The Completion of Coupon and Service That They Availed

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The completion of coupon and service that they availed

To complete the coupon SPA 1(Thai Boran) it take 5 months to complete the
coupon has an percent of 42(28.76%) while in SPA 2(Body and Sole) it take 1
year to complete the coupon has a percent of 43(30.49%).
Thai Boran, majority of the respondents avail their reward programs once a month
(66.4%) while in Body and Sole majority of the respondents avail their reward
programs twice a month (42.55%).
Both spas,avail the service reward which is body massage. This type of massage
(whole body massage) sooths to all parts of the body and the client takes it more
practical to avail of this as a type of reward.

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