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331 Hart Senate Office Bldg. Washington D.C.

, 20510

Dear Senator Dianne Feinstein,

Hello. My name is Gabriel Gonzalez and I am a high school student currently taking
college classes at Miami Dade College. I have to do a project on Police Armament and am very
impressed with what you have proposed during your term as Californian Senator. However, there
should be some things on your bill that should be tweaked. Police should be given semiautomatic and automatic weapons as the black market is increasing and illegal guns are
becoming more common. I believe that it should be harder to be able to own a semi-automatic or
automatic weapon and ban the most deadly weapons. If the police arent armed and your plan
passes through, criminals will still get automatic and semi-automatic weapons from the black
market and the police will be unable to stop them. The semi-automatic and automatic weapons
that should be given to the police, I think, should be handled by specialized forces like SWAT
and only be used in special emergencies like a criminal barricading themselves with a gun, a
burglary, a hostage situation, etc. Only in the most extreme cases should they be used.
Furthermore, lately the Ferguson trial has raised suspicions on this topic and police should not be
de-militarized and if that occurs, I can almost guarantee that there will be a spike in black
market sales of guns and a spike in armed interactions between the police and criminals over the
next decade. There will be more and more armed robberies and would kill the raising economy
and as a result brings the US back into a recession. Also, another way to end this is to bring a
stop to the black market although this is very unlikely and will take substantial time to

completely wipe out. It may be worth a shot though and act as a message that the American
government will not stand for illegal deals for semi-automatic and automatic weapons to
criminals. All in all, I am just saying that these tweaks (arming the police with semi-automatic
and automatic weapons and trying to bring an end to the black market) would ensure the safety
of the American public as well as the police officers that swore to Protect and Serve.


Gabriel Gonzalez
P.S.: I dont think a police officer will shoot an unarmed civilian who complies just because of
their skin color. That is my opinion and I just dont find that argument justifiable and logical.

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