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Alma Vargas

December 4, 2014
Professor Hunter

Introduction of Self

My name is Alma Vargas and I am the youngest of 8 children. I am blessed to be the

mother of 3 boys and one girl. I have been a stay at home for the past 13 years. I was fortunate
to be able to stay home and raise my children. I was able participate in their school activities and
after school activities. I was able to volunteer in my daughters and sons preschool classroom. I
enjoyed being in a preschool setting and was encourage by the teachers to return to school.
My youngest son entered kindergarten, I decide it was not time to return to school. After
being out of school so long it was a hard adjustment. It has been a struggle and stressful being
the fact that I am a wife and a mother. But the stress has paid off, the knowledge and skills that I
have acquired with the Early Childhood classes and field experience. I have been able obtain a
job and has helped me be a better parent.
Having the field experience and the education has helped me understand the importance
of a child learning through play. Planning a lesson plan accordingly to the childrens interest
will give them the opportunity to be engage. Having the field experience and education has
motivated me to in the future open up my own center. I hope to be able to show my knowledge
and skills in a safe and engaging preschool.

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