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Ranvir Jandoo 12W

During the creation of my personal blog, the group blog, pre production and post production we had used a
variety of websites to help us promote and make our work satisfactory.

Scribd (
We had used Scribd to upload a majority of our coursework onto our group blog and also our personal blogs.
The website allows you to upload word documents to an interactive website; in our case it was our blogs. We
found Scribd very easy to use and extremely useful due to the fact that we did not just write our coursework
onto the blog making it look unprofessional, we were able to make the presentation of the blog look much more

Blogger (
Blogger was a simple way of us to upload our coursework to a blog, we were given a choice to use any website
to create a blog, however Blogger was the most appealing to myself and my group. The link above is to our
group blog; featured on the blog is all four of the group members coursework, the blog was vital as the work was
constantly being altered therefore it was easy for myself and my group to change our work. Blogger helped us
keep our work organised.

SlideShare (
We had used SlideShare to help us upload and create PowerPoint presentations. We had used to SlideShare
as an alternative to Scribd as we did not want all our work to be uploaded by Scribd. We wanted to show that
we could use a variety of resources and websites to upload our coursework.

Google (
Google search engine was used to assist us with completing coursework which we did not understand; we would
use it for research. Google was used throughout the creation of our production as we would use it to find
inspiration for our sequence.

YouTube (

Ranvir Jandoo 12W

We had used YouTube to upload our preliminary tasks and final production. We had also used YouTube to find
inspirations for our own opening sequence; we would watch trailers and opening sequences of films that are of
the same genre to our opening sequence. We had also used it to find sound effects for our sequence; by
listening to sounds in similar movies to ours we were able to find sounds that were relevant to our sequence.

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