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a. When was the last time you
i. Ate unhealthy
ii. Said you would work out but didnt
iii. Seen an advert for something healthy, unhealthy
b. 30% of new cases of diabetes are type 2
c. Government implementing new social workout programs
d. Government implementing healthy-eating adverts and programs
e. Government attempting to pose regulation on amount of unhealthy
food product in stores
f. Insurance incentives
g. Governments current strategies to make America healthier is
ineffective the best way for them to do so is by making their strategies
into a social movement by: c, d, e, f
New social workout programs
a. Most people dont workout regularly
b. If people see others doing it they will go along with it
c. More people workout the healthier they will be
d. Reduce chances of fatal health conditions
e. Along with working out people need to eat better
Healthy eating adverts
a. Putting healthy eating adverts through all kinds of media would cause
people to think and act more on such an action
b. More funding it gets through people purchasing healthier products
the more we will be able to advertise
c. Our country is hung over looking to media to see what to do and why
not do something progressive with this power
d. Putting adverts up is half the battle another is to give people a wider
amount of options to healthy foods they could purchase
Regulations on amount of unhealthy food in stores
a. How many unhealthy food products are in your local grocery store
b. How many healthy food products do you see
c. If there were more of a selection of healthy food you would probably
buy that more
d. By eating healthier and working out more you would be healthier so
why not give financial incentive
Insurance incentive
a. How much is your premium
b. It would be better if it were lower
c. What if the healthier you were the cheaper your premium was
d. Preexisting conditions are a different matter
e. Doesnt al of this sound great
If we implemented these strategies dont you think our nation would be
a. So why not try to change our current legislation

b. Petition, write, protest, make a difference and make a better future for
our next generations

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