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To Her (Revised)


She strikes me the minute I see her. Her long, red hair. Her pale skin and smooth
complexion. The way her eyes glisten in the dim yellow light of the propane lantern hissing
nearby. She sits quietly, wrapped up in a charcoal grey pull over and tight blue jeans. I watch her
closely as she sits, with arms folded. Her cold, white hands rub her dainty shoulders. Her breath
slips gently through her pink lips and wisps through the cool air of the log cabin that we are all
huddled in.
Left over right Right over left.
She was oblivious to my existence; paid no heed to my presence. She was different. She
wasnt like the others. Though chilled and seemingly uncomfortable on the cold, hard metal
bench where she sat, her eyes remained focused. Engaged. Unwavering. She crossed her legs,
right over left. Her legs switched positions back and forth every minute or so, as if they were
taking brief shifts. One leg warmed by the cover of the other, while the other sat exposed to the
cold mountain air All for the sake of the one. Left over right right over left... Right over
left left over right. She sat, carefully listening as Kyle reviewed the policies that we would now
be expected to live by for the next three months. I sat intrigued. Amazed. What is her name? I sit
silently. Pleasantly puzzled. Left over right right over left...
When you teach your classes, be sure to Punctuality is the trait of a true When a
scout gets lost, its so important that we remember to always Kyle monologues, but it was
just background noise to me now. Kyle is the head commissioner. He was now going to be my

boss for the next three months. I know I should pay attention. Trainings are important! Scout
camp is a glorious place. I have vivid memories of my own experiences at scout camp when I
was younger. Oh, how I used to see those staffers as my heroes. Legends. Oracles of
unmeasurable wisdom and skill and now, after all these years, the tables have turned. The
mantle had been passed on to us. The weight of fulfilling these kids expectations, and giving
them experiences to remember for a lifetime, now rested on our shoulders! In now just two days,
we were going to be opening the doors of the camp to full operation for the whole summer! I
need to listen to Kyle this is important. A sense of excitement loiters with us as we sit in the
training cabin. What experiences lie ahead for us this summer? Nobody can really say we
needed to be prepared! It is the scout motto, after all.
Wa waa, waaa wa wa wawawa Kyle continues. I can only hear now what
Charlie Brown hears in his own classes. I cant seem to take my eyes off of her. I hope she
doesnt notice me staring at her. I shouldnt stare. I know I shouldnt. Ill get caught. I glance up
at Kyle only to break, for a moment, my socially unacceptable behavior. My eyes slowly slip
back to her. Her eyes remain fixed, unflinching. I quickly look up at Kyle for a moment again,
and again, my eyes slide back onto her. Its clockwork. Shes perfect. How old is she? Why
havent I seen her before? Where is she from? What is her NAME? Theres something about her,
I cant quite put my finger on it. Right over left, left over right.
How can anyone listen to Kyle repeat himself over and over and over again these same
things weve heard in past training meetings? How can I focus with her sitting across from me
like this?

Kyles voice eases into focus. And Staffers, there will be absolutely zero tolerance
for romantic relationships between staff members. I wont say it again. I know that, Kyle. We
already knew that, Kyle. I bow my head in disappointment. Whats it to me anyway? I think.
I dont even have a chance with her! Ive seen this situation before. There are most likely
several guys back at home just waiting to throw themselves at her when she gets back. Right?
Guys that girls like her like. Who am I to them? Come to think of it, theyre probably thinking
about her right now! One of them might even be her boyfriend. Does she have a boyfriend?
Whats her name? Whats her NAME??? Noits a lost cause. Even if it wasnt, I dont want to
lose my job. Would I lose my job for her? No of course not! Not for a girl not for her. I
glance up again. Man, she sure is fun to look at though... Left over right, right over left.
Opening day has come and passed. I now had a new home in the beautiful Uintah
Mountains. To awake in the chilly mornings to the smell of the pine trees and the fresh mountain
air was therapeutic. One week passed, then the next. Class after class, chant after chant, and
campfire after campfire, my love for the mountains and for the summertime grew and grew
but there was something about her. I couldnt explain it. The way my day always felt a little
brighter when I saw her, when I spoke with her. It was different. I just couldnt pass it up
---------------------------------Spencer, were going to get caught we could lose our jobs! Baby, they have no idea.
Trust me! Besides, isnt it kind of fun knowing we arent supposed to be doing this? She
giggles. That smile. Gets me every time. We didnt know exactly what it was. There was just
something so thrilling about doing exactly what we knew we couldnt, what we shouldnt. I can
just picture the anger in Kyles eyes if he ever finds out. The way his face turned red and the vein

on his neck would swell when he got angry. It would be an uproar between the camp staff,
undoubtedly. What would they think? How would they react when they discovered that I, the
fifteen-year-old first year was dating the eighteen-year-old bombshell of camp Frontier (and
the crush of every scout in camp), in secret? Not to mention her little brother! Ethan was an
interesting character. He teaches the woodcarving merit badge and he uses knives... sharp, sharp
knives, daily. He had made it very clear from day one that no one touches [his] sister. Whoever
does is a dead man! It was all very melodramatic, I thought.
Her pale skin glows in the bright moonlight as we lay holding each other at the edge of
the lake. We listen. The water flowing gently through the outlet of the small lake a little ways
off. The crickets chirp. The leaves of the trees whisper as the wind blows softly through It
reflects off the perfectly still lake. There isnt even a wisp of wind to heard, only the sound of
our own deep breath. The sweet taste Cherry chapstick lingers on my lips, our lips. Tomorrow is
Friday. Fridays are big days at camp. We really need to rest up. We should be asleep, but this is
all too perfect. Too worth it. Too fun. Too daring. Summer nights at Camp Frontier are just too
cold to not have someone to keep you warm, even if it does result in sleep depravity.
Call me the minute you land so I know you made it safe, baby, I say as I hold her in my
arms for the last time. We stand motionless in the Crystal Inn lobby, holding our bodies tightly
against one others, neither daring to be the first to let go. She doesnt reply. She only sniffles
and cries. This isnt the last time, I think. I wipe a tear from my eye and struggle to keep
myself together. Well make this work! Oregon isnt even that far! Its what, an hour by
plane?? Two tops? I calculate my possibilities of affording a plane ticket slim to none. I push
all logic and reason out of my mind. Even if we dont see each other, well call and talk every
nightright? RIGHT?!

Its time. She wipes the tears from her eyes. I reluctantly lift her luggage and place it on
the bellmans cart. I keep myself together as the malevolent bellhop begins to wheel the load
away. The sounds of the squeaking wheels fade quietly. I slump somber and helpless; watching
as her long legs take her further and further from me. Left, Right, Left, Right Left over right,
right over left. Slipping through my fingers, she walks the dreaded hotel lobby floor further and
further away. Rounding the corner, she is quickly swept from my sight, and from my life,
I smell cherry chapstick now and my mind flees, only for a moment, back to that summer
of 2007. Back to the trickling water on the moonlit lake. To the long red hair, and to those long
legs. To the hissing propane lantern and the glistening eyes in that old, cold cabin.

To her.

She struck me the minute I saw her. Her long, red hair. Her pale skin and smooth
complexion. The way her eyes glistened in the dim yellow light of the propane lantern hissing
nearby. She sat quietly, wrapped up in a charcoal grey pull over and tight blue jeans. I watched
her from a distance as she sat, with arms folded. Her cold, white hands rubbed her dainty
shoulders. Her cool breath slipped gently through her white lips and wisped through the cool air
of the log cabin that we are all huddled in.

All I can be hear now is the gentle fading hiss of that old propane lantern.

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