Study Abroad Australia

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SMC Career Day: October 18, 2014: Annenberg Hall

Career Day is a time when students only get to learn about professionals and their careers,
right? Wrong. Career Day is an opportunity where yes, students are able to learn about the
professionals, but professionals also get to learn about the students. I had the pleasure of having
lunch with the Editor of the Philadelphia Daily News, Michael Days. I along with several other
SMC students had an interesting conversation about the way media has changed over the course
of a few decades. We even explored the dangers in media, and collectively came up with
potential strategies to better journalism for the future. After lunch, a panel of six Journalists,
Authors, and Advertisers as young as the 2013 Temple graduate, advised us on how to stand out
in the nations fourth largest market. I viewed the panel as personable mentors; they have
allowed me to appreciate my diverse studies in Communications.

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