands of Free Educational contact information. Critique: Easy for users to access information.
Games And Activities. (n.d.). Retrieved from
However, it does not provide in-depth information regarding teaching
or accomplishments.
Why-This website provides educators new and fun ideas to teach
their students math. Its also free and accessible. Critique: There are
multiple ways to teach students about bar graphs and pie charts.
Math Goodies
Who-Giselle Glosser, teacher. Critique: Giselle provides some
information about being a teacher. She could have added what grade
level she has taught.
What- This is an interactive website that covers from first grade to
high school. Helping in multiple subject areas that are involved in
math. Critique: Math Goodies provides a variety of appropriate grade
level lessons and games.
Math Goodies. (n.d.). Retrieved from
When-launched in 1998. Critique: Website does not show that it has
been currently updated.
Where- The founder, Glosser, is located in Garden City, New York.
Critique: Glosser provides where Math Goodies head quarters is
located. This information is under About. Information is easy for
users to view.
Why- This website is great for instructors, because it teaches multiple


MathTV - Videos By Topic. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Math Story

Mr. R.'s Math & Science Songs & Poems. (n.d.). Retrieved

Khan Academy

Khan Academy. (n.d.) Retrieved from

Hot Chalk Lesson Plans

The Ultimate Free Resource For Teachers. (n.d.).

Retrieved from

areas of math. Critique: Math Goodies meets all requirements when

teaching any subject for K-12.
Who-Charles P. McKeague, Publisher CEO. Critique: Biography and
work history is provided for users to read.
What- This is a Website that uses an Algebra book that McKeague
and his six students he hired turned into software. Now it can be used
to do homework online and grade book software. Critique: Lessons
are validated and have been proven to be effective.
When-The current version of Math TV was started in 2008, in 2009
they began to do the online version. Critique: Math is
currently new; however, it has not been updated in 2014.
Where-Cal Poly State University. Critique: CEO provides his
educational background. He allows his viewers to know about his
Why- The CEO wanted to produce quality materials for mathematical
instruction, including textbooks (both print and electronics) videos,
online homework, and worksheets. Critique: Allows educators to use
videos and print out worksheets free of charge. This is a great benefit
to all teachers.
Who-This website was founded by Mr. R. Critique: Mr. R. does not
provide his last name. The founder explains he is a teacher, but he
does not provide which grade level he has taught.
When- Copyrighted in 2014. Critique: Website has been updated in
What- This website not only provides lessons for teaching math, but
it also provides fun activities for the classroom. Critique: Lessons and
game are free of charge. Lessons meet requirements for any grade
level (K-12).
Where- This information is not available. Critique: The website does
not provide his users in-depth credentials of Mr. R.
Why- This is a great site because it is not solely focused on math, but
it had great activities to also incorporate into our classroom. Critique:
Lesson plans are great for tactile learners in math and science.
Who-Sal. Founder and Executive Director. Three degrees from MIT,
MBA, and Harvard. Critique: Sal meets all the requirements for
providing his field area and college education.
What-non-profit organization. World-class info for free around the
world. Critique: Teachers can use videos to teach their students about
any subject, especially math. Students may access this outside of
When-Founded in 1994. Updated daily. Critique: The founder is
constantly updating new lectures to help students and teachers excel
in education.
Where-A biography is provided of all the staff members. Provides a
picture and their info. Critique: Each member provides a mini ePortfolio that provides his or her credentials in education. Users can
find this under the About sub-page.
Why- This website is valuable across the globe, because it provides
lessons through videos. Critique: Highly qualified educators and web
designers created Khan Academy. It is a great device for teachers and
students to use inside and outside of the classroom for a variety of
Who-HotChalk. Critique: There are no names or credentials listed of
Hot Chalks team members.
When-Launched in October of 1996. Critique: This website does not
show it has been recently updated.
What- This website provides phenomenal lesson plans for each grade.
This is also a great way for college students to get prepared for their
first classroom. Finally, it provides lessons for homeschooling
families. Critique: HotChalk helps student teachers and homeschool
educators to easily prepare lesson plans. Lessons have been validated
through professional educators in the education field.


Voki. (n.d.). Voki home. Retrieved from

Smart Tutor

Online reading and math programs. (n.d.). Smart

Tutor.Retrieved October 15, 2014.

Super Kids

SuperKids Educational Software Review. (n.d.). Retrieved


The Teachers Corner

Where- University of Missouri. Critique: Website provides users to

view where the website was created; however, there is no mention of
a professor who helped build HotChalk.
Why- HotChalk helps prepare pre-service teachers for preparing and
organizing lesson plans. Critique: Provides step-by-step instructions
for pre-service teachers to manage a classroom. Steps are very easy
to follow. Great way to prepare college students during their student
teaching experiences.
Who- Oddcast Company. New York City. Critique: Companies
information is provided. However, there are no personal names
What- This website creates a unique learning environment by
creating cartoon characters. The teacher can add his or her voice to
the cartoon character. Critique: This website allows anyone involved
in teaching to create animation characters. Easy to use for any
When- Oddcast created it in 1999. Critique: Website has not been
updated for 2014.
Where- More information is under About Voki, which provides a
link to Oddcast. Critique: Users can easily click on the sub-page to
read credentials about the company Oddcast.
Why- This is a create way to grab the attention of younger students,
especially with a math lesson. Critique: Educators can create free
cartoon characters in a couple simple steps.
Who-Smart Tutor is a small team of five people. Critique: This
website does not provide the founders name.
When-launched in fall of 2002. Critique: This website does not show
it has been updated in 2014.
What- This website provides effective tutoring for a small price of
$17.99 a month. Critique: This website might only be available to
parents who have the funds to pay for it.
Where- the program was piloted in the Miami-Dade County Public
Schools. Critique: School administrators and educators created this
Why- This website is proven to improve the grades of each student.
This is great when educators are unsure of how to assist each student
to his or her specific learning needs. Critique: Even though this
website has been validated, not every parent has $17.99 a month to
pay for it.
Who- Privately owned by Knowledge Share, L. L. C. Editor and
Chief is Andrew Maisal. Critique: The creators credentials are
appropriately displayed.
What- This website provides many free math worksheets for parents
and teachers. Critique: This website is a free and easy way for
teachers and parents to print out lesson plans.
When- Website was created in 1996. Critique: Website does not show
that it has been recently updated.
Where- This website provides biographies of all their team members
under the About section. Many employees graduated from Harvard
and Stanford. Critique: Information is easy for users to find.
Why- This website is a great way to create free worksheets for
educators to use. Critique: Provides educators and students free
worksheets to print out.
Who- CEO Chad Jenson and his wife Jennifer Jenson. The company
originated from Castle Rock, Colorado. Critique: This website met the
credentials through providing the creators educational backgrounds.
What- This site is very beneficial, because it provides free lessons,
games, and coloring pages for every subject. Critique: Sub-pages are
easy for students and teachers to choose games, lessons, or coloring
pages for free.
When- This website was created in 1996 by Jennifer Jenson.
Critique: Users will not be able to locate if the website was updated.

The Teacher's Corner - Lesson Plans, Worksheets and

Activities. (n.d.). Retrieved from
Mr. Nussbaum

Mr. Nussbaum- Learning and Fun!. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Jump Start

Jump Start. (n.d.) Retrieved from

Share My Lesson

Share My Lesson. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Where- The website provides a link titled About Us. This link
provides a biography of the companys members. Critique: The
About Us sub-page is easy to locate. The creators provide their
biographies working in the education field.
Why- This website is very unique, because it provides lessons that
can be used for holidays, sports, and hobbies. Educators can use this
website to create classroom activities for holiday parties. Critique:
The activities in this lesson plan seem to focus primarily on
elementary grade levels. There is a scarce amount of activities for
high school students.

Who- Greg Nussbaum is the founder and a Virginia schoolteacher.

Critique: This website meets the requirements in providing
credentials about the creator. The creator is a schoolteacher.
What- This website is free for students, teachers, and parents. It is
kids safe protected. Mr. Nussbaum provides many math lessons for K8th. Critique: Lessons are labeled for users to access certain grade
level assignments.
When- Updated on February 22nd, 2014. Critique: Met the
requirements of being up to date.
Where- Greg provides a whole page about himself through the
About link. Critique: Users are able to read the creators
biography and view pictures of Greg and his wife.
Why- This is a great website for learning resources in math and
science. Critique: Does not meet the needs for language arts or
history teachers. Also, only good for grades K-8th.
Who- Jump Start Brand. This company was created in 1991. Critique:
This website does not provide in-depth information about the
creators. No names were listed.
What- This website provides educational games for students. This
website is certified/kid safe. Critique: This website is kid free friendly.
Jump Start focuses more towards elementary school children.
When- The company created the website Jump in 2009.
Critique: Users may have a hard time finding if the website was
Where- The history about the company is located on the home page
under the link About Us. Critique: The website briefly talks about
Jump Starts credentials and accomplishments. It would have been
nice to read about the board members.
Why- This website is a great tool for creating unique games for
students to play inside and outside of school. Critique: Website is only
useful for games. Does not provide lesson plans for teachers.
Who -Randi Weingarten. President of The American Federation of
Teachers. Critique: The president provides a biography about his
credentials in education.
What-This website allows teachers to share their lessons. Each lesson
is focused on common core standards. Critique: This website meets
common core standards for grades K-12.
When- Updated on October 15th, 2014. Critique: This website is
currently up to date.
Where- This website provides an About Us link. Also, it provides a
video. Critique: Users are able to read and watch a short film about
Share My Lessons mission statement.
Why- This website is important for every teacher, because every
teacher should base their lesson plans according to Common Core
Standards. Critique: All teachers can benefit from this website,
because it follows the United States requirements for educating

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