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Lesson Plan for Hound of the Baskervilles Independent Project

Class: English 9/9H

How do story elements such as setting, plot, characterization and conflict enhance
the writers craft and the readers understanding?
Why is Sherlock Holmes such an enduring character?
Essential Question(s):

What is the purpose of the character Dr. Watson?

What does the hound represent?
Is Sherlock a hero? Why/why not. (What about Dr. Watson?)
In what ways do Watson and Sherlock form a type of family unit?
Lesson will last several weeks and be largely independent.
Read Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's novel Hound of the Baskervilles independently.
SW analyze author's craft and character and thematic development throughout the
course of the novel by completing dialectical journals for each chapter.


SW choose 6 logs entries from the assignment sheet and complete a modified
Independent Novel Project (a quarterly assignment for all students on an outside
reading book).
SW analyze the events, characters, language, structure, etc. or the text to create
their 6 logs entries.

Opening Activity:
Collected the last day of

Complete a WebQuest to build context for the novel.

each week.

1. Intro: SW complete an introductory WebQuest about the author, the time

period, genre, and geographical area.

2. SW read HOB independently.

As students read, they will complete dialectical journals each chapter.
Students are encouraged to seek help from the teacher any time before or
after school and during certain lessons in which the other students are
working independently.

3. Upon completion of the novel, SW choose and complete their 6 logs entries.
4. SW turn in the final product.
5. Watch a movie adaptation of the novel and examine the differences in
characterization, tone, mood, plot development, and theme between the
novel and film.

6. Teacher and Student will discuss any issues, unanswered questions, or other
thoughts on the novel, film, and project.

Discuss final thoughts on novel, film, and project.


Read HOB and complete dialectical journals and log entries.

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