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Hanin Elathram
Professor Douglas
Writing English
2 September 2014
This I Believe: The Right Will Come Back to its Owners

In my childhood, I used to read stories or watch cartoons that contain diverse

characters and purpose, but they shared one common thing, the good and the bad side: the
heroes and the devils. In every anecdote or animated cartoon, the hero has to win at the
end and the welfare will spread; on the other hand, the devil has to lose even if he was
stronger than the good one. After I became older, I did not see these scenes anymore; the
bad guy will win and the good will lose no matter what. Unexpectedly, my belief says
justice will come whether I, you, or we liked it or not; whether we were part of revealing
the justice or pretended being blind about it, eventually justice will appear.
The significances of this belief or the motives behind it came from my
background. In the last three years, this idea started to be an intrinsic factor in my
principles and beliefs that draw a new map, trace, and path in my life. It was like a
milestone or a turning point to my perspective. This idea changed my concerns and every
single detail in my routine life. I lived in a country, Libya, whose political system was
dictatorial. This system was capable of doing anything in terms of universally
unacceptable, aggressive, and hostile to maintain its position. Libya has spent roughly
forty-two years under this bloody, oppressive, and murderer regime.

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However, the sun shone again after decades of darkness. A brave revolution
started in 2011, and it was one of the five revolutions that happened in that year, and it is
known nowadays by Arab Spring. Our political system did not surrender or yield to the
reality; instead, it kept sending armies of killers to fight back aggressively against the
revolutionists until their bullets ran out.
The story did not finish here. The government could not give up easily, so it
started an unbelievable media war that ranged between spreading rumors about the
public, to altering the reality by photo shopping methods. The revolution succeeded and
finished after ten months, although some people still think that it did not finish yet.
Through this time, I did not believe what was going on. I could not acknowledge that we,
the public, became free, and finally we could speak and express our opinions without fear
of punishment anymore and without turning our heads or whispering before talking about
the government. For ten months, I was pondering and questioning myself. Is this a reality
or dream? How did this happen? Why now?
Although Randy Pausch, in his book The last Lecture said The questions are
always more important than the answers (163). I also found the answers to these
questions, and they were compiled in one word The justice. Before this event I was not
really sure that the justice would appear; I was not certain that there would come a day in
which the oppressed people will take their rights, and the oppressive ones will take their
punishments. It happened and I was a witness to it, and if you asked me why I hold this
belief I would say, because I saw the power of the truth; I saw its strength and influences.
In other words, although the government was way stronger than the protesters, the
protesters won. This is because they were holding the justice with them; they were the

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right side. Literally, whoever has the right and holds the justice will be the winner
whether he was the stronger or the weaker side.
This belief gives me the feeling of security and safety in my life. I feel that
whatever is going to happen to me, and whatever the circumstances will be, I am sure that
I will receive justice in this life. Conversely, this belief also makes me cautions to avoid
hurting others because everything will come back to me. If I took other peoples rights, I
might get my punishment before I die in this life. This belief represents the guarantee in
my life that works like a monitor or a guard in adjusting my behaviors and guides me
toward the right path.
According to The book of Eli movie, an action and meaningful film, we can see
along the events that Eli was obsessive about sending his mysterious book to the west of
America because he knew that the truth would be there. He believed that if this book was
the solution or the truth that the people needed in that time, then it had to appear and
reach to every individual person even if the cost was his life.
The value of the justice and its representation is distinct between every single
person. For instance, justice is a nightmare for the oppressors who are afraid of it. On the
other hand, justice is a desired dream for the people who spent their lives seeking it.
Sometimes, the difficult circumstances in life push people to believe that justice will
never come. When they forget about it and lose hope they will receive justice, it surprises
them by its late arrival. In other words, even if the truth has been hidden for a while,
eventually it has to come, and the beauty in this belief that it is universal. It is not
restricted in some locations or for some people. Simply, it is one of the lifes inevitable

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Works Cited
Paush, Randy, and Jeffrey Zaslow. The last lecture. New York: Hyperion, 2008. Print.
The book of Eli. Dir. Joel Silver. Perf. Denzel Washington. Warner Home Video, 2010.
Tobol, Sarah. The Story Behind the Libyan Revolution. GQ. 1 Jan. 2011. Web. 9 Sept.

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The Reflection about This I Believe

The Right Will Come Back to its Owners

Based on my concerns about justice, the rights of the people, and the events that I
lived in my countrys revolution, I wanted to write about this subject. I am kind of the
people who feel very sick when they see oppression in the world even if it is not related
to them. Sometimes, I lose the hope about getting the justice back, but 2011 changed
everything about my previous beliefs. This year taught me that the sun has to raise again,
and the justice will be the rife. That is why my family think that the most career that suits
my personality is law firm more than engineering, but anyway I can still experience some
of the lawyers concerns in my writings.
Before 2011, there was no difference between being alive or dead; it was the same
to me. Living without freedom, voice, and liberty is similar to death. No one will know
the value of the freedom unless he experienced living without it, and I did. Therefore, in
my essay I wrote about the events that encouraged me to hold this believe the right will
come back to its owners and about my feelings at these episodes of my life. This believe
represents the oxygen that keeps me alive and it is my source of courage and hope.

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