SNG Reflection 1 - Portfolio

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Student Network Group Event Reflection

The Why It Matters: Diversity in the Workplace event was part of the campuswide Diversity Education Week last Wednesday in Nelson Hall. It served to spread
awareness of the diverse nature in daily situations of the workforce. For this event,
representatives from different branches of Target Corporation came to share their
specific experiences and to prepare us for these scenarios once we enter the workforce
At the check-in table for the event, we were given an agenda for the nightit
was printed on six different colors of paper that would soon dictate the rotation group
we would be assigned to for the remainder of the night. This allowed for randomly
selected groups so that we were forced out of our comfort zones. Each group was
given a new real-life example where diversity could cause issues for employees or
managers at every table. We had to assess the situation and find the fairest solution.
The scenarios ranged from handicap judgments to racial bias. It was interesting to
hear everyones opinions because in my rotation group, we all came from different
majors and were all different ages; however, coming to a fair conclusion was never a
problem after collaboration. Being able to speak with the Target employee about
their protocol for each situation was especially helpful because we could better
understand the cooperative behavior that companies have in place to ensure everyone
is being treated justly.
This event did make me much more aware of the issues currently circulating
the in the workplace. It is important that we took the time to review the situations
because they not only apply to a job but also to everyday occurrences. I encounter
diversity daily whether it be in class or even speaking with someone while waiting in
a line somewhere. I will now be prepared to handle these types of difficult
confrontations with a more professional and honest attitudebenefitting me in
interviews, in relationships, etc. Overall, the event was a very useful experience.

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