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Khoury, 1

Michael Khoury
English 115 2 pm.
Prof. Altman
One of the most controversial issues we face in our country is healthcare and
its costs. It is also the main topic in one of our most heated current debate between
our members of congress and other political figures in our country. Within the past
year the Obama administration has implemented a form of socialized healthcare for
our country. Yet, there are still those who are skeptical of this plan. They claim that
it is an insufficient form of healthcare, that the best way is for people to have
healthcare is on their own terms. A positive point of view of this is that an affordable
form of healthcare is being offered to all of our citizens. I find issue with both of
these claims. Firstly, not everyone is able to afford even a basic healthcare plan in
his or her current economic status. Secondly, I do not believe that this healthcare
reform act assists that matter.
I believe that those who have high-maintenance healthcare needs are what
causes healthcare costs to be raised for others. In order for those with highmaintenance healthcare needs to receive affordable healthcare then what residual
costs there will be will be spread through costs of other peoples premiums. This
means those: with preexisting conditions, who are older, and who are terminally ill

will have lower premiums while those who are young and healthy will have higher
premiums. We should not allow that to happen.

Works cited
"Conservative Perspectives on Health Care Reform." About. N.p., n.d. Web. 05 Nov. 2014.
"Health Affairs." The Political Divide In Health Care: A Liberal Perspective. N.p., n.d. Web.
05 Nov. 2014.

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