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Your Name: Alexandra Manganiello

Name of Lesson: Some Native American Tribes: Sioux, Navajo, Cherokee, and
URL of Lesson Plan:
-My ideas were based off some of this plan, but the activities are my own.
Sunshine State Standards Addressed:
1. SS.2.2.A.2.1: Recognize that Native Americans were the first inhabitants in
North America.
2. SS.2.2.A.2.2: Compare the cultures of Native American Tribes from Various
geographical regions of the U.S.

A= Analyze your Learners

As best you can tell, describe the learners for whom this lesson is intended.
What else do you think you would need to know about them?
My lesson plans are intended for my 2nd grade class of about 15 students. This
two-day plan will focus on American History and specifically the Native
Americans. My students have already learned about the Native Americans being
the first to arrive in North American as well as briefly hearing about different
tribes. My students are only focusing on the Sioux, Navajo, Cherokee, and
Apache. They may not understand the tribes fully yet, but after working through
the activities, they should have a greater understanding and be able to take a
short quiz.

S = State your Objectives

Carefully review the lesson plan. Identify the objectives. If the lesson plan has
learning objectives that do NOT meet the ABCD criteria, rewrite them. You
should have at least 3 learning objectives that meet the ABCD formula.
Remember, think Action Verbs!
A=Audience; B=Behavior; C=Condition and D=Degree.
1. After comparing the Sioux, Navajo, Cherokee, and Apache tribes,
students will take an interactive quiz in which they must receive 100
percent accuracy.
2. Applying their knowledge about the tribes, the students will select one
tribe of their choice and create an invitation to a Thanksgiving dinner in
which they must score at least an 80 percent based off the rubric.
3. After reading about each tribe, students will use self-evaluation to
determine which tribe they would like to be a part of by taking a quick

S = Select Media and Materials

In this section, make a list of what materials are needed for this lesson plan. If
they don't specify any technology, think of how you might do that! Try to think of
two different things you or your students could do with technology. Maybe you
can find a good multimedia site to use in this lesson? How about using word
processing instead of writing? You might be able to use a spreadsheet or
1. Miss Ms Second Grade History website with instructions for each day.
2. Day One:
Website links to Sioux, Navajo, Apache, and Cherokee tribes.
(These are given through buttons on my Wiki).
Tribe Quick Poll (On Wiki).
Native American PowerPoint Quiz (link on Wiki).
3. Day Two:
Students must have access to PowerPoint to begin a new
document for invitation.
Invitation Rubric (On Wiki).
4. Three YouTube videos on Native American Legends. (On homepage of
Legend of the Indian Paintbrush
Coyote Dream
The Origin of the Moon
5. Pencil
6. Notebook Paper

U = Utilize Media and Materials

How are the materials used?
1. Miss Ms Second Grade History website is used to give all instruction for
the students to follow on both Day One and Day Two of activities. This
website also includes a sources page for teachers.
2. The websites to the Sioux, Navajo, Apache, and Cherokee tribes are
used so the students can read the material and learn some basics about
each tribe such as what they wear, what they eat, where they live, and
more. After the students read these websites, they are also used for the
students to refer back to during the PowerPoint quiz. The tribe quick poll
is used so the students can analyze what they learned about each tribe
and make their own decision on which tribe they would like to be in, just
for fun.
3. On day two, students will need access to a blank PowerPoint document.
In this document, they are going to create an invitation to Thanksgiving
dinner from a tribe of their choice and they will invite the other three
tribes. By accessing PowerPoint, students will test their creativity and
PowerPoint abilities. The invitation rubric is placed on the Day Two
Activities page and will be used as a guideline for the students complete
their invitations and also used for me to accurately grade my students.
4. The three YouTube videos telling Native American legend stories are an
optional resource. They will be watched if students have extra time when
finished with an assignment or in leisure time.
5. A pencil will be used if the students wish to write down facts about a tribe
when reading through the information on the webpages.
6. The paper will be used if the students wish to write down facts about a

tribe when reading through the information on the webpages.

R = Require Learner Participation

Explain what the students are doing. How will they use technology in this lesson?

Both days of lesson plans are used entirely with integrating technology.
Day 1: The students are going to navigate my Wiki, Miss Ms Second Grade
History class. On this website they are going to read through the instructions and
it will link them to other informational sources on the web. First, they will navigate
from my Day One Activities page to four other websites; The Navajo, Apache,
Sioux, and Cherokee tribes. After this, students will use a Wiki quick poll to
choose which tribe they would prefer to be in as a fun way for them to analyze
what they have learned and make an informed independent decision. Following
the quick poll, the Wiki will take them to an interactive PowerPoint Quiz. The quiz
is interactive so the students will be able to navigate back and forth to read
through information on each tribe to choose the correct answer. If the student
gets the question wrong, they are allowed to go back as many times as they
need until receiving a 100 percent. I want them to take their time and read
through the specific webpages I have linked in each slide to ensure they know
general information about each tribe.
Day 2: The students will navigate on my Wiki, on the tab entitled Day Two
Activities. This tab will have instructions for the students to open a blank
PowerPoint. They will be using PowerPoint to create an invitation from the tribe
of their choice inviting the three remaining tribes to Thanksgiving dinner. In this
PowerPoint created invitation, students will need to incorporate the time, date,
and location of the event and what the guests should wear and bring as a food
item using historical accuracy. The students have access to the rubric with all of
the specific details needed for them to score a 100 percent and it is shown on
the Day Two activities page. After completing this assignment, there is a button
on my page that the students are instructed to click and it will open an email file
to submit their assignment.
On the homepage of my Wiki, students have a few options. First, if they have
any questions, I have a button under news this week that says, contact me if
you have a question. If students chose this option it will open an email message
in which they can contact my school address. Another option on my home page
is the YouTube videos at the bottom of the page. All the students have to do is
click the video and it will begin playing. These three videos are Native American
legends. Although these are not part of the lesson plans, the students may view
these if they have extra time after finishing the day activities or in leisure time.

E = Evaluate and Revise

How do you assess student learning?
1. For day one of activities, I am going to assess students learning by
having them complete the Native American tribe PowerPoint. Since the
PowerPoint lets the students go back and read information, they have a
small chance of getting the question wrong, but the PowerPoint I created
allows them more than one attempt at a question so I am looking for 100
percent accuracy by the time the students gets through the entire
2. On day two of activities, the students will be evaluated on their
Thanksgiving Invitation based off the guidelines on the rubric uploaded
onto my website. Students must receive at least an 80 percent on
assignment to show that they have basic knowledge of PowerPoint and
an understanding of the basic information of the tribe they choose.

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