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Strong Mathematical


Principle of
Strong Mathematical Induction
Let P(n) be a predicate defined for integers n;
a and b be fixed integers with ab.
Suppose the following statements are true:
1. P(a), P(a+1), , P(b) are all true
(basis step)
2. For any integer k>b,
if P(i) is true for all integers i with ai<k,
then P(k) is true. (inductive step)
Then P(n) is true for all integers na.

Example: Divisibility by a Prime

Theorem: For any integer n2,
n is divisible by a prime.
Proof (by strong mathematical induction):
1) Basis step:
The statement is true for n=2
because 2 | 2 and 2 is a prime number.
2) Inductive step:
Assume the statement is true for all i with 2i<k P(i)
(inductive hypothesis) ;
show that it is true for k .

Example: Divisibility by a Prime

Proof (cont.):
We have that for all iZ with 2i<k,
i is divisible by a prime number.
We must show:
k is also divisible by a prime.
Consider 2 cases:
a) k is prime. Then k is divisible by itself.
b) k is composite.
Then k=ab where 2a<k and 2b<k.
Based on (1), p|a for some prime p.
p|a and a|k imply that p|k (by transitivity).
Thus, P(n) is true by strong induction.


Proving a Property of a Sequence

Suppose a0, a1, a2, is defined as follows:
a0=1, a1=2, a2=3,
ak = ak-1+ak-2+ak-3 for all integers k3.
Then an 2n for all integers n0.
Proof (by strong induction):
1) Basis step:
The statement is true for n=0: a0=1 1=20
for n=1: a1=2 2=21
for n=2: a2=3 4=22


Proving a Property of a Sequence

Proof (cont.):
2) Inductive step: For any k>2,
Assume P(i) is true for all i with 0i<k:
ai 2i for all 0i<k .
Show that P(k) is true: ak 2k
ak= ak-1+ak-2+ak-3
(based on (1))
= 2k-1
(as a sum of geometric sequence)
Thus, P(n) is true by strong induction.


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