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Most - Often - Needed 1949 RADIO DIAGRAMS and Servicing Information Compiled by New 1948 TELEVISION Menu INCLUDES EVERY POPULAR TELEVISION RECEIVER In this giant volume of television factory data, you have everything xyou need to repair every modern television set. For only $5, total price, You get complete service and alignment material on all popular T-V ‘ets. You receive eary-to-understand explanations of circuits, 144 pages fof alignment procedare, test Patterns, T-V antenna data, response {arvetcnilostone waveforms, Naltage chars, adjentment hints many iagrams on mammoth 11xiT-inch Blueprints, everything to bring. oo Up fo date and make you an expert in television repa ven FIND-FIX ALL TELEVISION FAULTS, _Uislthi nm practical Neylopedia” of television servicing as your guide to quie {Suit ‘tnding’ and” repair of any ‘modern television set. Bliminates guesswork tells you just where to look’ and’ what to do. 7 BIGGEST BARGAIN T.¥ TRAINING For 16 years, Ette Wourwasting Jobs 40. pleasant mo- ments. Use test pattzrns for quick adjust Tent, or look up'probable cause of trouble Inika agen of hints aftar simply obarv- ing faaitcof picture on screens No eaulp- ment needed with these tests. Or use your Wolbmeter and compare values with many Yoltage charts included, Ooserve wave- tn lla to handredgsaatrated Bang test points suggested and in a fash locate ‘had uned-to-be a hardcto-fnd fault, This anual will give you the know-how of a virtual treatise ‘on D Tatge manual packed a iis with practi- cal data, illustrations, diagrams, charts, Hhotographs, and ‘expensive extra-large lueprints, should ‘sell for $l0—but &s another Supreme special” value, it ‘is priced. to servicemen at only \§3, post= aid. Only a publisher who sold o¥oF one fillion of ‘various ‘radio manuals. can offer such bargain prices based on tre mendgus volume-rales. Read about this Rew T-V manual at Teft, Find out about television expert snd will repay for Hesclt m ‘with time saved on the Arat TV job other radio manuals iisted below. IAGRAMS AND F.M. SERVICE MANUALS sisup and amplify radio repairs with St- 'Borvige radios faster, better We time and money, use there most-often-needed agean monuale to. get abead, earn more per hour. For She'romarkable bargain price (only §2 for most volumes) Jou are ausured of having im your shop and on the. job, eeded diagrams and other cssgntial repair data on 4 out ofS sets you will ever serviee. Every popular radio of all Srakey from old-timers to new 1948 sets, including FM. fad Teleco, is covered, “leary printed clr, pars ats, alignment data, and helpful service hints are. the {acts you need to improve your servicing ability. Lat these mantals furnish you with dlagrams for 80% of all acts. There ts no need to spend large sume for bulky, space. trastng manual oF toRuy addtional drawings every few Weeks be wise, use SUPREME Manuals to get the most in fsgreme and service data for the smallest cost. Select manuals at feft and below. EM, and Television or thin exratnge mancal af fc ennai fe role BEE Soar evr omg puke 1948 Radio Diagrams Be preare to sepa gue all sy Seo cit, fh ‘iimed, “large, Scbomaticn, “nected SRO itp Be Be MMOST-OFTEN-NEEDED RADIO DIAGRAMS 3926-508 Supreme Publications Sold by all Leading Radio Jobbers Copyrighted 1949, Supreme Publications, Chicago A sights rere, ining the sight 0 reproduce ec quad he Conn of te boo or aay portion ‘hein ty form MANUAL OF 1949 MOST-OFTEN-NEEDED RADIO DIAGRAMS INDEX Admiral Radio Corp. Buick Pada Radio & Elect. 4D1. 980797 790 34 4pll 980798 795 33 apl2 4D13 Chrysler Garod Radio Corp. 802 82 SAS. 35 SPL Srl 4608 82 5A4 35 SPl2 6CL Crosley Corp. General-Electric 6cl1 9-101 19 14 39 eri 9-1: 9-102 21 60 40 9-103 18 62 40 Arline 9-104" is 102, 10a" 39 see Montgomery W. 9-115 20 107, 1070 39 9-1149 20 1s 42 Arvin 9-116W 21 114, 114aw 39 152r 72 9-119 23 115; lisw 39 155 72 9-120" 23 lie 41 160T 76 9-209 ee lieu, 110" 41 16e1T 76 9-200L 24 150 44 RE-232 76 9-212M 22 210 43 RE-233 72 9-212ML 24 2l1 43 240P 75 9-215B 24 212 43 241P 3 9-214M 25 356 45 24er 78 9-214ML 25 357 45 RE-242 17 9-302 26 376 36-38 2437 738 88TA, BETC 17 377 36-58 RE-245 73 378 36-38 244P 73 | Delco RE-244 73 see United Motors General Motors RE-248 75 see United Motors 250P 75 | De Wald Radio mfg. RE-251 78 B-400 27 Goodrich (B.F.) Co. RE-253 14 4-500 27 92505 46 RE~254 73 A-5O1 27 92506 46 RE-255 7% 02 27 RE-256 1 305 er Hallicrafters Co. RE-259 13 8-408 47-48 280Tru 14 | Emerson Radio 201TFM 14 557 28 | Hoffman Radio Corp. 547, S470 7 559 29 115 49 2410P 7 565 28 129 50 570 30 B503 49 573 ea B508 50 nt Radio Corp. B509 50 Se Sea C EEE es 877 31 B510 50 é@piel 3 580 50 BS13 49 5240 14 583 32 12001283 31 1B00s98 32 | Howard Radio Co. a Bendix Redio 1200488 28 ZB, -c, + 55x4 16 120059 29 401-B, -C, -M 52 65P4 15 120064 30 MANUAL OF 1949 MOST-OFTEN-NEEDED RADIO DIAGRAMS Mantole Noblitt-Sparks Phileo, Continued 92505, 46 1527 49-9008, -I 92506 46 153T 49-901 160T 49-1401 Meissner Mfg. Co. 1617 g02 8c 52 RE-232 4608 RE-233 Montgomery Ward Co. 240P Pontiac ‘74BR-1501B 55 241P 984247 ‘74BR-1502B 55 2427 B4BR-1065A «54 RE-242 R.C.A, Victor 84BR-1501, -2 55 2437 237ED 84BR-1503D 56 RE-243 - SBXS 84BR-1504D 56 244P 8BX6 @4BR-1507B 87 RE-244 eras 84BR-1508B 87 RE-248, SRL 84BR-2003C 58 250P eR72 840CB-1062A 53 RE-251 R74 84WG-2704D 59 RE-253 §R75 84WG-27128 60 RE-254 R76 84WG-27146 61 RE-255, av7 84wa-2721¢6 62 RE-256 Bv90, RE-259 evll2 Motorola, Inc. 2e0TFK evis1 One 64 eel TF 8x53, PCo 64 547, 547A exs21 SA7, SA7A 63 2410P exse2 SR6 64 8x541 8A 64 | Oldsmobile 8x54 BKB, BK8X 64 982455 8X547 cRS 66 ex6sl cre 64 | Olympic Radio ex682 FDS 64 622 75x11 SRDT 64 1-638 7sx12 sour 64 770, of} 64 | Packard-Bell Co. . 71 ERS 64 TL, TMX RE-121¢ NHS 64 RS-123D OBB 64 | Philco Corp. RP-178 PCS 64 cR-2 RG-613A SRB 64 CR-4 RC-615, SeAll . 65 CR-6 RC-616 seale 65 ‘UN6-100 RC-616A, séL11 67 48-300 RC-618, -A SER11 to -R16 68 48-461 Tove HS-58 69 48-472, RC-1037B HS-62, HS-62A 63 48-1262 RC-1040C 671 to -X13 69 48-1282 RC-1050_ 106 6stll 70 49-500, RC-1059 95 HS-114 67 49-501 RC-1060, -A 97-98 HS-116 68 49-505 RC-1061 107 HS-119 70 49-504 RC~1064 104 ‘HS-158 65 49-505 RC-1065, -A 105 408 mn 49-601 RC-1066, -A 103 708 n 49-602 Record Changer 111 MANUAL OF 1949 MOST-OFTEN-NEEDED RADIO DIAGRAMS Sears, Roebuck & Co. | Sparton United Motors, Cont. ‘7080 lee 6B9 131 980797 141 8020 120 8Le 132-133 980798 141 8070 lee 221 132-133 982455 142 8080 nie i030, -a 130 984247 144 g083 lee 1058 152-133 084 lee 1059 152-133 | Western Auto 8086 124 1060 132-133 D1836 145 8101 lez 1062 132-133 p1e46 146 8102, -A, -B 124 1064 132-133 De2615 147 B107A, 121 1072 132-133 D48s2 148 8108, -A lel 8153, -A 123 Westinghouse Elect. 101.809 lee | Stewart-Warner H-164 149 101.614 led cs1Tl 134 H-165 150 101.817 122 csiT2 134 H-166, -A 149 101.851 lel AGLPL 135 H-167 149 101.852 119 AGLP2 135 H-185 151 109.635 123 AG1PS 135 H-188 152 132.841 120 BeLTL 136 H-190 155 B6LT2 136 H-191, -A 153 Sentinel Radio 9036-A,-B,-C 135 H-195 151 10-3148, -I 126 9045-A, -B 134 H-202 154 10-314W 126 9046-A, -B 136 H-204 154 S148, -I, -W 126 323K 127 | stromberg-Carlson Zenith Radio Corp. 529-1, -R, -W 125 1200 137 SDELO 155 1202 137 SD811 155 Silvertone 1204 138-139 SEO1 155 see Sears, Roebuck SEO2 155 Truetone 6ps1s 156 Sonora Radio see Western Auto 6EO3 157 100 leo 6E05 156 101 129 | United Motors 6R880 157 102 les R-705 145 ‘TE02 158-159 R-1244 140 TEe2 160 Sparks-Withington R-1245 140 TEe22 158-159 see Sparton R-1246 140 ‘7REST 160 New F.M. and TELEVISION Manual Simplified Radio Servicing by cei lant manual of fajory data COMPARISON Method bee reattach t Bye EM end FELEVISON set Repu radon in minutes instead of hears Great diagrams, explanations, service bins crak tadion in unutcs {Fy Gowers very popolar make incading tethalge permis yore doconer ween EM, uines AM-PM ‘combleations, and all radio sets. Mast-repairs can De made ) bie, spa, AMEN Som Ste at tee ea GS ee 192 Tare paws, $y4x11" plas index Sturdy Hany Single, ooke, Coretlerenes cena a rmantal sole Bog. $2, ertons Wetie the facts natant Plan copgrighted Special pree, only. poe 8B avers every radio set—new and old models, his new servicing technique presented in hand Syaall haches, 72 pages, Over 1000 pra ‘ ADVANCED RADIO SERVICING analgate guile shooting blueprints, Charts for circuit Use these 30 lectures ia glant manual form to learn advanced by MON. Beitman. New 1996 edition, Net Pree Imetheds. hints, Ue and aeggerons. Take sdvantage cf RE'RUBetanea’s {year of cio experience ax resented fe hay coy toll ate ern, Every ving Pearse wel haar 8, MANUAL OF 1949 MOST-OFTEN-NEEDED RADIO DIAGRAMS ass KC tiie, 15 DETAVE.AF AMR, upaa35Ke ‘S common Gea (Line) hy chow ne ag Bower vies 3 > readings taken between tahe socket ermine and fa {metal shell of clecolyic condenser). Diet wet to Tow frequency, no signal, and volume cootal fe Rencuements made from 117 volt {toon DC fin, voltages may on @ Voltage readings taken with a vacuum tobe, volimeter, Xotese cia marked wh an ser * idiate mach eet wstage or aero wltage if meaared with 1000 lm perwolt meter rneararements ae made on battery operation ube fament GH ill vary withthe condition of the bat- wil equal the terminal voltage of the the valage dep through component AC line, 1 measured ly lower. CHASSIS _5FI MODELS 5FII, 5FI2 ‘TUBE AND TRIMMER LOCATION . won wg +14 taken wig, 1000 chm-parall meter, aaa win Wester Bete, a 8, sannge' 654 ‘Basten “B6i,” Bargess XX45, Eveready 467 or 1 Option insert Pap Her + Basign AMT o senna Use replacement A and B eof Ssteg"gshateaese sags mend © MANUAL OF 1949 MOST-OFTEN-NEEDED RADIO DIAGRAMS ua us ao eT. AVO~aR coe / Z4 euceLate NOTE: Ca, Cb, Cie Cd an Ce ae cna» singe wt “ (Bupa) anima ote CS endawer flac e schon oan tee ed ten sen the ring , Ee Se SHULFLNTE eta). Hct fe eal pen : or wrt wl nt be nero pn the ene He, y En rman Replace the bad section with a condenser of proper value. " [Note that leads $ and 6 are common to more than ove section, tz 3aser NOTE: Some microphonic howling may occur on, sirong signals {I the volume contol se turned beyend the overload point. "The following changes lave been ‘ade in’Iate-producion be cease some SB Dateien, with high Intel restance, may ‘atue squealing at nermel sofume levels, (@)" Condenser C3 (008 maf. 600 vat oscillator plate bypass) has connected tothe plate and the blue lead to the screen of the se (a) Fa cary, padi chan which do_ ot bar ih ao change, the sume results can unually be secured by adding & ‘ni 90 wot elecwlyc condenser frm Bet vo chases Sure the condenser i connect in the cea om the set side Ibeen replaced with sald, 300 lt condenser. oy Condenver C6 002 aid. 600 volt, 384 ate bys feted to the screen grid (pin 4) eather than to ground. () The speaker leads have been revered, the red Teal has been ne ent swtch" Do not connect tothe bay ae of ref othe ihren leakages te conde? wil “B” battery life. - COU, TRANSFORMERS, tt. se Mie — on oan 2 ee Hatt rics Switch, Ow Ot rt ot Ye Wa CONDENSERS ap. art Mo, CHASSIS 4D1 MODELS 4D11, 4012. 4D13 ——— eee POSITIVE, TERMINAL VOLTAGE DATA ‘© Readings made between point indicated and chassis, ‘¢ Measured using a fresh set of batteries, os Sata 45 ° ° ° RGR, oot é 2 ue 148 ‘¢ Turned to low frequency end, no signal, ‘© Voltages measured with Vacuum-Tube Voltmeter. © A second voltage reading (marked with an asterisk *) indicates readings made with a 1000 ohm-per-volt meter when use of this instrument would result in appreciably lower readings. 7 MANUAL OF 1949 MOST-OFTEN-NEEDED RADIO DIAGRAMS WB. 45 Ke aad SOT ea somemiragsnenst: RESISTORS ee & § Be CHASSIS 6CI MODEL 6C11 ‘TUBE AND TRIMMER LOCATION {fer Bower Opcaan iment Pte wre. fltage readings taken, between tube smcket. terminals and Bites ect shell of elecelylc condenser). (@-Diak act to low frequency, wo signal, and volume oot nainem, (© Measurements made from 117 vets AC line. If measured from ‘DE line, voltages may be slighy lower. (© Voltage readings taken with a vacoum, tube volimeter,, Socket Mamisale marked with'an asterak * indicate much ower Sohnge or sero vokage if measured with # 1000 ohm-peralt ineter- (0 1f mcasurcmente are made on battery operation, tube filament ted B plus voltogen will vary with Une condition of th batterien, ‘Fhewo voltage will oqual tho terminal voltage of the A of B battery minus the roliage drop threugh components. =|O Boe 38 a PLACEMENT OF BATTERY PACK gig af ae pes Sate As a tape UOC BRIM Sle Te ml me ee rt eg Sesh anias fee me oom = See ee Et Sep onsen os a ey eit Metter sir ey tm ne cy ah Scan oie et hot tightens oe battery, plug tery plug MANUAL OF 1949 MOST-OFTEN-NEEDED RADIO DIAGRAMS a8 = qi; eff Shue weeny (ey steel di 3 333 site bed Ee yy 8. tagtld Admiral Model 6R11 Alignment information on the next two pages. 9 MANUAL OF 1949 MOST-OFTEN-NEEDED RADIO DIAGRAMS Admiral MODEL, 6RIl IMPORTANT PRELIMINARY ALIGNMENT STEPS In FM alignment, it is essential that every step be of the FM clreult are to be aligned, proceed from, that followed: Especially important ts picking the center ef point on the chart being sure 10 follow all remaining {RSPB care” ep’ the PACE alleen instruc, Hee Hons). Daring. portion 30 alignment it is neces- Adjustments made to FM-IF’s at 10.7 MC, will require Suny to tune the sigual generator very careflly; Toa £107 MC, Mecest{tate having fo estimate the dla readings 1 a tenth Teelignment of AM-IP slug adjustments ein division Check pointer paxton. With taming rang dew the Under normal operating conditions or use, misalignment ip of the pointer clip should be over ee ot RF or IF circuits with age will be slight. Lack of lav punch ‘at the arireme left end of the dial back: Tier hd “Migeetente be act alitnt to realign the Ue lation transfé it available, oth sther than alighment. "Do. nota ealgn te ean jeclaion transformer if available, otherwise feceiver anil ail ether possible eauses. have frat been Connect avd'mfd, condenser in teries with low side of HReroughiy invertignted. si generator and attach to B 1 complete alignment i neesnry, iti emental that ‘Be aur, Yat the et and_ the signal, goo proper sequence ‘be fllowed sg tabilated nthe align: Woroughly warmed up ‘before slarting ligament Int charts However, if nly the AM band or x portion FM LF. AND RATIO DETECTOR ALIGNMENT © Keep output indicator leada, well separated from © To avoid splitting the slotted heudof iron core tuning Signal generator leads and chassis wiring. Bags in “The Transformers, ore an. insulated ligament toot with ae" wide screwdriver, blade. (© Band switch in FM position (fully to the left, Botnot exer! undue pressure as threads of sles Eee Oe Wa venga, keep rfueng ipa oernor gener must becca daring algae ‘volte Dé with exception of Step #E ‘© FM antenna disconnected during alignment Before proceeding, be sure to follow all steps listed above, under “Important Preliminary Alignment Steps.” Connect | Generator | Receiver just oa Fellows signt Ceserator| Pregctey ii etdng|_OntetEnentor and Spell Connections | “ey earful) “Tha 001, cond. ae? fond end | 207MC | Tunkne | connect VIVIE (DC probe) trom point “W" | primary) for masini pin gat, | wmode | ee | to B minus ("Y"), (See Fig- 7) reading on VIVE 12a Soa tm) [**Thra-001 eond| Tron cores “B® and “C” “on de o (Gnd 1 tana.) for mass ae ft Py from reading On VIVA TEnicun op EVAL Bee side ‘maximum on Fat antenna A B60, fr ei muda (sep reiocoe = ‘generator output to keep SIVA otis tot) Reduce output of signal generator until VIVM reads exactly +15 volts DC. ‘Tune cenerator frequency above 107 MC until VIVM roads exactly 41.0 volt. Note exact generator frequeney. Extreme care in reading this ia essential. Tune generator frequeney below, 107 MC until VIVM reads exactly +10 volt. (Note exact generator frequency.” Extremo eare in reading this is essential ‘Add generator frequeney in atep ¢ to generator frequency in step d and divide by 2. ‘The Sell te the conter frequency of the TF curve to be used in Rep 5. Seu example ‘on next page. ane generator frequency above and Below 107 MO aid note voltage rea Viiv at dierent frequency points until you have good impression of the shape Of the selectivity curve. 5 oF 6 note readin (rollage) of both peaks the other one, fe wil necessary to realign IF astrated By Figure 6. Gonterct TF telecivity| Iron core “F* (ratio dete avepe | tone ore top seendary) freee sien Connect VIVM (DC probe) from point “x” | vatage reading on VIV1 above, See] ESP the correct sero pei it CEKAM" | wide open to B minus (See Fig. 7) | located Between'n postive PLE on and a negative mazinram) next page. If any adjustments were very far off, it is desirable to repeat steps 8. 4 ani 1 00m et cen eaves rd i rn iit 3 MANUAL OF 1949 MOST-OFTEN-NEEDED RADIO DIAGRAMS Chdmiral SETTING SIGNAL GENERATOR TO CENTER OF LF. SELECTIVITY CURVE CAUTION: Due to the difteulty of setting a, signal ffeverator to the accuracy required by this operation, ex- Ee care mutt be exereaed i ming cach setting. Otherwise, improper sliment of the ratio detector and consequent audio Aatorton will result Roaametiiae a; EXAMPLE: (See Figures 1 and 2) Voltage reading in Step ds in + 15 volte, Fat Sele FT ck Bo Slee HoT MC fr * Teal walt De = 104 Generator - TYPICAL SELECTIVITY CURVES tng of vole Center frequency is obtained by adding 10.640 and 000, Sin aiding by B.For then readings wl ‘connect nnecy r . 2 re connec’ fconnect\ i coaneen a Fe 3 Pa 5 Fo 6 Fie 4 FM RF ALIGNMENT PROCEDURE Ragin Generator Frequency?! setti 200 Nt | Feni Connect VTVM sbe) “wr * Thru 270 chm | Gee {DO prob from pot “W" | °0 for masa EROS | CEES" | en (Dec ‘otras FM antenne = are | G 102 MC Output Indleator and Connections Adjust a Follows “Tune ip generator seca on receiver, “Adjut, for max. Vivi reading” fein wo dat gqnercar opt po VIVM ndings fs ok GEST ppprORTRATY FUE V. DC after peaking 4 Ie your signal generator oes bot reach thle frequeney, use harmonics an dencribed in "WM Alignomeat Equipment With the gang fully closed, the Esmee ar . LI CES Ge ltt ond'sfthe Gt buekground ie, 7 Trimmer Lacaton Fa. 8 Dial Swinging ond Pointer Soting AM ALIGNMENT PROCEDURE © Use regular output meter connected across speaker @ AM loop antenna must be connected and placed in voice’ eal the sume relative position to the ehaans © Turn receiver Volume Control fall on; Tone Controt im cabine ree © Use lowest output setting of signal generator that ures ives a satisfactory reading on meter. Dummy Antenna, Signal | __ Receiver ‘Adi. Trimmers Connect ‘Signal Between Radio and Generator Dial ‘a. Following Generator Signal Generator Frequency | Setting Order to Max. ‘Set Band Switch to Broadcast Position (center) and be sure to follow instructions under heading “Important Preliminary “Alignment Steps.” Loop antenna must be connected. Gang condenser ‘Tuning gang Sours | 1 ro woxc | Target ae AM Aen Direct Toa ‘tae | cemnedlon reo xe | Mantes m Tnstall chassia and AM Toop in eabinet. Place generator lead close to loop of set to obtain terse wore | He eon ial mann) wa 1 MANUAL OF 1949 MOST-OFTEN-NEEDED RADIO DIAGRAMS "SES ALIGNMENT PROCEDURE Volume contol—Maximum all adjustments. Conoect Bol radio chassis (125Q7-Pin 3) to ground ‘ ‘hoof signal generate thoughe Ma) conde SIGNAL GENERATOR POSITION OF ADJUST TRIMMERS Frequency Dummy Connection IRON CORES TO MAXIMUM Setting Antenne to Radio Dial Setting) (in order shown) Connect 19 Metal Tron Cores “Trimmers co. output oe ae Anicona Backplate All the way out fod input fe cans Connect «9 Meta ton Cores Ose. Trimmer (C6) 1720 Ke. Sh Aocenna. Backplate All the way out Gee voltge chart) | = Connect 10 Ouse Iron Cores ‘Ane. Trimmer (C3 720 Ke. 200 DOME, ‘Anvenna ip Al the ay Gee voltage char) = Connect to Outside Tura Dial © ‘Adjgt position of antenna coil C2 ‘Aoveons Clip ode. GeeTeal sembly view) 5 ‘Connect «9 Outside Tere Dist ‘Adjust eimmer (C3) 200 MME. “Antenna Clip 1720 Re (Gee vollage chart) ane cil sembly made so tat i, movable ‘went slowiy. “ie “an be’ moved by hand pe by pivting eer BE ceed She Maal nllng St Back. Epes conic uae be pein Sfnimene sicqaued a Saaa'Becl MA AA ne chanee oF THREE TURNS XU COUNTER = CLOCKWISE, Coll Assembly View bs Si Beludat Radio 12 “shart MODEL A-5D118 MANUAL OF 1949 MOST-OFTEN-NEEDED RADIO DIAGRAMS RFAMP CONVERTER ayooc rave. e l2SK7,_,12SA7 @ eS Belmont MODEL 6D121 SERIES A vos-125 Yais Aconoe. @ (OTE: On some sets slug tuned LF are used instead of on top, primary on bottom). Slug tuned I-Fs cannot be used to substitute trimmer tuned EI, ‘but trimmer tuned E-Fa can be used to substitute slug fined Fs arate “ig tig Aol 64 See tne scopes Reda pated se ug tue: The gat SR BEALE N ap tad Bo fenced e ser a gos ee haw & 2 cc soegeree wu ©, cw, ct sate ress PM Kae CHASSIS VIEW, SHOWING TUBE LOCATIONS (Gee note above ou I-Fa) Poereemeeeerenn siete oe ele te Som hares 2 ERE rita tron are Peele, BASE Connection Fae seach Setting Antenn ea ane 5 Ke. on mia, Ont of SAT RSS AMLPRRy) SRE, ol ae Ke, or mia Gna or TaaAT Rotor Tal ppen__——Ontiator pons, T a coer eno emmy Ga Bettany ae Paale 00 Ke, Nene ee note A ry “Ante e att Re. ‘Potions Bt rao Now Ar Tay cutpat oad of generator iv back of Toop antenna Tarn op Foner Oatpue Laap antenna Wil BIER uP 4 2 8 a a a 2 MANUAL OF 1949 MOST-OFTEN. Ov6S 1iGOW 91 a quar 09 IgWASSY OD JO aA vowws3s0 Beer, wenn SOR anaino sgos giany ish a Sav Laan wasaanod guvel oaazt MANUAL OF 1949 MOST-OFTEN-NEEDED RADIO DIAGRAMS BENDIX MODEL 65P4 circuit | input Pointer Aligned | Freq. Position | Adjusteents iF 456 KC Wax. to | Cob, 9a, right 67, ¢7a lose. | **1u75 KC | 1675 Ref. | Cte Mark 1475 KC | 17S Cte, 62 "7965 KC 965 heck "580 KC 580 Calibration * Applied to Antenna Input through. afd or less. ** Applied to Antenna Input through 60maf. or les + If dlal pointer calibration is not within plus or minus 10 KC the gang rator plates aust be bent to cause correct tracking. DIAL REFERENCE POINTS CONDITIONS OF MEASUREMENTS TRMEE, Tocomonemws oc aTe0900R_AGAT \B008/0 SEMODUATGR 8 IETAIDO POWER QUTRIT egrien "Se % sb [UNE VOLTAGE ITA. ZERO SIGNAL VOL, CONT. MIN. SOCKET ConvERTER eam dit, wore guictage | _ © aun BE tie ate nesisranee i AT (dn AFA, Bei Ret, Bendix Radio uses neste chassis muerte TONE PHONO SwrTeH MANUAL OF 1949 MOST-OFTEN-NEEDED RADIO DIAGRAMS Soe coreut ALIGNED Calibration * Check Calibration jena Generator connected toexterne! antenna con nettion for complete sligameat: a HIGH AEN enn OL88 ‘VL88 ‘STACOW SINWHOVIC Oldva GaqgaaN-NG.LIO-LSOW 6P6I JO TYONYIN WISAGY LNEWNOTIV oaths : HS MIA dOL SISSVHO BENS = auOo YaMOd 01 SNid 4OOTUBNI \ WOILi804 1207! NoLIMs 2oMvusio -Tw201.56 ‘Sor zowvusen aovinon 133908 8 LUVHO ADVLIOA LAXNOS Cs cf Ehone- Gave Tescrare ey Rh er a waigi1938 \ O| "0 OAM at maz Wa o OLYNINIUOSIO MS __ONWOWOAIUTSOWY uaa St indino “O17, BONVUSIOL 3OVLIOA 139x905 *20VLI0A v= * “NOILO3NNOO ON =ON "F199 09 'ALII BOLTON 3NIT "8 01 997 13x90S WOUS YBLIMLIOA DINOUL9379 NY HALIM GAUNSWN 39VLTOA "$1340 3ENL 40M3IA WOLL08 "I L 9 SNOLLONND ONIWIM #70 'S * © Wis Taw sa "aan $908 as POH NCTT TAINS 3en4 LAOHLIM SUBAISO3a SISSVHO “S8N. seos 3SN ‘94 0061 O7ZIHS BEN. HLIM SHBAIZOSN WaNMTUL INV Oe Dnoz1 ELON. WIWWTEL Oso anogans 4007 40 20i$ LNOwS ‘aI10 LNW WNUSLKS ‘Oy 99h *AONANOGUA ALVIGAWAALNI “O¥ OO9T 0} OFS ‘HINVA AONANDAYA MPOI-G “801-6 *STAGOW KEES OUD SNYUOVIC OIGYA GAqdgaN-NALIO-LSOW 6P6T JO TYONYIN 501 3: SLTOA O6484°S1T0AN' 1s AGIA UVAY SISSVHO SLIOA - A3S019 SNVO [S104 TI- N3d0 ONVS 3OVLIOA Givd ‘9SO iNdLno Y3AISINdNY 4-1 Y3aLY3ANO9 _ 240291 of SIMWTET DSO ofid AuBL Ive ‘annous = ‘ “ANY WwNu31x3 —T R 219vo 8 : 101-6 * 1aad0W ALFTS OUD al SWYUOVId Oldva CaqsaN-N.LIO-LSOW 686T JO TIVYONYIN (goponpolg puores) WVAOVIG JILVWAHOS vanvads 8==] “suas 41st swe seauaque doo] ay} 18au peal yndyno 10zer0Ues [wuss CBT Teudig 0 ouny, door 03 povwpeas oot & door] 03 paqwIpeas 0z9T z doory jo aay wed opis WH aay L uw gndyng wT “puoy Buyuny, oL cowonbard eouanbeg 405 sen (py Jo wong juowusy1y ndjng soyer0uep [sus 3ynaqdsgDo0ud LNIWNOITV “%01 BONVHITOL ZOVIIOA L3NDOS L a3S079 9NVO "BOVLIOAOV = & 9 2S- “NOLLONAT ONIIM CM 'S *NOILO3NNOD ONFON 'y "31949 09 "AZIT BDVIIOA NIT “¢ *-@ 01 907 134908 WoUs Y3L3NIIOA 9INGULO3T3 NV HLIM G3UNSVN 39vLI0A @ '$13¥90S 38NL 4OM3IA WOLLOG "1 w3LY3ANO9 (prser noii08 B dL 4STOv MPII-6 ‘€11-6 STACOW Ava oussy wors0a Meee @e doi 1s,rav k és SWNYUOVIC OIGYA CAGgAaN-NALIO-LSOW 6961 JO TYNNYIN & ot ! La ? "y = " 3 i . fg o3 } » IMAL. ANT. ex’ tezoxe LUVHO ADVLIOA LAM0S vangnraiv sa *y MB8IT-6 ‘201-6 STIAGOW SINVUOVId Oldva GAdgaN-NILIO“-LSOW 6%6E JO IYONYN “Ox OOF! "WIML ENV wowe dNHO!ld *ONOHG uanvadS NO 4 « Z i / MODELS 9-209, 9-212M 4390S 4OLOW “ONOHd ‘OV “%O! BONVEIIOL BOWLION 1340S —O "WAL BML TOA DINOML IITA ‘OVL09 ALI BD¥LTOA BNIT “L NV HLIM O34NS VEN 39VLIOA E sep. One eS “(S1SS¥H9) 6~ 1 ON MOMLO3NNOO ON + "0° “| 43ND0S NOMS SIDVLTOA BUMSYIN Z "NOLLONAP ONIUIM = TM oy *$13490S 40 M3IA WOLLOB 1 TS310N ouogel av eee oy Ne ce Pos, . BSLGIANOD eo MANUAL OF 1949 MOST-OFTEN-NEEDED RADIO DIAGRAMS £9, v9 wR waaay Fe Indino veuuaque doo] oy} wou peal indyno sozw9Ues [eUsIS ooe[g » oO OFT dooy 0} payerpey, OOFT 8 a ozeT dooy 0) pozerpey, oz9T z v ozot ope der | FE 008 99% t qndyng wnwyxey, sequod [a on, sous uy | souanbsig | souenbog 303 yen{py Jo uontsod IT] qwowusyy “I9A1900I 9Y} UI WOT}e OAV Jed 07 a[qissod se Mo] se 4qndjno Joze19ue [wuss ULe}UTeW ynq ‘Jo}eUr yndqno 9y} Jo uoreyep aeospruz Ajeyeurtxoidde sonpoid 03 yndjno Jojze19ued jeusis ay} ysn(pe pue [[NJ uo [orjUOD auINJoA ay} UM, ‘g *ay208 eqn} 9YAZI UO Z uld) —g 0} Jasuapuod ‘pyur ‘9 B YBN0IYy} PUNO 10;e19UE [eUsIS ay) yoouU0D, “euuajue doo] Jo apis y8Iy ey} 0} pazoauu0d aq pinoys 10ye19UeB [Buss ay} wWorz yndul [eusis ‘Ju oy, “Z “P09 eo10A Jexveds ay} SsO1de JayeUI jndyno Ue JOeUUOD “T FUNdIDOUd LNAIWNNOITV 400bl = oy O29) @ mss WOLLOS @dd@ isnrav = Y3xV3dS NO ? SL3N9OS Nid OL VNNBLINV “LX wOWr dN HOld “OM OOv! Wal 3-4 2% OOv! 134905 4OLOW ONOHd OV “S}OA GZI-GOT *ONILVU ADVLIOA AIuo '2 “e 2949 09 : ATdd NS UTMOd ‘4 S¢h : AONANOAYA ALVIGAWYGLNI ‘24 009T 99 OFS SHONVA AONGNOGUT ‘audpossyeysadns ‘pueq a[Surs ‘eqny-xig : Hd AL E1Z-6 “IINZIZ-6 “1602-6 STAGOW. KHTSOUWD- oun OF ue Wa ‘24 969] Pp {ONAN AMG ALVIGAWAAINI! MODELS 9-214M, 9-214ML : Qo s a eS 3 Q a a a i a a a BE fe 9 B Q 8 = 2 : a g be ° = % 01 BONVURTOL BOVLION Lam YJ “BDVITOA 37949 09+ #9 *3m17 37949 09 ‘170A an ows aganta O10 HLM OaUnsvaM S30 ¥1I0A «S| "NO1LD3NNOD OW HON} MOILONNE ONIMIM ot mE] <9 94 0n7 13%908 Nous ¥213NLTON“OINOU 19393 WY LIM O3UNSVIM S3D¥LIOA iS43x90S 3ans 40 431A WoLL08 “| S31ON LUVHO FDVLIOA LANIOS AGIA dOL ‘SISSVHD AGIA dOL ‘SISSVHD uaigioay WINS 73S. Z0e-6 ‘14dOW AFISOUD WwNUBLK3 OL e SIWYUOVIC OIdvYa GaqdgaN-Ng, .LIO-LSOW 6h6I JO TYNNYA AL OF 1949 MOST-OFTEN-NEEDED RADIO DIAGRAMS « DEWALDaravio ovels- A500 - A501 - A502 - A503 "| Efe ee ef addtional pickep rm the sear of the 8 ofthe receiver is vind athe power vith and volume contr. ysl ‘eston fete eer“ ara rolton thi tection inronue te val STATION SELECTOR: The right band nob operate the tuning in of stations and polntr. Ease and accorecy in tring provided brestan af Tedeton ite z is} BE ty 3 B n ° = a vz a fy ° a B e a NEEDED RADIO DIAGRAMS wie it] oc ‘mo FE nea toes @Nia 4 Nia Nd | ‘asho0ct *19G0W SISSVHO S9S - LSS aGOW obs yo we SNid_| + Nid € Nid SONIGVSY SONVISISTY Op UOSLOULT, 2 NM die eee be: ge i ee a a ew coe eS 0 4 aia e® @Waranne ‘aWYOA aqny-UuNnreA Ag paanseay ay saBeyoA Pl2H 20) sae,0UNJOA eqn [-umnnseA Ag pasnseay eV seBEyOA PHD JOIeyI5O o Ovzit 2a901 ° €ZZIt 206 0 oases oaz’> oast aro 0 Sarr o paz 206 act < Nid | + Nid | € Nid z Nid 1 Nid ‘TOSWAS ‘aaneBau wourutos 03 wid 194908 urory ae sanjes pamseapy—c ‘sMaIA WONG SE UMOYs due suOND>UOD 19x90g—F syoa aad stuyo QOOT 2€ pasnseaus saBerjoa >-e aJoa aad swYyo QOO'OT IE ae sHUaWasNseaM eBeYOA D-G—F spograds asimiaypo ssajun siuyo ur sSurpeas aueysisax pue syoa wr ase sBurpeas aBeyoA—Z suonisod -sp-2e ul uaye) sBuper sourisisaa pur 93eJoA—T ‘andino 09 aat0a ramwaxeur wnuxews 305 asn{ipy ov ‘soy 3oy auny, 24 OObT doo} aAdyne wnw “poo 20100 suado sso20y Ayyny 3esuap -w0> a]qerze A, doo “seREyD 03 OpIe susdo nor] ‘3982p Abunp ap | py ‘ew spoo asen | Ayjny sesuep _-f-uos ayqenes z zv ‘IV soy wos ajquieA | —>4 sch | 30 203838 ae0r st samod 2-2 indyno timupxDu 205 snip os apis yBr | “Py 1-0 Wala SNILLAS |XONaNOaYA | ONITENO syavnay isnfav inaino via YOLVAANAD | YOLVYANAD | VNNA.LNV olava ‘TWNDIS AVNDI: Al id 6S007I *13GON SISSVHD 6Ss s1aqoW “d¥OD HdVYDONOHd » Olavy Nosuawa SWYUOVIC Oldva dadgaN-NALIO-LSOW 6P6E JO TYAN MANUAL OF 1949 MOST-OFTEN-NEEDED RADIO DIAGRAMS EMERSON RADIO +f Alignment 1. Rotate the vatiale condenser to the minimum capacity MODELS: 570 - 574 - 580 position, Feed 455 ke to the grid (pin 6) of the 185 tube through CHASSIS MODEL: 120064 18 0.01 mfd. condenser. ‘Adjuse the four if trimmer screws for maximom re sponse. (Clip the text signal lead to the stator of the larger capacity section of the variable condenser.) Ref Alignment 1. Connect the tet cxcillate to a coll compowed of three cr four trns of vice wound in s cide appronimately 12 a ta cacemie oondenee itches in diate, Ths coll should be placed perail to ei fay 200 vole condennce tnd in line with the recriver lop at « dheancr of oi taf, 200 vole condeact Drosimately 15 to 20 inchen 2 maf coruie concoct ot md, 300" vk coodenser anal at 1620 be, rotate the variable condenser 0.001 td, ceramic condener to minimum capacity, and adja the oxllater trimmer, (Alternate pect 928013) on the smaller section of the variable condenser, for ‘merinem repone, Radiate a signal st 600 ke, set the dial the variable condenser for maximum response. Retuen t0 1620 ke and check alignment. If readjustment ia neceuary, repeet Stepe 2 10 4 nntil no farther provement ie noted. The (loving vgn cuading are ie mnuramens ken, from B (chai) sh indcd eiance in 1090 chmepervolt meter should be used for all readings except thove indicated by en asterisk (*), which abould be taken with « acucrrtube volometer: Take readings with the volnme control set at minimum and the variable condenser closed. Use fresh Peter PIN NUMBER fratiparrerions “ye 902 rd “yu 002 ex apr mor “pray | suo 2 eee . - aaa fy, 'ty | Remi | ade my on ape so 259 4° | pyus ey WY ‘dv L a) gag ope waa] PE ‘Nita |xonanoaua | ONrTanoD asafay ‘vid fioxvaanao | xouvaaNao orava_[“ayxois | “ awsors RADIO DIAGRAMS IVNNELNV AWWOG 1 a ine *Qutpee uTeyqo 04 ydnoue v@ty asnf gndqno aogedoued Teusts fucTaTsod URUTXEU UT Todguod ouMTCA gos quOMUTTTY dog ai pn cio0t "1AGOW SISsvHO 44g “1a0GOW st 2 fale no mR “gndyno *xpu 105 38nlpy “doo, 30 2008 u win} BUYsn{po esp, sandyno wunwipcout 405 asnipy sandgno wnwpcou 405 ssn{py “anayno wumanyuyss 105 s80{py “andano, ov ‘ev wunupcou 205 asntpy | Zy ‘Ty swavnaa isnfav ndjno wnur J-yxewr 303 euny, ‘spew uopesq “HP wos 4S spatop> Ayny dea Burn, suedo Apny ‘deo Summ], ‘DNILLES ‘via olava “ayss04> 04 Opts AT “poo Duuayuo “3x0 0} opis UBIH ssyssoqo 93 Opis KOT “ZVS9 49 oussy (PH8) guid os ODE aS AONANOST YOLVYSNAD ‘TWNOIS SNITANOD YOLVYANAD WoREsqyeS oy? st sTYT, “aIE[dy>Deq JeIP Jo aBpa 232] wI03y ,9/¢-Z saMOd 38 pu pasop Any “deo Burma wang ‘sazuIOd 398 OF, quowuZTLy ‘d6eO0sl sTsseuo ‘eeg *fLg STePOW CTpEY SWYVUOVIC OIdYA CAdgaAIN-NALIO uosdoug “LSOW 6P6I JO TYWONYN VEN ASSUar GN “STNATTIO fonr'oo o1u19a13 © olavu vave DILWNBHOS: sez 13G0W n : Q a 2 3 a ix} a fa ie] a z rs] B i 9 Es na Q & Qa s 2 ty 3 21NO Anan = wor 40103130 wod-x sum 0319aNNO9 onnowe = v oW6otor 18 oe! ‘SMHO Oool# x "BA0M ae 00 Poe ONVE ONINAL 4 JOUNL WA eukporsjoysedng Oy eqny ¢ SaIwWgas Ss6Z eves ovao Proper ano" tor Fi 81 ost 4naano ee nant OLY NONE orany wis ‘DW ¥'BOI- "W918 - Wid “DW OEBI-"DN VES -"9'E BONVY ONINNL Oldva Vvdvs Suraoyof pur ges OBL TACOW ED RADIO DIAGRAMS a int i a 2 ra B fs 9 MANUAL OF 1949 MOST MANUAL OF 1949 MOST-OFTEN-NEEDED RADIO DIAGRAMS LAAs Ke. Ee OS az MODEL 5A3 “it . GAROD RADIO Sameera ret Bis Seinen eon? GAROD RADIO “+ 2egengs comecrons to ur oer MODEL 5A4 Paben carscténs TOO VOLTS. ® MANUAL OF 1949 MOST-OFTEN-NEEDED RADIO DIAGRAMS GENERAL @ ELECTRIC RADIO smvier Data, MODELS 376, 377, 378 Alignment information on the next two pages. MANUAL OF 1949 MOST-OFTEN-NEEDED RADIO DIAGRAMS General-Electric Models 376, 377, 378, Alignment Information ors 1 comecnON WT MarR ALONE: (0) Use unmodulted signal. £2) Cannect 30,000 cim-per-volk meter from juntion of RID {Bh Sos 29,00 ohm pervl [ net 20,000 chim prot mete from grid pin 1 of (VS) Exve imc to Guan wth 00800 fein in ere See renunoe mont be conaeted eet he Be inns apes lading and So ovis the melee feat oe vege SElep ena gecrtor output down, o hat meter indicts ok an Binon vltn be pid (2 eroampere threo 0000 ‘Sinn (Aigamene Step? Showa 13) ‘Ue sdveycie medolaton (Spe 1, 2, 3, 15,16, 17, and so thet meter indicates not more than ¥¢ watt cutput (126 volts) ‘Saring alignment. (Stepe 1,2, 3,15, 16,17 and 18) (6). Two cecillator settings will give response. The higher fe (quency reeponse isthe correct one; the other i the image Fesponse. in doubt, start with the trimmer screw loosened completely snd adjust for the Frat eaponse. (2) For alignment of the standard band oscillator and rf trimmers the input signal should be inductively coupled to the fadio loop antenna By connecting a 4-turm, €inch diameter ‘op of bell wire across the signal generator terminals, and then losis the lrp about one oot fom the rio Toop antenna to prevent pomible errors in peak readings. The position of the {Bop in reepect to the radio loop anteqna should fot be changed daring any one wet of adjustments. Stope 13, 16,17 and Ue (a) Tow lead rom th aga ererator mutt be ket a hor ‘pousible and it must be kept sway from later stages t0 prevent Fegeneration. ‘The signal may alu be fed in to the tube pin con ‘ection from the top of the chasis £0 prevent regeneration, (@) A dummy antenna isa resistor in series with the hot lead of the signal generator. The resistance of the resiator plan the {crmination impedance of the signal generator shoud eQual 300, (10) 1F-8 dial scale i not available, index the dial pointer aa follows: Turn the pointer to the leftchand limit of travel and. ‘ark the dial plate ata reference edge of the pointer slide: Then fet the pointer by tursing the dial knob until the indicated ‘mension exnta between the reference edge and the merle: ALIGNMENT CHART SIGNAL INPUT POINT (Conv. gra directly thra.01 mf \Conv. grid directly tra 01 med [Adjust for max [Adjust for max. |Peak C23 and Jace for max lea Pinot Vs GAUS)tire oil | FM 7 DAERIWHATOR AND LF MTR ALIGHOINT [Apel 1 vat igcal Input for [Pin ofV5(GAU6)thra.o1me | FM at generator [Asin Step 5 [Pin of VS (6AUG) thre ome | PM Istana [Generator |"Detune signal generator to lpotne "ot" maximum "meter Feading [Peak dec. [Adjust for max. fio me [Pin tof va (6AU6)thru.oime | FM IPeak C45 and lee [Adjust for max. fo. me [Pin tofV3 (6BAG)thruolme | FAM \cst ana C30 0.7 me [Pin 7ofV2 (6BE6) ru Ot mt | FM 58 me Dipole terminals tru dummy | FM a maT AUONMT \ca1 ana C20 [EA chee [Peak COD [Dipote terminals thru dummy | FM lantenna 72 Repeat tepe 10 and 11 until no further improvement in eesitivity. TS [96 me pDipole cerminals tra damamy jantenna \Formax. loutput. [Peak La vane 14 Repeat steps 10, 11, and 12, [inductively coupled linductively coupled [inductively coupled MANUAL OF 1949 MOST-OFTEN-NEEDED RADIO DIAGRAMS Genoral-Electric Models 376, 377, 578, Alignment continued am Le visdA ALONE |conv. grid aivectty pin 7v2 | AM (ones) ehra 01 mt lca7 ana crs Isadiust for mas. amplitude land min. dlatortion of curve fon cope screen. [same as Step 1 [Same as Seep 1 [same as Step 1 and 2 JBame es Stepe 1 and 2. lcony. grid directly pin 7 V2 [eBite) cara or me \c4s ana ces laajurt for max amplitude fend min. distortion. [seme ax Step 4 \c3i ana C30 [seme as Step 4 [seme on Stepa 4 and S \cat ana C20 [Baie an Steped and 5. Icon. grid directly pin 7 V2 {eBits) era 01 [Same ae Step 7 [same as Step 7 |aajust primary for mas. jampttude. [adjust secondary for vertical leymmetry with eapect to mid- [potoe horizontal traces. lactase straightent ponibie ‘lope of stright ine race Ipipote terminals thru dummy jantenna FM ms VISUAL AUNT | log me or [adjust cox fein | eset diat pointer accurately, lusen adjust for steepest slope [otetraiphe line trace an cope. [Peak La vane \Center rerponse curve on fcope, then peak Tor max. lamplitude [Peak Lt ening [Peak for max. amplitude. [antenna thrs 200 mmf [Antenna thru 200 rant [Antenna thru 200 mmf (1) Use FM signal modulated at 60 cps, = 300 ke. G3 Goanect vertical pater of acope tothe limiter grid (pin 1 of V3) (GAU8) through 200,000 ohm resistor 3), ‘Connect vertcal plates of scope to the junction of R29 and 1 (FM audio) Unrough 200,000 ohms. (4), Connect vertical plates of scope at junction of R13 and C28 (ARM audio output) dhrough 200,000 ohms 6) Use PM signal modulated wt 60 opt = 20 ke. (6) Use a60 cycle amplitude modulated signal. (G)_ Ha dial scale ia not available, zndex the dal pointer es fo lowe: Ten the pointer to the left-hand limit of travel and mark the dial plate at a reference edge of the pouster side. Then act the potnter by turning dal Kado until te indicated dimension xine between the reference edge and the mark. S00 ke or isin. laazust C12 for steepest slope [cosine line wee’on spe 1500 ke [Adjust C16 [Adjust C16 for max. ampli- fade. 300 ke jadjuee C6 |Adjust C6 for max. ampli- ire (8) Two oacllator settings will give a response. The higher fe ‘Quency response ia the correct onc, the other reaponse is the Snage” IF in doubt, start with the trimmer screw loosened com: pletely and adjust fc the ist exponse {Te some canes tuning of the converter grid will cause “pul ‘na of encllator which willchange the osilatoe frequency. After ‘centering the response corve on the scope, if pea of Ls causes {he rexponte curve fo move off of the seen it ia necessary tO ‘eaten the osllator for ealibeation. (G0) A dummy antenna ina resiator in series withthe hot lad of| the’ signal genteator. The renatance of the resistor plus tie termination impedance of We signal xenerator should equal 300 hme G1) Lends from the signal generator mutt be kept as short at ‘pomible and away from later tapes fo prevent regeneration. The ‘Zgnal may aizo be fed to the tube pin connection from the top of te chassis to prevent regeneration, MANUAL OF 2089 MOST-OFTEN-NEEDED RADIO Deere be AUONMENT Connect an qutput meter acros the voice col. Turn the volume contol to maximum, Set tert osilator to 455 KC and keep the Sede powrvey the eres tn the Bod ano rd oF AUIONMENT tah Avply the RLF alignment signals through a standard IRE : fn the loop.” With the gang ‘ebe d trimer Lectin Hee. henge 7 aoe 7 ral and Peak the imme pat. GENERAL @ ELECTRIC MODELS 102, 102W, 107, 107W, 114, 114W, 115, 11I5W GENERAL@ ELECTRIC —_ RECORD PLAYER MODEL 14 “The Model 14 Record Player consists of a ¢-tube amplifis and manaally-operated record player. ¢ a! z9 GNV 09 STIGOW olava-22019 Viva aD1AuaS ora1oata @ 1vaiNng9 : gS 3 4 2 8 Q iy a i] wi a z fa B te g eB 8 = Cy z a & fa, RSL pue WoL WOLL PUD MOLL ‘BLL STIGOW viva 3010385 o1ava OTuLoata @ TVUANAD Q = a 4 o 5 A Q i a i) a ry id 4 z [ay B ty g B a 9 S a < a g ty 3 a 5 MANUAL OF 1949 MOST-OFTEN-NEEDED RADIO DIAGRAMS ALIGNMENT PROCEDURE ‘AUGNMENT FREQUENCIES: LF, 455 ke RF 1728 ke and 1500 ke “The location ofa trimmers is shown in Figure 1 ‘Connect an output meter across the voice cul, Turn the vo lume control to manimum, Set test omcllator to 455 ke and Keep, he oncilator cutput at iow ax a readable meter reading will permit. Apply signal to the converter grid through a .08 mtd Papucior and olign progetsively tne trimmers in the 2nd and Ist {Petaneoemer cane ‘Anoly the rf lignment signals through a standard IRE dummy antepna to G8. With the gang condenter wide open, aligh the {Suullator trimmer (C1) tor1775 ke. Change the generator signs fo 1900 ke, tupe the receiver to the signal, and peak antenna trimmer (69) far maximum output PRECAUTION: Ir the signa genet ac operated we an oating trons former betwsen the power suppit and the radio fecelver power tnput The ue of an lating capacitor sot fegammended, 22 through the capacitor will introduce hum modulation and/or ‘Ereate the possibility ofa burned out seal generator attenuator. aa \ecaiy) 88 “reat | 2 Ta sl ose Coa * GENERAL @ ELECTRIC RADIO SERVICE DATA For MODEL 113 oi. ig in tin |ECTRICAL RATING: Voltage Frequency on AC. Wattage (at 11 volts) 105-125 v, AC oF DC 40-60 cps 2a watts OPERATING FREQUENCIES ‘roodeatt Bond 540-1725 ke Invecmedate Frequency Loupspeaner Outside Cone Diameter Voice Cost Impedance (400 cycle} ‘nts COMPLEMENT ‘Converter-Oxcilator EF Ampiiner Dereetor, AVE Audio 455 ke “ALNICO ¥" MAGNET DYNAMIC in. 3.8 ohms a2sar 138K? 13807 Sousa aw Power Output Recher _—_ FRONTOF CHASSIS. QyOUSACurE ose ve Met oc Bn zONCOON PR VAL i seleorase ee = ‘BOTTOM VEWOF CHASSIS sar I 3k MANUAL OF 1949 MOST-OFTEN-NEEDED RADIO DIAGRAMS SERVICE DATA MODELS 210, 211, 212 GENERAL @ ELECTRIC RADIO 4BL3M_TT0A 434 SAHO 000 HLIM O3UNSYSN SI IDLLTOA 8 OL 3ON3H3J3Y HLIM O3UNSWIN NOLLVYIdO O'¥ BUY SONI TV 21029373 TVEINSS (031dI03dS 3SIMUIHLO SSFINN QNNOUD OL S39¥LTOA 20. / OSL 3a0W ‘auygam asmuaiio 8$37N0 ‘Sanu Suv SanOWavo TT -34ON Woe +e z 0 FS Aa g Q a a I WW z Z- ie 9 a 9° = $ & | te 3° 4 5 : B uso Auotowen—96e 107eH rospeong peeps 8S GNV Zse ‘ose sTIGOW ‘apnanores aveweuNt viva s91AM3s > eopeose, puepUes, olava ‘ons oMINn. oraLoala @IVaINIS a = ee oe o 5 4 Q 3 Q [xy a td ay a z SI B fy 9 B 8 = Q e a g fy 6 wn v MANUAL OF 1949 MOST-OFTEN-NEEDED RADIO DIAGRAMS THE B. F. GOODRICH CoO. 92505 Mantola. Models 99506 VOLTAGE DATA ( Recdings mode between pit indicated 3ez80T T25KT 5 egdings mode barren natn indicted deewing). (@ Meamured on « 117 Volt A.C. tine, (Diol tumed to low frequency end, no signal (¢ Mocured with Vacsum Tube voltmeter. a ©. second voltage reading 1s shown : ‘mode with 's 1000 chmperwclt meter FRONT OF CHASSIS ‘whos uo of this intrument would roralt Botton View of Chassis, Showing Voliogee In Gpprociehly Tower resdinge. REPLACEMENT PARTS RESISTORS COILS & TRANSFORMERS # BRSNEE : egy Ann a : eben Okie, Se Was a [2 RE all ond Mews ANS tt CONDENSERS Te Romney Ea fy me ie Symtet pan wo. [18:5 Pronstormers ded L000 00728 8 eB a he TS ati Sig oe Me gt, MISCELLANFOUS Bes cee Oe wD GA! So mma, Mice ee eeB 2a eer = a ZaA ee eee a Se | en «less? \2gar task? esa7 35LesT-6 r3_2No DET isr.auo. OUTPUT 5 eh : ee ia [495 KC. . 7 a6 | MANUAL OF 1949 MOST-OFTEN-NEEDED RADIO DIAGRAMS =i The Hallicrafters MODEL S-40A MANUAL OF 1949 MOST-OFTEN-NEEDED RADIO DIAGRAMS ‘The Hallicrafters Co. MODEL S-40A EQUIPMENT: ALIGNMENT 1. Signal Generator capable of the ranges indicated in aNe"Alipamene Char inclading 400 cycle sudo modulator, ‘Ginput meter capable of handling 1.5 watts of audio Standard RMA dummy consisting ofa 200 mm con- Genser in series with 9 20uh 4 choke. whi hunted by'» 400 mmf condenser in series with & 400'chm tarbon resistor. 4, Nonsmecallic screw driver. CONNECTIONS: Connect the Sig. Gen, “cold” lead 1o of fhe recewers chassis the “hot lead is connected 254) Indicated in the Chart: Connect the output meter across the speaker voice coil. Gatton: Se fhe ese at» suchen igh range to pre Sent possible damage from over CONTROL SETTINGS: After allowing aboutaren minute. [arm up period, se the receivers control as follows: i ‘SENSITIVITY control at full clockwise (maximum), VOLUME control at fll clockwise (maximum). CW/AM switch at“AM" (except for BEO adjustment) AY. switch 2¢°° OFF." y NOISE LIMITER switch at “OFF. Top ond bitom views of he receiver TONE control at“ HIGH" lectin say, podes ond Wimmer DUMRERART GONRECERATOR SIGNALGEN, BAND RECEIVER ADIUST SLUG, crs wee TF ADJUSTMENT. oar earl a ee inner Lacuna aae None Satorplates of 455ke 1" “000k ‘T-17 slug BFO sg Taro heat center sect of Gee Fig. for foning gun Tocaton) ‘BAND #4 ADJUSTMENT—NOTE: Make sure 400 cycle audio modulator is turned on; AM/OW switch should be st "AM, 36 me C19 ximom output 18 me 8 Maximum output and repeat step 5 36 me 1 ‘Maximum ourpet Some IC Maximum ouput Teme Maximo ourput and fepeat step 7 18 me Maximo cospet and repeat step & BAND #3 ADJUSTMENT ‘on antenna Tame C20, Maximum ourpar Tome 9 Ose: Slug ‘Maximo ouput and fepeat step. It tame C2 RE Trimmer Maximum output Tame 1C13. Mix Trimmer Maximum ouput Tm a RF Slug Maximum output and fepest step 13 rme 7 Mix. Slog Maximum ourpor and fepent step 14 BAND #2 ADJUSTMENT. "on antenna . me G2t Ose Trimmer Maximum ouipur dime ML Ose: Slug Maximum ousput and fepeat step 17 sme G3. RE Trimmer -Maximunt ouput Sme C14. Mix: ‘Trimmer Maximum output — — BAND F ADIUSTMENT — STANDARD “AT omancenne iso eT ison e320 Tamer Naima op RNA Dany sip ao ke Bok EB RE Reduce Medium ouput ana on 1500 ke sooke C4. RETrinmer_— MBS octper Bee ke Heke Et, BTR | Maxima Suet ra Se ee te pee 48 Fee ne ee er ating hae ajo Sypureyog souny, g 355 HE wo paBupyo eBnis st pu Sau zz 0} Bour wr Jojs}s01 Buiddorp useios 0 ou) UT payesu: uaeq spy Aapyxnp up pup ‘Bnyd yayDads Dp yndur auoydouay juiyo, gop 1, smo 0622 (2a) 4018189: epoy Sd PUD Ens slepoyy 080 SISPOW UDUIOH 3 aaa qesscengesgeesnes: jousesadose: 5 5 3 § BasSEEEs. a 3B 88 883 EE 2B 'S'd'D 09-08 “O'¥ “ASII™ 24 Ssh OW VBI OF OW 16 2H FOL Ol OW 9S 24-0091 ©} 5X o¥s ~ iSJONVY DNINAL SIT Stsseuo ‘eTga‘eosd STePON ap iff9H] SWWaovId OIdva Gadqg4aN-Ni.LiIO-LSOW 666I JO TYONYN MANUAL OF 1949 MOST-OFTEN-NEEDED RADIO DIAGRAMS HOFFMAN RADIO CORPORATION , Tepour SER UE Popnt> -Up Jou St ane 10S am IEG ST SoUOTOTFIp AUS Om 'O-T8F PUL A-T8h “Weep ap Sv sUTES OR ATTeRIUOSSA SF ‘sISSUID V-Ieh CUVMOH 9%L STsseqD) V-1er THON a : 2 a 2 at a | a rr id a a id B fe Q E a ° = ® = ® a bay °° 4 : MANUAL OF 1949 MOST-OFTEN-NEEDED RADIO DIAGRAMS Meissner F.M. Receptor, Model 8¢ Intermediate Frequency - 10.7 negacyeles Tuning range - 88 to 108 megacycles Voltage Chart - The voltages tabulated in the table below are the correct voltages which ould be measured between the + terminal and chassis th nominal line voltage and no signal. All voltages meas~ a high impedance VOLTAGE CHART ‘Terminal Number 12 [ 3 | 6AG5 Ist Convertey 0 | 2.1| 6.3V RNS 6AG5 2nd Converter, O | 1.2} 6.3V RMS 6h Osciiletor | 18% 6.39 RNS 6BA6 lst I.F. Amp 6.30 62A6 2nd I.F. Amp 6aL5 Detector 4 Audio 5.30] 0 | 150 6X5CT/G Rectifier 240V|tie| 240v] tie | 6.3v Point RMS | Foint RMS MANUAL OF 1949 MOST-OFTEN-NEEDED RADIO DIAGRAMS WARDS RADIO B4GCB-1062A ALIGNMENT PROCEDURE AND The signal source must be an accurately calibrated signal generator capable of supplying RF. signals modulated 30% with @ 400-cycle audio signal. A 400- eydle source is necessary for the audio measurements In order to make the adjustments listed in the table below, it is necessary to first remove the front panel in order to remove the chassis from the cabinet. The loop leads must also be disconnected (unsolder) ond extended by means of short leeds. The table below erhvout asnucur barren TYPE 12 VOLT ‘eBarTel ack cover RELEASE BUTTON ‘ack cover RECEIVER STAGE SENSITIVITIES lists the sensitivity at various points, All measurements ‘ore based on an output of 50 milliwatts. This may be measured by disconnecting the speaker voice coil end substituting a 3.2 ohm, 5 watt resistor across the secondary winding of the output transformer. A read: ing of -4 volts AC across this resistor will be equiva: lent to a 50-milliwatt output with the speaker cor- nected. Variations of plus or minus 25% are usually permissible, Volume ‘control at maximum for all adjustments corey Yor. Copector (Won seeton) sande hon ourrur DUAL SETTING | aXIMUM OUTPUT Condomeer fay open sao Ke (ron secon) High side of volome, sonia Note 1—Connect signal generator leads 10 0 thr turn radiating loop approximately 4" in di placed about 8 from the loop of the Note 2— After chassis is installed in cabinet and re- connected 10 its loop re-adjust the antenna trimmer by ear, with low signal input. semen NEEDED RADIO DIAGRAMS a id B ba 9 BE a 9 = ® 2 ® a ty ° 4 g D a < = MANUAL OF 1949 MOST-OFTEN-NEEDED RADIO DIAGRAMS MON T GO Mm ER Y woaA oR D 74BR-1501B, 1502B ALIGNMENT PROCEDURE AND The signal source must be an accurately cal signal generator capable of supplying R. F. medulated 30% with a 400-cyle audio sign cycle source is necessary for the audio measurement. The table below lists the sensitivity at various poin All measurements are based on an output of 50- milli- watts, This may be measured by disconnecting the RECEIVER STAGE SENSITIVITIES speaker voice coil and substituting a 3.2-ohm, S.watt resistor across the secondary winding of the output trans- ‘A reading of -A volis AC across this resistor alent to 2 50-millivatt output with the speaker connected. Variations of plus or minus 25% are usually permissable. Volume contol at maximum for all adjustments. SIGNAL_GENERATOR “Coupling | Connect Gepacitor | Radi ‘Ground Connection INPUT FOR ‘SO-MILLIWATT OUTPUT ADIUST FOR TUNER SETTING | yaxiMUM OUTPUT Weta antenna plate 707 Pa? 2597 Pin alt mt | | | Trew core all the way out Trimmers on output tnd Tapa Tron cove all | gy Sal! | Ovzleter trimmer C8 i2s97 Pint rae Sarat! | Antena timer C2 13897 Pint jon of ant oll seation va 1400 ke a mizrovlts iRso7 Pin’? 1720 te ‘Antenna timer C2® | 31 misrovelts ias07 Pind 1000 te 28 microvlts as97 Find ias97 Pind SAD, Pia 8 12597, Pin 2 the wey out 82 microvolts been tracked at 1400 ke, it ‘antenna trimmer C3 again at thange in trimmer adjust. is in rack. Hf the trimmer is necessary to check no appreci ment is necessary, the coil Fema col at 1400 ke’ mint be able change, the post sdjusted. These. two trimmer adjustment is required at 1720 ke. penaae asec soecr NOTES: On some sett deal trimmer C3, C& ‘grounded to chasis Tneead of to Bat shows above (On some atte RE is A7OK chins and RE is 220K chs On some sets RID ot ted "21 ssp bea eppipou 4 pojsouson sy | pusses oy Jo Peo] +g ay} SH9F 94IOF UO =3LON 1D F poysouuos s1 4] Pures oy 4o Peo} +g oUF 10 Fa "1 O€91 eF OFS" s6uDy Aouonbo1y wo coved Inn eta ane STOR ‘SHO Ni SATIVA “169 ONY HOLS'SIY rave) sonar ‘WAL 3MLON HL OHENEVIN 38 LONNYD — ¥ seam aanwibanien VOUvaYS | 3y SLR ui zoycon au eM "SHS obs vSallin GauSevan Saved a99708- 'S340N vaisiis38 19$Z9¢ i——] [=] =< c (J) i— ] c I — WaLaANoo Lyset 2 5 Q 5 A a 3 a td a a a a z id B fe 9 Es a 9 = a < a 2 ty 3 4 ” 5 5 “Rayo OLZ 5! SY ‘Pes eve 54°] peuny Enys voy s{woyioq > Hamad oy wo hispuose) wove paw doy oy, wou, pauny eve *ABs9ue dn yoid |JJA euuejue dooy “yndyno soyeseueb an wing Sc4°1 Pouny Gnys oy “pouny Eryx ove ZzOZI-GEI-G PUT EZOLI-VEI-E 1Or1-B01 “3d pouny sow swuy 40. prejsuy posn Z M4 “LoszI (woe ve) 20 nate evutaey dyjo euuojue teusey ¥ sou o0s (woneq uo) £0 28uUL 2048112 edo |yny s010y evsti 8 ON Ud sueo “a wnduy pur oH cea yndyno uo suewuiys) wedo ny 40404 indino ALLVAITIIW-OS Andino WAWIXYW ‘dod Asnray ‘ONILLIS WINNL vsti 8 ON tg ‘OLVEINID TYNOIS [Ie 40} wnunxew yo jo2yu09 ounjog “ ue 96$7 snus 40 snjd yo suoiyeiie, ous YIM andjno 4 Wy 880198 DY yp #5008 Heag ‘wyo-z'¢ &@ Busnjysqns pur j10o eso, soyeods TUNGIOUd LNIWNONV juyjsouucasip Aq peunseow oq Aew siyy “sHeM rpg 40 indjno ue uo peteq eve syueweanseeu ry SMOLEA 42 ALAUIsUOS Oy} S451] MOJO O syuoweunseow oipne yj 40} Auvsseoe younos @ok9 ne 91>42-0Oh © YEIM NOE payejnpows syeubis “4 dns jo ajqedes sojesousb jeubis Paprigiise Aopeanose ue oq yu eounor joule ous @8OSl ‘AZ0SL-uavs S qd Y VM SWYUOVId Oldva GAdaaN-NALIO-LSOW 6P6E JO IYNNYIN ng mgt oN aspen pw pete spor ewejue doy ay "Heh HUE ¥O"RLON 09980 13005 SSNVEL LNdLNo LNTHS EY yNvdoon - WaSS¥ 1109 134905 \ SY 102, —S=3NINNL'3S0 ~ BSNL Inve UWL 980 $3 SDwWads “by gqy “bouy oyespowsoyu, “oy ozot oF eg” a6uey Asuonbo14 2003¢ MODEL 84BR-' a = a ee o s a Q Z a a a a a a a ra] B ty 9 Es Q Q = a v a g tu 3 a 5 % a = MANUAL OF 1949 MOST-OFTEN-NEEDED RADIO DIAGRAMS M ON T G OM ER Y WoAR OD Frequency Range ......B ronge—540-1600 KC MODEL 84 WG-2704D D range—575 to 18.3 MC Intermediate Frequency.455 KC TUBE SOCKET VOLTAGES /exscT ~~ / Foe. MANUAL OF 1949 MOST-OFTEN-NEEDED RADIO DIAGRAMS MODEL 84WG-2712A a Frequency Ranges. Intermediate Frequenc) EOS RADIO DIAGRAMS FM—10.7 MC MODEL 84WG-2714G Intermediate Frequency...AM—455KC MANUAL OF 1949 MOST-OFTEN-NEEDED RADIO DIAGRAMS i “ORjW oA RD MODEL s4we-a72ic AM—455KC FM=10.7 NC MANUAL OF 1949 MOST-OFTEN-NEEDED RADIO DIAGRAMS TUBE & TRIMMER LOCATIONS CHASSIS HS-62 & HS-€2A MODELS 5A7 & SATA MANUAL OF 1949 MOST-OFTEN-NEEDED RADIO DIAGRAMS IF FREQUNY ~ 495 He TTUNINO RANGE ~ G85 to 1600 Ke typed Auto Reeser Uetng 0A Chass 64 (roded crs Tanastratea) MANUAL OF 1949 MOST-OFTEN-NEEDED RADIO DIAGRAMS MotorcltaSSRadio MODELS S58Al11 & 58A12 CHASSIS 2 o s a e 3 a a a i i*y 4 2 a e te g & g = a v a 2 ty 6 as « g Osc. TRIM 4620 KC ANT. TRIM 4400 KC Gaerne (—Dror- i Prinass Ko 6 L__@porrom-iF SEC-455KC ALIGNMENT ADJUSTMENT LOCATIONS CHASSIS, HS-114 MOTOROLA INC. MODEL S58L11 a = < a 3° s a eS a < a a a a is] a a z a BE fe G & 8 a i TERODYNE MODEL 661 SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM LEAR SUPE (dou) Tad @ (401) tad ® 01. 326 Sao1a 94029 Gneg wisi oso OS ‘NEEDED RA! 67x12, ? & 67X13 oS 4 < 5 e 5 = MODELS 67X11 z id B fy Q Es a 9 = a ¢ a g fay 3 Z g MANUAL OF 1949 MOST-OFTEN- ee RADIO DIAGRAMS CHASSIS: <1 MODEL 68L11 i. $F. 8) acy MOTOROLA INC. MODEL 408 SWNWaOVIC OIdYa CACSqaN-NG.LIO-LSOW 6h6E JO TYONYN ONTILS TWIG Ye sauns 2 = 4 On-@i-Vil : Sap sissy uzann 7 TS, 40 NOILY9OT Swansea, Se aud gi a ga = 8 gs Bg a 2g gE a 2 gE Ra ag Be <5 El Se § g n 3 me ee o $ a Q Z aQ ta a i) 1% 4 z Be BE zs Qe =38 aa $5 Be fa og ai pZ ae g 199t0s MANUAL OF 1949 MOST-OFTEN-NEEDED RADIO DIAGRAMS ARVIN RADIOS, MODELS 241P, 244 & 2410P; CHASSIS—RE-244, RE-255, RE.256, RE.259 & RE-254 4 TUBE, AC-DC, BATTERY, PORTABLE NOBLITT-SPARKS INDUSTRIES, Tne, COLUMBUS, INDIANA battory portable uses a |r Model 240P, Chassis RE-245 -— similar circuit. 8 DIAL STRING ARRANGEMENT FLORTING GROUND” CATION OF TARTS. UNGER EHRSSIO™ “1°” We WERE Use OWy GN MODEL a P OW Lot arn Ow 8oT-ee pues Wa Dx Soh say Dx o09t-o¥9 pueg weapeoig SONVY AONENDAUS Too sini sv own@a WOLDS ‘km 41/0N0038 NO 100 8 TUBE AC — DC, AM — FM MANUFACTURED BY NOBLITT-SPARKS INDUSTRIES, Inc., COLUMBUS, IND. a 1 4 2 a 5 8 z é 5 a 2 2 z a a a g 1 g 8 3 a z z a : ° s a S 3 Qa a a y iJ 4 a my B fe 9 B Q ° = a ¢ 2 " fy ° 4 < 2 4 ro = MANUAL OF 1949 MOST-OFTEN-NEEDED RADIO DIAGRAMS ARVIN RADIO — MODEL 250P CHASSIS RE-248 5 TUBE AC — DC, BATTERY, PORTABLE , th \ A DIAL DRIVE GORD MAKES 2.3/4. TURNS AROUND TUNING SIAET. z Oo < a a ° = Q Q a fg Q 4 a 7) >} ty 9 eB a ° = ® S ® " fu ° 4 ie Pp § ARVIN RADIOS, MODELS 160T AND 161T ONIN wo A 0 DO 056 BANT0A 440-NO Ge) 20821 a a "NOO aA cane CHASSIS RE.232, 6 TUBE AC-DC MANUAL OF 1949 MOST-OFTEN-NEEDED RADIO DIAGRAMS ARVIN RADIOS — MODELS 547 AND 547A CHASSIS RE — 242; 5 TUBE AC — DC ALIGNMENT PROCEDURE PRELIMINARY: ‘Ourput meter connection ‘Across loudspeaker volee ei Guibut meter feuding 20 indicate 200 miliwatis (standard output) 08 vorts Dummy antenna to'be used in senes with generator output See’ chart below Connection of generator output la See chart below Connection of generator greund led Floating ground Generator, modulation soe 400 cycler Pesiton of Valume Control Poly clockwise Position of dial pointer with variable fully closed Horizontal Place the set loop in the same position with respect to the reat of the chassis, aid the sane distance trom the ehas Ss, a8 It would be with the set mounted in the eabinet. Poaition Frequency Dummy ‘Trimmers Adjusted Funetion ‘of of ‘Antenna In Order Shown’ ot Variable Generator For Masxiaum Output Trimmer ‘Open “28 05 mia W2SAT Grid Top of 2nd & Ist F GGistor of Ca) WP Rang, Ta te Tt 1490 1400 STest Loop C2; Cl, Trimmers on ox. Variable Condenser Ant on on “Test Loop Check. Point (lf weak Adjust variable plates for maximum outpa) ‘Standard Hazeltine Test Loop Model 1180 or 3 turns of wire about 6” in diameter, placed about one foot from the st loop. The alignment procedure should be repeated in the original order tor greatest accuracy. Always keep the output from ‘he signal generator at iis lowest possible value to make the AVC action of the recsiver ineffective, iesar soecr soy S FuonrNg ¢RcuND : UU NOTE: TUBE SOCKETS ARE VIEWED FROM UNDER SIDE OF CHASSIS, VOLTAGE READINGS SHOWN AT SOCKET PRONGS ARE TO FLOATING GROUND AND ARE TAKEN WITH NO SIGNAL. A.C. LINE VOLTAGE AT II7 VOLTS. WHERE NO READING IS GIVEN, THE VOLTAGE IS ZERO OR TOO LOW TO READ, SISSVHO 4Y30N0 SLYVd JO NOILYOOT CHASSIS RE-951 — 4 TUBE AC - DC MANUFACTURED BY NOBLIFTSPAIKS INDUSTRIES, Io, COLANIBUS, InD 7 I" & 3 3 § a 3 z 8 g 1 g 8 z 2 & a 35¥8 SISSvHO ‘OL ONNGYD ‘S3A¥DIONI a a 2 % oO < a g 3 Qa fa a 1%] i*} z z 1%) B fay 9 Es a ° a a e a a ta 3 4 « EI a = = [ots sneer Models 7-622 and 7-638 2 a < = w a < id 3 z & 4 = z 3 3° AJGNMENT PROCEDURE CHART [paver nes soe oF ]ser sou] sree (“Shae GENERATOR” |SeNeRaToR Low as posse) ee bowed? coe IBqRENe Rawr orion (Conense| PLATES FULLY OPEN) Ce, 5, Ca, C3 _AND REPEAT w shue over. (ey AND ay MF TRANSFORMERS) cauenarion pont | e ao ci OSCILLATOR AND LF TRIMERS, (concer norm 3 | cenensvor To | saosin i090) | (arproxiwareLy (AT RESONANCE) COINCIDES. wiTH| Models 7-622 and 7-638 MANUAL OF 1949 MOST-OFTEN-NEEDED RADIO DIAGRAMS teat B® saver we ba MODEL 771 AND 71X sre OS nS chasis A. vetagee ested ih 1{Ybbo Shs per vot A:C- meter from sosket contacts to chasis. a im) #8 +A ais) Intermediate Frequency: 455KC 540 to 1620 KC Li Sto te me ‘Standard Broadeast Short Wave ‘Tuning Frequency Range: ge ‘ough NEEDED RADIO DIAGRAMS a F 9° Philco diagram and service information on this pa, and on the Philco pages following are reproduced thr. the courtesy of the Philco Corporation from material supplied by the Philco Corporation. MANUAL OF 1949 MOST. “2H OSG IP [ONTOS oa-red-suryo 00002 0 YIM pemspeut e1em pe}DIIpUul syutod AOys SENDA eouDjsiser pun ‘Ayoodno ‘eboyoa IY ‘ALON T NOILOSS ap, ape ssa smo sie sss | ays mes "2501 ; T haw nes oo Spams WSN J J vouo t Nvaa $897 Bine: Lymse 2 moinvnrssay \ smo we 37 WITEIANOD eet =p NOILOaS MANUAL OF 1949 MOST-OFTEN-NEEDED RADIO DIAGRAMS CHRYSLER-PHILCO AUTO RADIO, MODEL C4608 MOPAR MODEL 802 settee sees ss ceeeees ADNINOIYd JLVIGINUTLNI Suyuny ow pun umuTurer yo TONS euMNjoA oy YNLAA ‘TE}eUr yO remo pun (stssDyp) -g usemjoq sebpyoa ey], “ebosean exp uso 2 NOILO3S core F imso95I| E Wessezaw “ssid re ce. eo a b.3 oany an. | foe 2500 y joeinon aoe (Penara) weaBera 2NeUORDS “F-4D PUR FAD HPPEM O}PEU OMY ODI | NOLO3s "NEEDED RADIO DIAGRAMS 9-49 1300" 49 1300/W z ai B fe 9 Ee Q g = ¢ a . i Ajavesedas sy st aayeeds agp “ours 942 aze sfppour pe amp Jo. souxposmaysod ID SPPOW OFpEY oan 9-4 GNV "aD STIGOW Olava OLNV OD1IHd Mwans waMOd ~— | NOLLDS SLINDUID O1anY SLINDID DAY GNY YOLDI130 I SLINDWID WBLYBANOD ONY 48 ¢ NOILI3S. © NOILD3S Z_NOWLD3IS SLINDUID WALWIANOD ONY 4-¥ 4 woeses ILOOHS a1anOUL SS a TY 2 Nolssaa st o0e-8) 1300W £ wors8s ONILOOHS a1ENOUL SWYYOVId OIdYA CACaaN-NGLiIO-LSOW 6P6T JO 'TYNNYA Alddns 4aMOa [ woyp0s (raw om aww | meme | ama enum, At st0@5. ea009 oussredT 2 N OlLD3S € NOILO3S me edo aee eum Arm se mewow do et 9 ‘ot wot me = soca Aer wora % or woth woeet syee suse “xia Sojqeu>) 9 she Feooaad | Sq 2yqnon 9 aaa "tds poutgs sah xoeba Zuoyses a hee a ie a oe Sa es stoves met a) ae OHS a1aNowL L9v-8Y 13GOW Oldva ODSTIHd SINVUOVId OIdYA GAdgaN-NALIO-LSOW 66 JO TYONVIN Z8Tl-8h GNV (ZZL IGOD) Z9TZI-8H $S130GOW HdVYOONOH-OldVa ODTIHd SERENE ean ro aT 9 o_o "9 “YON “eI es Ba Rea “sro 309 209 0am n spies “ere TOE 95 S09 a0) HOW OP Tea, Ts “to ra eado_mane ae Rayne. “ae eee ome om HL NOULVDIGNI IyNWONEY JO asny> DNILOONS Z1900uL TOTL-B¥ 120OW ‘HdVYDONOH-OlGVY ODTIHd SWNYUOYIC Oldva GAqdaaN-NGLIO-LSOW 6P6E JO TYONYIN Tage oe pm OF HN g ARO y EH hy sunieney sous, a Semmens "mora dogg samy = LavH ‘ours owning uy BumoHS IA doy “Bom 7 4OLY IGN INERNOTTY 9a fey fo pa) WAL 1/1000 “ig womusiy WY SOR aon Ws sepyea oj predwcs 9 pinoy seeeaite EY “cIPEE o> paveacs door A som STO auNasIO¥d LNAWNOIIV WV SINVUOVIC OIGYA GAqgaN-NALIO-LSOW 66 JO TWONYIN ‘mod 1st, sMUMONS YnYHOVIC OUYTINOS SEETYNOLLDRE THEE GKY Oot STRGOR-OLeYY COUINE iddns wamoe-} NOLLDS ne 08-89, PUY “¥o9-ey l Teoare 'to-eP \~ sae Suite tong L rien eet on nt epesiteea Sg Sertent asain ea = 008-6) GNV 005-6 ST3GOW F eda i282 3 te pene eta “er re ee “00 wa ses ord Beso HD eet Shas Hatin i Aiddng somog — | uojso0s T008-a> GNV bas-6y S13d0n Oldvu OdTIHd SWYWaOYId Oldya GaqdgaN-NALIO-LSOW 6P6E JO TYONYIA MANUAL OF 1949 MOST-OFTEN-NEEDED RADIO DIAGRAMS PHILCO RADIO MODEL 49-602 TROUBLE SHOOTING Lome ws a on SECTION 4~RF AND CONVERTER CIRCUITS SECTION 3 —tr, a ke ek ‘OR AND AVC CIRCUITS NiddNS_Y3MOd =| NOLLITS yy. 1-006-6) GNV 9-006-6) S1RGOWM olany - Z NOILD3S DAY ONY '80193130'S1-€ NOLLD3S | _83LU3ANOD ONV 43 NOILDIS f Hl i ! Hi ‘ail [NOUYDIGNI, TYRWONY 40 sSNYD TIaISSDA. Pm pes dy wos nd wm oS mo opel oo A OHS BTENOWL com DNILOOHS a18NOUL T7006-6) GNV 2°006-6% S1Z00W Olave OTH 1006-6) GNW 2006-6) S1A0OW SWYAOVId OIdYa GadgaN-NS.LIO-LSOW 6h6E JO TWONYIN Pee Radle Model 49-901, SecHonelied Schematic Diagram, Showing Test Poi MANUAL OF 1949 MOST-OFTEN-NEEDED RADIO DIAGRAMS MODEL 49-901 PHILCO RADIO MODEL 49.901 TROUBLE SHOOTING TG TROUBLE SHOOTING IF, Detector, ud Arve Cireults a TF, DETECTOR, AND AVE CIRCUITS. SECTION & "AUDIO CRCUITS. SECTION, 3 MODEL 49-1401 aggre lt AH Leste gumagtie woes mio cata! (SERS Behe ‘ SECTION 1- Power supPLy Pier Moat ater, Sateneand tsonete Blam, Hewing Tas Pate MANUAL OF 1949 MOST-OFTEN-NEEDED RADIO DIAGRAMS MODEL 49-1401 PHILCO RADIO-PHONOGR APH ‘Section 1 — Power Supply TROUBLE SHOOTING © o : MODEL 49-1401 TROUBLE SHOOTING ee ee See | Bee gaa meee Ge CTT << Ge ai Besa gyi aa ae Gh Seems wae oe a ow EI gyge Yagow YOLOIA vou (waunrayaan SISSyH2 OL TWolLaaA ilog Sink ent WL A A “SRNOS Sab SOT "NEEDED RADIO DIAGRAMS. Z aI B 7 9 MANUAL OF 1949 MOST. ‘oma A GRLVTUDY, IS ,}OLIRS No. RC-1040€ pet a moms n annexe ® ” SISSYHO SESBeN man ee NEEDED RADIO DIAGRAMS @ sips ¥Ho ob .0.7VOUNSA | hog Sint @a.irC-WWOUMA "BmedSaesEOTIISS * au AS wow HLT MAGI SR [Aer we. Jag Loupe argent mom omer ° * a @ al u a ° = me o = o S. < o 2 Zz ii B ty 9 & 8 a a vz a g i 6 a g MANUAL OF 1949 MOST- CETENS ‘NEEDED RADIO DIAGRAMS —~# RCA © Model 8F43 Chassis No. RC-1037B Transcription Record Player MANUAL OF 1949 MOST-OFTEN-NEEDED RADIO DIAGRAMS fee Je OO ® \ _ } WF MANUAL OF 1949 MOST-OFTEN-NEEDED RADIO Die RCA Victor Models 6R71, 8R74, R75, -#- GR72, ER76 (Alignment on next page) Chassis RC-1060 -#- RO-1060A MANUAL OF 1949 MOST-OFTEN-NEEDED RADIO DIAGRAMS RCA\ icToR 8R71, 8R74, 8R75 8R72, 8R76 Chassis No. RC-1060 ‘Chassis No. RC-1060A Alignment Procedure CORRECT ALIGNMENT OF THE FM BAND REQUIRES THAT THE AM BAND BE “ALIGNED FIRST FM Alignment TANCE SEGRE ASTON — VOLUME AM Alignment [RANGE SWITCH IN BC POSITION oP owe see. Bor cenvenine or assne ea bor 12 9he BR mE {a re ( : ose q = i Dress cot oe meet Ua ne ae ahh eae re LSLA8 [2POW YOLOIA Vou @ seed 4xeu eyy wo penutqueD ‘womeod i mY wmoye yong stumy— O1ZNY WOU mOMNyES nde NEEDED RADIO DIAGRAMS 4 a B by g & Q ° a 2 z a ™ fa ° 4 a : Shortwave “C* Baad. Frequency Modulation Broadeast.. MANUAL OF 1949 MOST-OFTEN-NEEDED RADIO DIAGRAMS a x acres ae ‘Schematic Diagram RS120D. RADIO CHASSIS (RK-121C) VOLTAGE CHART AMPLIFIER (RS181D) VOLTAGE CHART ieo_|765 MANUAL OF 1949 MOST-OFTEN-NEEDED RADIO DIAGRAMS ——f— RCAVICTOR 77U Radio-Phonograph Combination Chassis No. RC-1057A (eget ON 3% 26 padwies s19u ay oes sudo 21 gt ane 82 Ho-24y v8ie-De voIe-e Bb} 16A8 ‘06A8 5127POW 5 8 s A Q g 3 Q a a y i 4 % 5 r 9 FE na Q = a - g be 6 a : MANUAL OF 1949 MOST-OFTEN-NEEDED RADIO DIAGRAMS @ xcaVictor 8X521, 8X522 Chassis No. RC-1066 —-RC-1066A rect polarity. Af the set does not function, reverse the plug. On 6, reversal of the plug may reduce hum (Critical Lead Dress 1. Dress all heater leads close to chassis, 2. Dress output plate bypass capacitor C11 inside of ter al board POWER SUPPLY POLARITY. — For operation on ce, he power pg must be nterted inthe ost for ore j ts all exposed leads away from cach other and Alignment Procedure Cathode Ray Alignment is the preferable metho nections for the oseloscope are Shown on the schematic ‘olume control to ‘Test-Oscillator —For all alignment operations, connect the low side of the test-osellarr to the receiver chassis, nd keep the oscillator output ae low as possible to avoid ‘On AC operation an isolation transformer (115 v./115 v.) niay be necessary for the Tecelver i the test ostillator is Teen also AC operated, sory wire [aaaone For additional information refer to booklet "RCA Vie Bined oer tor Receiver Aligament wetted oe NOTEAIi the speaker should be removed in servic position showid be ehecked when re-assembling — fe distance between the ront of the speaker and the MANUAL OF 1949 MOST-OFTEN-NEEDED RADIO DIAGRAMS fee 2 a. Model 8X53 Chassis No, RC-1064 Alignment Procedure MANUAL OF 1949 MOST-OFTEN-NEEDED RADIO DIAGRAMS © RCAVICTOR 8X541, 8X542, 8X547 Chassis No. RC-1065, RC-1065A, Alignment Procedure Cathode-Ray Alignment is the preferable met Ir nections for the ostilloscane are shown in the te diagram. Output Meter Alignment —If illaior to the receiver chess and Keep the oscillator output as low as possible to a¥o On AC operation an isolat wi) may be necessary for the alee AC operate Dial Centering: tain this posi MANUAL OF 1949 MOST-OFTEN-NEEDED RADIO DIAGRAMS 106 iiss... onnStBSe wig OMAN BNL a HOO 1064 MODELS 8X681, 8X682 Chassis No. RC- : oO 5 a S 3 Q Q a et Q a 4 i B fy 9 BE a Q = o z a ™ 7 ° : @ RcaVicTor MANUAL OF 1949 MOST-OFTEN-NEEDED RADIO DIAGRAMS RCA VICTOR Meare tl RT | Ase MAGIC MONITOR Bed qxou uo quemul;Ty VeT9-O¥ sTseBUD BAOTL Tepow s0a9TA VOTH : 8 s a g 3 Qa 7} A a i} 4 % is} B fe 9 Es n & = a z a g ty 6 a 5 4 MANUAL OF 1949 MOST-OFTEN-NEEDED RADIO DIAGRAMS RCA VICTOR MODEL 710V2 ‘AM-FM Radio-Phonograph Combination Chassis No. RC-613A FM Alignment AM Alignment wr gen of th 8s ain the the 1g, om ‘isos FRONT PANEL CONTROLS MANUAL OF 1949 MOST-OFTEN-NEEDED RADIO DIAGRAMS RCA VICTOR RP-178 Series Automatic Record Changer Service Data Continued on the next seven pages RADIO CORPORATION OF AMERICA RCA VICTOR DIVISION CAMDEN, N. J, UL S.A RPT ‘Uses 117V, 60 cycle mctor, For operation on $0 crea power cupply; a spring, Stock No. 73188 ts added te the motor shat ‘Used in the fllowing model tveel, grees. 8V7 @VO0, BVOL, BVIL2, 7520, 770, 77V. Uses LI7V. 28 cycle moor red in insrumente meauiacured by RCA Vitor Company RP783 ‘Uses TIDV./224V, 60 cycle moe, For operation on 50 eyele power supply. apring) Stock No S478 4 added 10 the foter shat Used tn Models 6QU3 and 6OV3. Index Function of Principal Porte Adjustments "Fone Rest (Out ot Cyc) Hisight Adjustment Tone Rm Height Adjustment While in Change Cyde Pidkup Lending Adjustoent Fecord Push Cam ond Gear Assembly Adjustment Removing Turntable ReplecingTurmtablo ‘Temtable Centering rele of Operation lutea Service Hints ‘ieksp Repects Grooves Gontituour Tripping Premature Tipping Fellre To Tap cr Go Into Cycle CChngor Wil Not Complete Cycle Records Do Not Separate or Drop Properly istered! Output "Wow et Slow Furnicbie Speed Inmproper Picksp Landing Fumble FEATURES This mechaniam is designed to play aulomaticaly @ serea Gl twelve, TOinch en T2inch stondard tecards of the Te rpm type. 1 will play manually ecorde up to 12 inches in dicmeter Tipping sysom ie of “sccentic” type. insuring relicble feuamte eperation on oll records made 1a RMA proposed. Nandards 1 in aime operation of aiding the record support 16 thange fm 10.10 T2ineh tocar cr vice verse Cycling mechantam ie cisconnected completely while rec fords are being played. This recuces the lood em the eve ‘rotor hereby reducing the tendency for “wow crumble Low oie sophie point pickup cormidge RP-178 Series Record Changer AUTOMATIC OPERATION [Wit the power switch in the off postin slide the record fuppot all or wouired ler 10- of 12tnch records. Place the records to be played in stock with desived se Teciane upward nd in proper sequence with the Test ree tnd cn lop. Load them onthe chonger by placing them over fhe center post end resting om the record suppor sell Place rectcd stabiling clamp on top af he record Hck ‘Ture power swiih on ond press the reject butlon, The hanger wil Play automatically ene side ef eoch record inthe stock {The one cra con be moved to the est postion ony time Tum the power switch off. lt the stabilising clamp ond femove the sack from the tumtatle by placing fingers of Fon"Nande divecly opposite ond under the stock. Then i steaght up "'don’ hit” or squeeze stock MANUAL OPERATION Sie the record support abell in towards the coner post for Iolnch cr away trom tho center ost for 12inch pos Ploce the record to be played on the tnteble end turn the power swith, Place the pickup on the start of the recor [Note:The mechaaiam should be cowed to complete cycle Telore stomping to move lone arm to the Tet Bo ‘ion, Tur powor switch off menuetly Remove the record by raising straight up without iting. CAUTIONS [Avoid hondling the tone orm cr aliding the secord support Geuombly while mechoniam is in cycle Never tun the power ewitch ef, leaving the mechanlam tn yas fern extended period of Une Do not cllow the records to remain en tupperts when not o not ollow il et greate 9 come in contact with any rubber pars Do not install Instrument near source of hect. Excessive heat may domage the plcksp corvigge MANUAL OF 1949 MOST-OFTEN-NEEDED RADIO DIAGRAMS RP-178 SERIES LocaTine Lever t2 ‘SHAFT LEVER 8 RACK LEVER 10 7] SPRING 72 CENTER POST MOUNTING SuBAsseMeLy MOUNTING BOTs fe SPRING 53 TONE ARM TEVER AND CATH SOB, Fe} —D—srane se Pe revue cass 22 REJECT BUTTON 79 RATCHET LEVER 63 ‘TONE ARM DIRECTOR LEVER 74 Figure 1 FUNCTION OF PRINCIPAL PARTS Tip Lever—87 ‘When the sapphire is riding the sccenric groowa, the tp pow! engage the talchet lever. staring cycle Rotchet Lover—89 Portion of the lever acts ot o ratchet and the other pertion Incerpootes & cot forthe sud cn the cycling cam comoge The engagement of this stud preveste the mechanism rom ‘going Into eye Cooter Port—32 The conter port perloma the function of muppoting and. olds [Ete seperation of the record Tone Arm Return Laver ord Lotch— 538 The tonecrm setur lever, together with the latch, locks end Tchiizes the lone crm ine outemcnt position, ao gives {he necearery inward motion (9 the tone Get Cyetng Carn Cortoge—30% ‘This cemiage provides @ movable support for the eyeling com The roller on onw end of this lever follows o channel in the Gyaling comand hereby pulle on the eoble ivectng. the Covicel Gnd cxtward mation of the tone ara. Locating Lever 12 The sloped portion of the lever forme a stop for the stud on the tone rm feu lever Whercby determining the lending positon of te pickup, Record Push Cam Goor Kasembly—§, 7 Provides a means of coupling the push com tothe rack lever Figure 2 Record Suppert—IA. B, C, D Provides @ support for the edge ofthe records and & mounting for the reed push cam Rock Lever—10 (One end of the Teverfllows the eccentic elevoled portion of fhe’ cycling com ccusiag the lever to move im and cut tom Ihe cobterof the mechoriamy The loot on the rack lever ex tgoye ie tots in the record push com gear producing @otery Sees cccanry to piah the recor off the stp ia the contr Record Push Com—t The evel shoped cam located in the record suppot,rotalen Gulng chonge eye. This com engages end pushes te TOC Gre toe the stp Jn the cones Pom. MANUAL OF 1949 MOST-OFTEN-NEEDED RADIO DIAGRAMS eo ADJUSTMENTS Tone crm fou of cycle) height eduatment Relate the turateble until the chonge cycle ix completed. Move the tone crm to a peal oll the edge of the roe: ‘rd end oll it to reat freely ia le Bend potion of the tone arm bracket 20 thet the sapphire {2 3/18 inches chowe the fot murfoce of the motctboard Tiowe 3) ‘orm height adtustment while in change cyce rest the reject buton and fetate the turtable by hand ‘ent the pickup How saised, to the moximun height I the change cycle, ‘Tom the adhiment screw “A” unt the sopphice i 194 Inches above the turntable. ‘Thin acjuntment will permit the pickup to lond cmd ploy he record ploced on the tumiable At the sarse Une I prevents the tone crm fem touching the rece reaing nthe senterpont while the mechonlats la geing though cycle TM this height cannot be reached by the adjustment ferew, tke up o8 the cotter pin)” Figures 4 ond 8) Pickup landing adhstment 1. Bde the record support om required for playing 204nch Place 6 teninch secord an the tuntoble and rotate the turntable by hand uot the sapphire te fuat ready 10 land Toten set screws “3” igure 6, Held the tp lever to keep it trom moving while the plekup le moved to the rt of the rcird Tighten the block scew "Bond llow the mechanlam tomate. I landing io core, tow B.” iguse 6) inch landing odjustment is neces 2. Wit the puth com im place ond the record mupport in ‘he I0inch poston, catomble and engage the teeth of the push cam geor withthe rock lever s0 the eye in the lever is epprosimotaly Inline with the ‘esiepet 08 shows in dewing. ‘igure 7) Set the push com parallel to the font edge of the rec: fd nppart, make ‘certcin the thin ecge of the com i ‘onthe lel side, viewed from the fost or cenlerpont side tthe supper ign Slip the tomable over the lower end of the centerpnt Sot N'comen egolna Be mop ot core thane 3) Place the tra bearing ord woshers os the btm end {lhe cnterpent Snd lace the earphone Sh oniion ox mown. iguie 2) Tum the spindle 40 the sep tn the ceslrpot Is way from the reco suppat. Gigue Il) Tighten the two Reusing setews, igure 10) Tamiobe conrag 11 fee ony recacn the mibartembly hod been removed trom the netorboord ie ecamary to tecentr he tsb 1. Toten the thee subsmtembly mounting bem. Plgue ry 2. Place the trie a lace withthe cober post eed tog own though the Boung es shown: snot nee ssecry to hve the rast booing i pace Sr tin opens: fear igure 2) Center the untae in ceepact tothe recess inthe mt cra. by \ahting the" poste af the subosenhy Sighty. "igure 1h) Tighten the auton the end f the aquoreheod mounting ‘bolt. (Figure 12) ~ Remove the untzbie and site the ther two mount ta tote Figure 12) Figure 1 RP.178 SERIES MANUAL OF 1949 MOST-OFTEN NEEDED RADIO DIAGRAMS | RP-178 SERIES CYCLE OF OPERATION Tenction Explanation 1st ged sda the 1 Record support locks In positon and ot the seme time the Wied sapere "record push com and gect Tals and Gasumer © positon Tear AB inch po. fequlred for 10 or 1Zineh records. sition a dented Ploce the stock of 1. The lower record of the stocks siting on the step tn the con Fecorde "over the lerpost and the wage is eating on tbe fecal suppor. ‘enter post ‘The end of the reject buton extending though the moterboard femtocts ond mover flee! lever Ratchet lever unltches stud which ie mounted on eyeing sot. Js Hage. This llows the tension sping lo pull tbe cfcling am fsgeat the rotoing rete voller cna sat eye As the cyellag com rotote the aml! roller on the tone, arm tector ieverlaliows the chante! ia the cam end in so doing pilis'on the cable connected ‘The hole in the moterboard rovides @ guide forthe tone arm te, I is so placed or to low the cable to pull etm onale ‘Sigttiy ‘off 80°degreee thus giving the neceseary Tsing and Scinerd motion of the lone orm. ‘he tip lover which f= rigidly connected to the tone arm rough the fone’ arm pivet halt Is moved out with the fone ‘The tone orm retum lover hos moved out slghly ahead ofthe Up lover. The tone city cetur lever together with the amcll {oleh casumen such g posilon so es to engoge the stud on the tip lover pd tobllse the tone erm in ls culermost ps! ton, ‘wre he cysting com i+ continuing te rotote, the rock ever br being pushed uiward by the small eccentric elevated com, uth whieh itis engaged. ‘Tee teeth in the rack lever being engaged with record push fom (geor.converts the slding ction cf the rock lever ino Sesaty maton rmotien of the record push cam pathos the record MANUAL OF 1949 MOST-OFTEN-NEEDED RADIO DIAGRAMS ‘RP-178 SERIES CYCLE OF OPERATION Ba [As the eying cam ix retarming to normal porlten, the tne im decor lover i gradually allowing flock In the tone con cable “While the tone com direct lever ix gradually cllowing slock In echle, the tone cm cetutm Tovar in tending 10 retala tbe {ensien ce the ‘coble hy fetutning the tone arm tO te landing poalton. The distance the tone crm retum lover wevels, while moving {he pickup I for landing, is determined by fhe conteet between {he fe rm locating lovar nthe stad on Ihe tone en fur tmove ond ‘flow enough slack in the cabe a0 the pickup can St down on the atort cb the recerd Sopphice moves |. At the scpphire moves inlo the ploying groove, the cycling Ere record groove,” com Hecames dimengaged tre the ftating inutied raler on Record ‘besine tothe tollr fala Jnto the step im the com ep Th change cycie is completed of the stud on the cyellng com anlage becomen engaged with the Tatchet lever” This en Gegement prevents the cycling ‘com from contaclag: the nated vale, stating «new cycle Toe movement cf the pickup in the eccentic gloove couse the tip paw! to engage the Talchet lever tating & new cycle (The mechaniam plays one aide ct wach record in the wtock then repeats the playing ofthe lat record nil the pickup i rmonselly placed n the restr the power fomowed item the Becher) REPLACEMENT OF SAPPHIRE CCautlon: Never bend the sapphire auppect wie Extreme core should be used when lootesing the sapphire ‘mounting nat 20 tot the tiatag motion doee act breck the yet. Remove the two actows holding the sapphire guard in place fond remove quars. Remove the amcll nut ond. Wosher cx the threcded shalt of the aopphire holder and gently push the soft threagh the ole inthe crmetare ait unt the sapphire Helder exvembiy comes te LUBRICATION Insert threcied ahatt of replacement sapphite holder through ‘Gitsture atch nd tapioch tke wather"fed nat Make nae «Mole is laelcoted ot factory to provide normal operation {ot the soppive iste the correct powiton Toke fold ot the (6 Teng period of time, Tower end the aholt with & pear of pliers whe ightening the IL becomes necemary to lubcate, ute SAE, #10 moter ‘nat being very corelul so ox not fo at the theada or breck i to aotarcte the felt wicks on the moter Bearage, eploce the scpphire guard, postoning it by re acrow ict. "Make cercin thot the Main Bearing ftopphive end ie supporting wite ore centered in the guard Use STAPUT #512 er SAE #30 moter cll. ‘Waites the guard Sctewe’ Betere wsina, check Io oe, tha the sapphire projecta for enough (opprex. 020) beyond the Sides and Lovers (geore a0 thet the guard wil mctatiw the recerd, ll maces: Une STAPUT #512. Senate re res ea 15 MANUAL OF 1949 MOST-OFTEN-NEEDED RADIO DIAGRAMS ILLUSTRATED SERVICE HINTS RP-178 SERIES Pickup Repeats Grooves Failure To Trip or Go Into Cycle MISSING OR LOOSE SPRING DEFECTIVE TRIP PAWL, OL oerecTve SRatcHer TIRE MAY BE GOUGED MANUAL OF 1949 MOST-OFTEN-NEEDED RADIO DIAGRAMS RP-178 SERIES ILLUSTRATED SERVICE HINTS Changer Will Not Complete Cycle as ‘CENTER POST Distoried Output , ’ “> eS “Wow” or Slow Turntable Speed 7 GREASE ON INNER OF TURNTABLE OR IDLER MANUAL OF 1949 MOST-OFTEN-NEEDED RADIO DIAGRAMS RP.178 SERIES ILLUSTRATED SERVICE HINTS Improper Pickup Landing | UAsiOING ADJUSTMENT IMPROPERLY SET ROUGH INNER SURFACED TURNTABLE RUBBER SHOCK MOUNTS missin ‘oR PULLED UP TOO TGHY MANUAL OF 1949 MOST-OFTEN-NEEDED RADIO DIAGRAMS Sears, Roebuck & Co. Catalog No. 8080 Chassis 101.852 sissvHo w20Nn suaNAnUL ‘ONY SiN 30 NOLL¥OO ‘Ok soy ta" WY ‘OM L°OT tal Wa Te'eel stesey 0z08 ‘oN Sotequy +09 @ yonqooy ‘sazeg Z m oO S| a g a fa a fa fa a a fa Be fs 9 BE a fe} = 2 < a g be ° Z e MANUAL OF 1949 MOST-OFTEN-NEEDED RADIO DIAGRAMS Sears, Roebuck & Co. Catalog Nos. 8107A, 8108, 8108A Chassis 101.851 Ve-LTs* LOT SFsseuD 0408 *ON B0TS989 ron 2 yonqeou ‘saves Og- 'B- ‘AI ‘vT-608" ToT srssuuD Tots ‘ogo, ‘E08 ‘e908 *SON BSoTSIBD top 2 Honqeoy ‘eazeg om a ayaa pe a 3 oO 8 a Q 3 : a a a a fa 4 a fa B fa Q Es a °° = @ < a g be ° 4 z a MANUAL OF 1949 MOST-OFTEN-NEEDED RADIO DIAGRAMS Sears, Roebuck & Co. Catalog Nos. 8153, 8153A Chassis 109.635, 109.635-1 ALL TUBE SOCKETS SHOWN FROM PIN END VIEW NOTE: ALL DO VOLTAGES MASUD UETH A 1000 OM PER VOLT METER FROM B- TO sockeT cowTAct INDICATED. ALL VOLTAGES AR@ POSITIVE DC UNLESS OTHERAISE MARKED. VOLOME CONTROL FUtde a. ZERO" StGNAL PUT. TONE CONTROL IN GLOCKRISE POSITION. LIE VOLTAGE 117 VOLS AC. RESISTINCE VALUES ARE 1H OILS UNLESS OTIGWISE NOTED. TK" BQUALS 1000 OHMS, "MEG." SQUALS 11,000,000 OHS. CAPACITY VALUES ARE IN UECHOPARADS UNLESS OTHERNISE NOTED, ‘SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM FOR 101.814-28 WAGE (seTTuys eae g- ‘y- ‘9808 ‘¥ZOTs “son 90Te380) @2-yTS* Ol stssvup ‘azote ‘ZoTe ‘son BoTeqeD ‘oo Monsgou ‘suvas n : o = a 2 Qa im a y iy a 4 y B fy Q Be a Q = ® z 2 fy ° a A = ,&, SATEIS W6ZE T-6ZE ‘M-6ZE STAGON I a = < a o s a 2 3 Q a aA rr ta 4 Z ii B be 9 Ee g a a z a g ty 6 a g APlE-AT PUD ‘T-FIE-NT ‘MPIE-NI - able PUD T-F1e ‘MPI VOLTAGE TaBLE Q 3 a ia a a ay a eb a B fe 9 Bs Q 8 = 2 3 a g be 6 & = MANUAL OF 1949 MOST-OFTEN-NEEDED RADIO DIAGRAMS Sentinel Radio -- Model 323K nes ropas are i Lazare re as, b - bisei Lyset SWYUOVId Oldya CAdgaN-NALIO-LSOW 6P6E JO TYNNYIN 621 TOT Tepow aioe 5 56 : : B i u Be 65 Dy SSy FI vyauuaanoo cnt sul VOEOI¥ O€O! = TaGOW SNOUDINNOD 134208 TY 40 M3'N OL LOA OM OS% AQNaNDAN ALVIdaNS INI pip “gry 819 TAGON SNAGOUSLAHNAANS NOLUYdS| =Cl anvawoo NOLONIHLIM-Sxavas OO aoszse a = a % 0 5 a Q 3 Qa g a g W 4 a i] B ty 9 Be Q ° = 2 ¥ a a ty ° g 2 a a = Losise soupszi 191WS21 19LyS2 ve DAV Fa oN 3H 3ANO> any 33 DED RADIO DIAGRAMS my ia 4 a id By fa ql MANUAL OF 1949 MOST. *He4eUsTOA 3TOL od SMO 900" UAT POINETET 04 TOUTED ny sexton av “> Gg wat] | oo +980 9 “AND TET Fe] o aT 70 TEVA To TY] GJ Z 0808 we] ] wo il z Fe] ero | oe SOUT] aa] BO] — 88 craps a [sw | yar] omy ee | Ton] ‘NOTEON TOTSWGOWE GO “Tq FIONT OOS ~E OF SHUOLT FORGE FO STATO "@_ Moa PORE 30 UO} ea “Teuumyo sernb os pouns s08 uarH Trad !TossUOD emnTOA ZO UO} OV SaT0A UIT seBesTon oury| SNOLLD3NNOD 134908 TY 40 M3IA WOLLOB ‘OM9S7 AQNENDSY4 ALVIGANYALNI eo. aed onw P30 ONE MANUAL OF 1949 MOST-OFTEN-NEEDED RADIO DIAGRAMS Sparton Superheterodyne STEP BY STEP ALIGNMENT PROCEDURE CHASSIS - 8L9 MODEL = 121,1058,1059,1060 1061, 1064,1072 oP AsTas aiqaorr | omomator or conser 0 poacr | crematon FREQUENCY | BAND SUIT sermro| ‘wNING oan. SEPTING naar he ‘Set diel pointer even with ‘with contensor gang closed. 2 ‘Goanect output meter acros ‘Pin #7 of Ast. = Tad 6855 Conve ‘hbe 74 Sec. Sing Prt, Sag Wax. Reeding 7 Sec, Sig Wer, Reoding 7 Pri, Slug Max, Rooding Repost operation #5. ‘Aale ABte ‘Ade = Rad Oa Gebinet 3500 00 Ke. [GoD ante Tee Peak Acouretel ‘Peak Accurately Repeat operations © ent #6. ‘Chock Gelibrations ot 600, 2000 ant 1500 KG. Fats © Ee¥. Alagmens wing on Alle Generator end Output Meters ra [Pin Al of ont Ratio Det, | 6846 Tube 02 MID. ‘Cond. 20.7 wo. Fate open ‘Seo. Siu [Pri Sig boxe Mex, Roading WOT: operations 11, 13, U4 5, 16 posible, consistent with'e useble output meter reading. end 19 ma st be made with generator outzut as low as Tot [pin Al et FM, = 1.74 6456 Tbe 02 up. Conde 10.7 Mo. s5 sec. stug Mex. Roeding [n5 Prt, Siue Max. Reeding moist | in #6 on 778 Fat, = Tard Conv. ‘ibe -02 MD. ‘ond. Int Seo. Stag ax. Reoding ln Prt. Siug Max. Reoding | the receiver tined to am de tuned to the conter r “ZAjust secondary slug on 75 ratio det meter. Unter certain conéitiot @eflection or éip on output ‘to minisum noise with very critin) and the raceiver must Fats - RF, eligment using on AM. ‘vacuum ube voltmeter, or D.C, voltmeter. (20,000 cS per volt). @ te 108 ac. ent @ Place meter coross O32 elect, conlenser. (Meter reading epprexs 2 wit.) Fat. = RAF | Fale Ant waten = £0, 106 we 0G. [e52 ose. rte Max. AWT.0Ve [eee ante tt Peak Accurately Check calibration at 86 MO. '® Uso etendars dumy antenne Tat ste 2201 °7901°1901 0901°6SOI ‘SOI ‘121 - Tagow 618 - sISSvAD audposzayaytadng uoyredg Q = a o 5 a g a a Qa | a a ay a OFTEN-] ‘S08, aaa 130 01470 280. WT ANOS HY MANUAL OF 1949 MOST [ai ] 9 [2] STAGOW WaNUYM-LUyMaLs anaito 199705 n S G % o G g a Q 3 a [7 y a | iy 4 z I B te 9 Be n, Q a o =e a g fy 3 4 B eg = MANUAL OF 1949 MOST-OFTEN-NEEDED RADIO DIAGRAMS STEWART-WARNER MODELS [ 422 |[ 49% |[ 42 | 050T owrear "a _t sire, sone ae ‘Hmilarly istterea terminals on the circuit Gagram. _TOP VIEW OF CHASSIS DIAL DRIVE com> ‘AnaaNomwenT $3 0 Sas To miing dal cord ant 864, HC S00i¢ gang condenser to fully, 20 Mid. 200 voit Spe pomtion cad tee , =k INDICATOR LAMP 114955 ip on end ot SER cose The flashing nece lamp on the dial face indicates cord Cenclion ot botterien Toe lamp tacedad fa so yy7agy Sa tea Gmina Me) n dened ch ope a ot {ct at ayprsioately pulses por sated hen baer ‘re in fully charged condition. Ao the 1g1984.‘Tenaion Spring wollage decreases with re, number of Dulaoe per oesed decreauer Measuced with volimeter having gnaiivity of 1000 ohms por volt except where indleaed by (". The (*) symbol designates et vocuumm tube Voltmeter meonurement VOLUME ON FULL WITH NO SIGNAL DIAL TUNED TO S40 KC, “CHARGE—BATT.—ACDC™ SWITCH IN “AC DC” POSITION. BOTTOM VIEW OF CHASSIS Am, salu oe SR. wots ere root Moa, CQ CON semen cE A 8) e e : (a oS SS es bea ets a, 135 wane wnsrsoa 20 tev | OH 00st te emt ry sepa 88] Ow os8t oaks qunaz90ud INSWNOTTY [ate] [ite] STHQOW YANYYM-LYYMALS (| : 5 g a 2 a ; a a a Hy, i) a z ia) B fa 3 iS) XN =)| Com (0 TOP VIEW OF CHASSIS ‘\ NS 1 (an) OF 1949 MOST. MANUAL 136_ oozt WdOW ‘WaAIz2a¥ lava ‘wy¥ovIG NOS1T4¥VI-9NFawoULS SWYUOVIC OIGYA CACaAN-NGLiIO“-LSOW 66 JO 'TWONYIAN SISSDUP ZOTL OYs 40} $1 PUODES oY ‘s}sEDyD ‘umoys 010 t0njon eBn1jor 40 sedhi eqns OMY CLOUMs OOZL ey! 205 81 sy OY 3 snes BBS BS aos 93921 iaxiows9373 ZOZL 13GOW ‘4312274 OlaVE ‘WVEOVIC + Sean M109 9S0 y 290801 9080 1204 ocass: | roo: 50901 NOTES SERIES NO. 10—11 NO SERVICE RECEIVER : g i a fe) 3 Q fd a i td a a a & by -0! SON AC-DC RADI MANUAL OF 1949 MOST-OFTEN-NEEDED RADIO DIAGRAMS STROMBERG-CARLSON ALIGNMENT PROCEDURE 1204 ond ond Feiner Seng] Generator Setting Inout ond Ovamy __|_ “nd Seale Trimmer Al and Notes ‘AM. LE AUGNMENT i ae con C13, 6 “hncion C31, 35 ‘Adi Pr ond See cores two AM TF, date of dt oes BVOC role Ironsformars top of thst. Might PucPoner near | 107 me 400 ey mod. | tumeton C10, 16 and -3| AVC bus (Green ond | Detne. See: Ratio Det. Trorformer ‘Wine Wir 3¥DC | at for FM IF coves ‘botom of veale hos, “in felling order eouting Thewe forhghestvologe, Do" NOT REPEAT @ ‘Adjust Pri, Ratio Det. Transformer for ges vo o ‘Center terminal ood ‘Adjust Sec. Rovio Det, Trorstormer for Soh 3 be ere (Gi Repeat 2 ond BD i eeooe Toop ond comeced | Imca Ca 39] Adm CIR, @ wad 1 ON Seb ant dmcytoaes | “SBC ace oe ia) Ancieon xe ‘Nign U1 for Wheat alogs, Rapeot {i end (2) Pu Pointer ot 96 10. | 9810100 me ‘AVC ben (Green and | Aduat C7, 10 and core L6 ond 7 for Teone 00.ey moa. Whe Wel "3 VDC | Might wolage, wae 1 Voltage and Tube Location Chart 3) Dial Stringing Chart re wizy ole © o eae Soi Sones are CowLEELy ‘292 ST OFT PUP SHIA ‘HI STAGOW OIAVA OTAA —_Nouvdoa¥oD SYCLON IWEBNIE 40 NOISIAIC sama JOIAYTS SYOLOW GALINN NEEDED RADIO DIAGRAMS a x] B fa 9 B a 9° = 2 2 a a [a 3° 4 z 5 = MANUAL OF 1949 MOST-OFTEN-NEEDED RADIO DIAGRAMS UNITED MOTORS SERVICE ° BUICK MODELS 980797 AND 980798 These Models are like [" Sa 980744 and 980745, 1 covered in greater detail on pages 174 and 175, in Vol. 8. LF, 262 Ke. MANUAL OF 1949 MOST-OFTEN-NEEDED RADIO DIAGRAMS UNITED MOTORS SERVICE = OLDSMOBILE DELUXE MODEL 982455 LR 260 Ke. care ‘movz ar = SOLU TAGOW OTA =—-FDIAUAS SYOLOW GALINN MANUAL OF 1949 MOST-OFTEN-NEEDED RADIO DIAGRAMS DIAL CORD HOOKUP SOCKET VOLTAGES. UNITED MOTORS SERVICE DIVISION OF GENERAL MOTORS CORPORATION Pontiac 984247 144 a = eg 0 3 a Q a a a my a a my a OFTEN-! MANUAL OF 1949 MOST. dn ££0'SOL “ON Twas ssqoedsea Auvu uy aetruts st | é6lsz-d Tepow ogny us0qsoK, “1° OF +O ssp ‘atl wot tal 9 81D TPUL Pop =f ‘NEEDED RADIO DIAGRAMS -OF TEN. MANUAL OF 1949 MOST. siBa Og jonjdumstos somog By egy kouonbaay operpomzo zu 231 009T 09 og" aster Su $1820 1300W oTpey eucgensy, +09 £tddng oqny uzeqsem > Z a = 3 8 3 a & 3 a ° 2 5, 2 Zz a 8 a 5 8 z MANUAL OF 1949 MOST-OFTEN-NEEDED RADIO DIAGRAMS WESTERN AUTO SUPPLY COMPANY Jructone Model D4832 vow got 02 ge * “> 009T 03 OFS TELEVISION house 8g 166 & H-I66A in RADIO H. West : Oo 7 s a fe z Qa in a y xi 4 a im B ta 9 B Q ° = o z a g by 3° z 2 @ = MANUAL OF 1949 MOST-OFTEN-NEEDED RADIO DIAGRAMS Westinghouse RaoIO © TELEVISION i) MODEL H-165 MANUAL OF 1949 MOST-OFTEN-NEEDED RADIO DIAGRAMS Westinghouse Electric & ce Bh ce-anr tm Models H-185, H-195 | Radio y| Dial | Adjust for Maximum Output 455 ke | 455 ke | Pri. and See. of 2nd I-F trans, {RF tuning capace | 455 ke | 455 ke | PFA. and Sec. of Ist I-F trans, through «200 anf | a | 1615 ke capacitor Recheck steps 1 end 2 =i — MANUAL OF 1949 MOST-OFTEN-NEEDED RADIO DIAGRAMS Westinghouse MODEL H-188 RADIO “ TELEVISION Connect an output meter across the speaker voice While making the following adjustments, keep the volume control set for maximum output and the signal generator attenuated to avoid AVG action. ‘Signal Connect Signal lGenerator! Step| Generator to — Frequency Adjuae Stator of eateans tuning | 455 ke ie Yee and and 1-F Specter (es) through Soepee 0 a ding the tra! 161s ke MANUAL OF 1949 MOST-OFTEN-NEEDED RADIO DIAGRAMS hstinghouse Electric ’ estinghouse -. RADIO “” TELEVISION H-190, H-I91, & H-I9IA MANUAL OF 1949 MOST-OFTEN-NEEDED RADIO DIAGRAMS Westinghouse H-202 H-204 RapIO © TELEVISION FIG. 1 - UNDER CHASSIS ADJUSTMENT FREQUENCY RANGES v Standard Broadcast ... 549 to 1600 ke. ‘om wom EF Frequency Modulation ... 88 to 108 mc ss INTERMEDIATE FREQUENCIES: a Amplitude Modulation ... 455 ke. FIG. 2 - DIAL DRIVE Frequency Modulation ........ 10.7 me. A NAUWNOIIV CHASSIS 5E01 Zenith Radio Corp. (Model 5D810, Chassis SEO2 is similar to Model 5D811, awy-umd any-130 “a w3LU3ANOD 19970S 9Lvel gaa! : o 5 A 2 3 a [ay a a ay a z ra B fa 9 Es Q Q = a z a g te 3 z 5 z q = orpey wituez ©=§039 SISSWHD SIsa9 STZGOW “Ziman were | 609 ams: 28NG320¥d LNIWNOIIY.,,, a onoerse 93a2! Dis = md m o 5 A 2 3 a ay a ay ay z z ay B ta 9 B a 9 = ci z a g fa 3 4 D z q = cme SuSy aoaanoMa -NEEDED RADIO DIAGRAMS OFTEN. o 8 3 2 a < 3 2 8 3 : a ° = ‘exaous auwsuo seme, sewiinol woe swolseay TV Zenith Radio Corp 43LYSANOD LOLVS2i MANUAL OF 1949 MOST. S MANUAL OF 1949 2h 0081 wius386°38 83 —| WEL INV 3S 89 +efed gxeu ouq conn evens a uo veayS st uoygumosuy quomUSTTY ‘oFeaTOA ogez Zog Bnd esaencr pus ‘punods youeq pus syseByo UBEKZ6q OBEITOA *O'V Yoyo dO ‘aousos =suecy UOTIBTOST UB ESN “TSSeYS 904, PFOAT OF, BOEL SFSSEUD “GESHL TePOW CTPEY UA TUEZ sc HRS RE ORE wali gnvel “rime “a waLUBANODLER gvael g3a2i ~ 4 . ovadl : & . 5 a 2 3 Q g a g 17 a 4 a B fa g B a Q = ® a ba ° a = %0aZ SISSVHD t78HZ 1200W wae OLE “PIN 50 pewwTaponay “OH LOT "Pin 50 avazt Ho (PI "PIN 50 svet wo_(pr36) “Pin 50" “Pin SO" OH OOF Tepeae TeEp Oy TOVT TIONS VS “2x 00ST wayne “2y 008 "PIN SO” qerieaie sadzt 4 8a oL ia 398 ‘euue3uy ung) 09 4078111980 200u09 onvet a fa foment! “suvussr2sio. ‘SNVL STONE: ‘envi sii! Qa fa a fa fy 4 z fa B hy 3 MANUAL OF 1949 %zaZ SISSVHD £984/ 1300W aon OFPEE URTUSZ —22NYEFTON Kory SuOUSISSU TTY oaunads aguncnL0 ss71Nn'30 BY S39¥LIOA TY mmows sv tenrs iow ¥LBALION 3ANL NNTOWA WO >0">'Y CSS EET aN Ny Hitlm OSLySIOM SINOU OL REALM sia Sucliees Ferns NOMAD NOW OSNGVIN S99 TY GED Gad Cased ager Sagan, GPE L9L0S9 ‘swozsi— ses ¥3LU3ANOD aonve Onn LOLVSI LOLYASY sussr sonsnosus | aw

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