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Discussion 5- The use of ICT mediated instruction to develop HOTS.

The Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS), which Im familiar with, are
Critical thinking which according to (Barak & Dori, 2009) requires an individual taking
control of his/her own mind. It is a process that requires one to think logically and
reflectively prior to deciding what to believe or what action to take.
Creative thinking requires the individual to reorganise recalled knowledge.
Problem solving is the process by which information is derived according to (Vockell, 2001)
and involves multiple processes such as describing the problem, anticipating the desired
result, and selecting likely solutions just to name a few. Additionally, it is linked with
creativity because to arrive at a solution often requires original thinking.
Evaluation requires the individual to review and reflect on their positions, viewpoints and
arguments from which informal judgements can be made.
Moreover, in relation to the development of HOTS using ICT mediated instructions; this
can be achieved through using Web 2.0 tools which includes blogs, wikis and social
networking. According to (Zawilinski, 2009) when members of a group gather information
from various sources to respond to the initial blog it requires them to use evaluative skills to
ensure that their sources are credible and relevant. Further, it employs critical thinking when
the individuals in the role as blogger have to select and attach the appropriate links to support
or critique a position. Another web 2.0 tool that is instrumental in developing HOTS is wikis.
It is posited by (Berger & Trexler, 2010) that individuals who participate in collaborative
activities in the development or editing a wiki site employ critical thinking skills, in addition
they also employ evaluative skills when they have to evaluate and reflect on decisions that
were taken in previous versions. Also the collaborative engagement of wikis produces
documents that are reflective of multiple viewpoints, hence the development of creative
thinking when new perspective originate from these viewpoints. Finally, social networking
allows for the development of a wide range of HOTS especially critical thinking when an

individual comments on the work of others or when they reflect on the appropriateness of
materials to the topic and assess the comments of others in a bid to check their capabilities.

Subran, D. (2010). Developing higher-order thinking with ict. Retrieved from

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