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Lesson Reflection

Starting this lesson, the students were very hyper and talkative, which made this
lesson hard to start. Within a few seconds of starting, the class was ready to learn because
of the activity that was planned. The students being able to work together allowed the
students to take part in cooperative learning. In this lesson the students successfully met
the goal of differentiating words that share the same pronunciation with different
meanings. When using the Smart board, technical difficulties occurred which in helped
me for the future. As the Smart board backfired on this lesson, I then went to plan b,
which in the end made the lesson better. After speaking with the teacher and the students
about this lesson, I learned that this is the type of activities that stick with the students.
The memorable ones are the one in which the students are being pushed to really think
about the information but having fun while completing. If I could do this lesson all over
again I would change the pictures that were used for each word. Some of the students
were confused with which word matched the picture. But in the end the students learned
the common homophones they run into while writing. To help show the students learned
from this lesson, their teacher as well as myself have seen the correct word used when

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