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Michael Khoury

English 115
Prof. Altman

Works cited

Tanner, Michael D. "Obamacare: What We Know Now." Cato Institute. Cato

Institute, 27 Jan. 2014. Web. 12 Nov. 2014.

This source talks about Obama care. It says what its about and analyzes it politically.
I will use this source by talking about what Obama care is. Also, talk about any
political issues that arose from it.
"Download PDFs." Racial Prejudice Predicts Opposition to Obama and His Health

Care Reform Plan. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Nov. 2014.

This source explains any opinions that republicans may have about the health care
act. It also explains any predispositions that may arise form it being brought up by a
democratic president. I will use this to explain the republican side of the healthcare
"Party Politics and Enactment of "Obamacare": A Policy-Centered Analysis of
Minority Party Involvement." Party Politics and Enactment of "Obamacare": A Policy-

Centered Analysis of Minority Party Involvement. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Nov. 2014.
This article explains the democratic side of the healthcare act. I will use this source by
explaining the democratic side of the issue.

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