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Changemakers Action Plan and Final Product

Serina Chavez & Jared Davis

Action Plan: Community Outreach at Farmers Market
- Large plywood board (at least 4x3 feet)
- Large black paper (somewhat taller length than black paper)
- Two buckets of chalk (more if we can manage)
- 1 folding table
- Two chairs
- Canopy (optional)
Presentation/education ideas:
- Long poster infographic, maybe taking the same form of our intended final product
- Prezi?
- Pamphlets (can go with infographic, most likely from Lux)
- Collage?
- Definitely have music playing
Educate public about benefits of art in community and on personal level. Then hand them
free chalk and ask them to draw/add to the blackboard mural then take the chalk home and
draw in their communities and neighborhoods.

Final Product(s)
- Collage of photos from event
- Chalk mural, made by ourselves and community members
- Small statement summarizing what happened at the farmers market
- Infographic mentioned above

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