Interpolation Correlations

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Interpolation Correlations tor Fluid Properties of Humid Air in the Temperature Range 100 °C to 200 °C Adrian Melling, Stefan Noppenberger, Martin Still, and Holger Venzke Lehrstuhl fir Srimungamecharik, Universit Erlangen-Niomberg. Cauersrasse 4, D - 91088 Erlangen, Germany Ressved August 27, 1996: evi manuscript received January 27,197 i ‘Thie paper penvides simple analytieal correlations for celected thermodynamic and fluid transport properties for the mixture dry air and water vapor. These correlations are derived from theory as wel as from numerical fiting procedures and give expressions for density 0, viscosity jx, thermal conductivity &, specifi heat c, and Prandtl number Pr at ‘a working pressure of = I bar and for a temperature range from 100 °C to 200°C. The ‘main purpose isto present a comparatively simple set of equations, as the corelations do ‘not reflect in every ease the underlying physical background. Since experimental data are scarce for the properties under investigation, It was in Some cases necessary 10 exIFape- late the available correlations to temperatures or water vapor contents where no experi- ‘mental data could be found. The derived equations are compared with the pure compo: rent values for dry air and water vapor and, as ar as possible, aso for air-water vapor mixtures [s0047-2680(97}00103-7] © 1997 American Institute of Physics and American Chemical Sociers ey words: desty; hums ar; ham: Maat amber; Specie MeN: bermal conduct: MSOs Contents. 1. Introduction. m2 2. Standard Evaluation Methods for Fluid Properties ‘of Gas Mintuses. ina 2.1 Simple Mixing Correlations Mig 2.2 One-Fluid Approximation. His 4 Density ini6 4. Viscosity uy 5. Thermal Conductivity ns 6. Specific Heat. L120 7. Prandtl Number 1120 8. Application of Proposed Contelations. m1 9. Conclusion 1133 10, Acknowiedgients 123 IL References 13 List of Tables |. Reference values for dry air and water vapor at ambient pressure p = 1 bar. as used inthis, paper" nis 2. Composition of dry air according to the US. Standard Atmosphere" (from Wong and Embleton!®s MB 9. Compressioiity factor Z for ory a! ana Zy foe pure water vapor (caleulated)"” ni 4. Coaftciants used forthe calculation ofthe somprevibility tastor of water vapor in the temperature range 100°C 10 200°C. ui 5, Viscosity of humid air according to experimental salues given by Kestin and Whitelaw nis 6, Viscosity of humid air according to experimental salues given by Hoghrainer and Munezak” He 7. Viscosity of humid aie according t0 experinn -2680/97/26(9/1111/131810.00 vo. nn vatues given oy stuanikow (trom vargatux”) Coefficients forthe calculation of viscosity 4 of hhumid air according to Fa. (13). ‘Thermal conductivity ratio of humid ir with respect to dry aie ke, according to data from Griss and Schmick' ‘Thermal conductivity k of humid aie according to data from Griss and Schmick (from Vargattite”), ‘Thermal conductivity k of humid air according to data from Griss and Schick (rom ‘Touloukian eta”. ‘Thermal conductivity k of a nitrogen/water vapor mixture according to experimental valves from Timrot and Vargafik (From, Toulowkian etal.) CCoeificiens forthe calculation of the thermal conductivities of dry aie and water vapor according to Eq. (17) CCoetticiens forthe ealeulavion ofthe temperavure dependence of the specific heat of dry air and water vapor according 10 Eq, (22) Coefficients for the catevation of the Prandal umber according 10 Eg. (24) List of Figures Density of humid air in the temperature range 100 °C t6 200 °C according to Eqs. (10) and hip uy M7 lis M9 In nu 4. Phys. Chem, Ret, Data, Vo. 26, No, 4, 1997 4119 2. Viscosity of humid air in the temperature range 100°C to 200°C according 10 experimental values from Hochrainer and ‘Munczak* and Studnikow (from Vargaftik. 3. Thermal conductivity ratio of humid air with respect to dry air k/kyy. Comparison of experimental values, @ theoretical curve according to Griss and Schmick,"* the valve for pure ‘water vapor from 1928 and an extrapolation of Eqs. (14) t0 (19) down to a gas temperature of 80°C. 4, Thermal conductivity & of hurnid air in the temperature range 100°C to 200 °C after Mason and Saxena [Eqs (14) 0 (19)] 5. Soecific heat cof humid air in the temperature range 100°C to 200°C according to Eq. (22). 6. Prandtl number Pr of humid air in the temperature range 100°C to 200 °C as calculated from Eq. (23) with the given correlations for the fluid properties. 7. Relative increase of convective heat transfer sre aie. Comparison bevwee experimental and theoretical valves! 8. Comparison ofthe theoretically calculated heat transfer ratio with different approximations of the thermal conductivity & of the ud, 17 118. nai ua 12 122 22 1. Introduction Knowledge of the properties of humid air, including den- sity, viscosity, thermal conductivity and specific heat. isi portant in many areas of engineering. Applications include building design, beating and air conditioning, humidification and drying. moisture separation, food processing and stor- ‘age. and numerous manufacturing processes where a con- trolled humidity is necessary. The results ofthe present study are thus relevant in many fields of physies and engineering, laltnougn me investigations were motivated m the nest 1n- stance by concern about the error in velocity measurements in moist air witha hot-wire anemometer if the effect of water ‘vapor on the proportion of the flowing medium ix not conai ered, In hot-wire anemometry fluid velocity is deduced from its influence on the heat transfer from a heated wire to the Rui ‘This heat ransfer is governed both by parameters like fluid and wire temperature and geometrical dimensions, and by correlations describing the influence of the Auid properties and the flow field, These correlations need as an input the thermodynamic and transport parameters of the fluid. Most applications of hotite anemometry use air. and normally the propeiticy of diy ait ane inserted in dre correlations ne al he influence of any water vapor present. At el jevated temperatures, however, the water vapor partial pres sure can be high enough to cause significant deviations in the heat transfer from the how-wire and therefore also in the de duced velocity «see Durst e” all, To evaluate the influence of bumidity on the heat transfer from a hot-wire. the uid J. Phys. Chem. Ref, Data, Vol 26. No, 4, 1997 MELLING ET AL, properties of the minture are needed, Eventhough a compe: enrive daa coletion forthe densiy(@), veony (i, thermal conductivity (A), and specie beat (cy) is avilable forthe pure components water vapor and dry sr hardly any data for humid ar are acessibe. Different approaches have been made to dal with he lack of experimental data for hurd air, Simple attempts lke a linear mixing ofthe vales for dry air and water vapor (Keser and Kast) and also rater complicated and more general corlations lke the one-Auld approximation (VDI-Warmeatlas’) have been employed. The latter estab- lskes Gin he ere Uta of the components fettious uniform gas with so-called psewdo-ritical daa ftom which the Mud properties ofthe rel mixture canbe derived. These approaches provide ellsiontsooueny for mest applications However i in a specie experiment the monitored signal shows significant dependence on fd properties, the one- Suid anorach cannot be used. since for some pengetios nf humid air deviations of up to 19% from the experimental value can occur within the temperature range considered in this paper (see Sec. 4). The correlations and graphs presented in this paper are derived fom a iterate survey and shouldbe repaed on the one hand a compton of the curently avaiable data nl the her han sa se of realy ipemented anc tions forthe properties under consideration. As far as exper mental data Wete available, fiting-functions were defined ‘eoroduce thse dia using the amount of weer por and the temperature as input In eases where no or ony few data were our disposal theoretical approaches were tested for thee capability to reproduce the subsiiary values for dry ait and water vapor and als, if availble, the experimental data of mistres. The presented equations ae tobe understood as 2 practical si o evaluating Rud properties, since the ana Inia! form does not necessarily reflect the theoretical back rot, A set of more complex equations based on theoret ical grounds can be found in Mason and Monchick.* However teirequaions snow mane deviations compa son withthe experimental values than the corelations de rived inthis pape. Various other publications, for example Hyland and Wonlee!® present rclationships for determing the specific volume an the enthalpy. from which the density and the specific heat respectively ean be deduced. The vis- evity and the thermal cond given Since the accuracy ofthe input plays a prominent role for the investigation, the reference were carefully selected ® Dry ait The VDI-Warmeaas” gives a compilation of data from Baehr and Schwier,’ Kadoya er al. * and Stephan and Laesecke.? * Water vapor: Vales were taken fom Schmidt and Grigull.|° respectively from the underlying IAPS Skeleton Tables." the [APS Formulation for the Viscosity,!? and the TABS Formation forthe Thermal Conus. 8 Although the recommendations of Hyland and Wexler** are incorporated into the ASHRAE psychromettic chars, thee formulations are complicated to compute. For the pure however ane liom INTERPOLATION CORRELATIONS FOR PROPERTIES OF HUMID AIR 1113 Tame L Reference vues fr dry sir and water vapor a amen reste p=! ba, Temperauee —Densiy Viscosity ‘Therm. conductay Specie beat FC) chp’) 0" Asim) C10" Win K) TRS) Pra autor Doar 10 os as 3139 1012 ow 0 nao 3275 tow 07040 10 nos as 016 ost 150 hor Mn rors ons! 160 ba 3339 Low 7050 180 3529 3668 tom 07009 20 209 95 Lo 0st Water vapor 105886 ha 2500 20% 003 10 Ossi? 2005 ho Osa 193i 150 ots M2 29) 198 oss 1 05040 1983 19 Osi iow 20 Oa60 1626 230 ton 099 substances (air and water vapor) the reference values from the chosen sources are identical with those of References § and 6 within a tolerance of 0.1%. Table 1 shows the refer- cence values for dry air and water vapor used throughout this antcle Section 2 of this paper describes conventional methods 10 determine analytically the fluid parameters. Beginning with an introduction to humidity definitions. terminology and im- portant correlations applied inthis pape. simple mixing cor- relations forthe properties of the gas mixture humid air are given. This is followed by an approach according to the one- fluid approximation. Section 3 gives a formulation for the density (Q). which is basically a simple linear interpolation of the pure component values. The underlying equation for fan ideal gas 1S expanded with the compressibility factor (2). tepreseoting a function of temperature and the amount of water vapor. Section + presents experimental data for the Sigcosty (12) and compares different approaches wil these data to deduce an analytical formulation. The thermal con- ductivity (k) is dealt with in Sec. 5. Since for this quantity herdly any date are available. the fundamcotal shape of the correlation was detived from an early experiment" and the \alues of & were fixed by adapting the correlation tothe pure component values of dry air and water vapor. Section & do stibes an analytical formulation for the specie heat (c,) Since no experimental data were found « on-fluid approsi mation was made and from this the deviation in comparison with at approach was examined, From the quamities already derived. the Prandtl number 'Prt is evalu: ated in See, 7 and a simpler correlation intrxluced. Section § ilustrates the appli wire anemiometry and tially See. 9 summusizes the conch sions of the work ion ofthe proposed eorreations to hot 2, Standard Evaluation Methods for Fluid Properties of Gas Mixtures Different measures are available to deseribe the composi- tion of a multi-component system, but ia most cases the lar fraction x of the components is chosen. For the multi ‘component system of humid air considered inthis paper. itis Sufficient to determine the molar fraction of water vapor as long as a standard composition of dry air can be regarded as 4 pseudo-pure component. The correlations in the following sections are derived on the assumption that this concept is valid. A typical composition of air is given for example by the U.S. Standard Atmosphere, see Table 2 (from Wong and Embleton'') ‘The molar fraction x oF water vapor, used throughout thls paper, i a dimensionless, linear measure of humidity and bas TABLE? Composition dys according the LS, Stink Atm "Ret to rom Wong and blo Ret 15 Conte Cone ‘df Ce opel ropa ek fugen 4 4 Phys. Chem. Ref. Data, Vol. 28. No.4, 1997 1114 Tague 3. Compress factor Z fr dy i (ce Re. 3) and 2 fr pure evapo alate (ee Ref 10). MELLING ET AL, Tae $, Coss wed fr the caution of th compres fase of wae vapor ia he epee age 10°C 0 200°C 7 Z 7 cy 0) eb Coetciene Value vst 10 Too rr ? Toe 140 1.0000 0.9905 6 = 34299543. 10°? tL to 00 faonas k ‘80 ‘90m ‘oon? A ED t a Ho te) K 1 straight-forward interpretation: itis used, for example, in the feld of trace humidity, where the water vapor concentra tion is usually given as a volume concentration in [omy] ince different application-specific measures are in use in engineering and science, a short introduction to some of the ‘most important humidity measures and their conversion t0 ‘molar tracuon 1s given ‘To define a basic measure for humid ar, the traceability t9 SI units must be guaranteed, by defining either the mixing ratio ror the molar faction x. The mixing ratio r is defined the ratio ofthe mass of water vapor my with respect tothe mass of dry ai my ay, (oy Ie contrast 7 the mala fraction + ig defined a6 the rato oF the number of moles of water vapor my with respect to the toxal number of moles of the mixture of burn aie my Q ‘Because in most cases humid air can be dealt with as an ideal 8s, Dalton's Law v=D on, 3) can be applied. This implies thatthe total pressure p of the mixture can be obwined by summing the paral pressures », of all components 1. So Eq. (2) can be rewriten for an ideal gas as vet a where pr tepresents the water vapor nanial pressure which is calculated from the measured humidity values (usually dew- point temperature Tp of relative humidity ¢). The dewpoint temperature is directly related to the water Yapor partial pres sure ia the water vapor saturation correlation (Claasius Ca peyton) so that a conversion ean be performed by wsing one ‘of the formulations given for the vapor pressure of the pure woter for enomple Wester” 4. Phys Chem, Re, Data, Vo. 26, No.4 1987 Relative humidity y is defined as the ratio of watce vapor partial pressure py with respect to the saturation water vapor partial pressure pys atthe same gas temperature. wy Dvs ‘Therefore, an addtional temperature measurement is neces sary fo convert relative humidity g to the water vapor partial pressure py by using the water vapor partial pressure formu lations mentioned above for the calculation of the saturation valu. Using the calculated water vapor partial pressure, the mo- lar fraction x can be calculated from Eq, (8) at a known ambient pressure to) 2A Simple Mixing Correlations For most applications that take the uid parameters of ‘humid air into account (e.g. calculations considering drying ‘processes or eat transfer in heat exchangers), simple mixing, careelations ae cufieient foe a ealelation of the Aid pron erties that are needed as input. The thermodynamic and fluid transport properties inthis context are calculate from values given in standard tables forthe pure components dry ait and Water vapor. Some of these fluid properties forthe mixture can be derived by a simple linear combination according to the molar fraction of the components. Other properties need ‘ more complex evaluation, bocause of intermolecular forces between molecules of one type as well as forces between INTERPOLATION CORRELATIONS FOR PROPERTIES OF HUMID AIR 1115, Toone i " molecules of two ditferent pes. Adonai, some of hese auton ifr when applications in iferent ranges often perature and pressure ae considered ‘When hu air is ested ean ideal go. its density @ is often calculated using linear mixing equation based upon the ideal gas la, according tthe water vapor pal pres- sure Pv _P(P-psIMas Puy we 1 describes the ambient pressure. 1 the gS temperature, the ideal 285 constant, Mand My the molecular masses of dy air and water vapor especie. °A similar insur mining emueton 1 wed for thermal con detivity & 6 0 where ky and ky, deseribe the thermal conductivities of dry air and water vapor. respectively Somewhat more’ complicated mixing corelations (see Keischer and Kast) are used forthe specific heat cy, Coal PeiM step vPully . (ppv y+ pyMy * and the viscosity M0~puly Mat ayy My p yp. - (p= Pehl pally pure components dry air and water vapor. For most applications the given equations are satisfactory 229 for a caloulation of the thermodynamic and transport properties of humid aie. Nevertheless. & mass mum error forthe thermal conductivity nf about 7° accord 10 Keischee and Kast and of about 10° ay calculated by the authors curs from a comparison with epetimental data {see Sec. $1. For more sensitive appl snemometry where the effect of humidity nthe heat transfer tions, eg. hotaiee Js less than 6% at gas temperature of 70°C and a rearive humidity range from 105 to 90%, this accuracy is not ac- ceptable 2.2. One-Fluid Approximation ‘An improvement with regard to a better understanding of the physical background of fluid mixtures is obtained by us- lig evaluation medals Vase ete OHe-Tuid (ora mixture) approximation. The one-Auid approximation does ‘not combine the properties of the pure components of the rmixnuee- hat defines fictitious cinele component uid 69- called pseudo-pure) with appropriate pseudo-critical values (critical temperature, critical pressure, critical volume and dipole moment), which are calculated from the critical values ‘of the mixture components. Using evaluation methods based ‘on molecular theory the thermodynamic and transport prop-| erties of the mixture under investigation canbe deduced, ‘The derived equations according to this model can be found, ein the VDI-Warmeatlas' and show a good agree- ment for the pure component values for dry air and water vapor with the considered standard literature (see See. 1.) errors are in the range ofa few percent, Nevertheless, in the mixture regime of humid air. errors up to 15% are found in Comparison with experimental data (see the following sec- tions fora more detailed deseription). Despite its comprehen- siveness this model is not accurate enough for a calculation ‘uid propesties i applications ise canine Nid wo position induces measurement effects with a dynamic range cof only a few percent, The deviations that occur for humid sir (expecially for the theemal conduovvity and viscosity? indieate that a universal one-fluid model cannot represent the ‘composition of humid air containing polar and nonpolar 4a8e5 with sufficient accuracy, Nevertheless. especially in tases where no experimental data for a mixture are available aval, the one-fhuid model usually leads to & good first est 4. Phys. Chem. Ret. Data, Vol. 26, No.4, 1997 a148 MELLING BT AL. ‘TABLE 6, Viscose of humid alc accovg to expernentlvales sven by Hoshi nd Munzak (Ref 26 ss Ter > 3 aos ona cere 82) eine sige reise 7 man 00386 onset see ts) (0) 18647 18.620 186171858518 569. ee : : ome a [io28) 9st e900 90550778 ' up 802810 Om om fu} a (wZf) es 1988s was wes ws 938 2. Density methods sed om molar hry a given in Mi eh ‘The density @ of humid air is calculated in this work ae- carding to Fa (6) which leads tn the follawing correlation ee Go malTay BF Mah) My » where Ris the ideal gas constant, (R=831451 J mol! K!), In contrast 10 the ideal gas ‘equation, the molecular mass is calculated from a linear {combination of the molecular mass of dry air A .= 28.49 kg kot”! and water vapor My= 18.01528 kg kmol”' ac- cording tothe molar fraction x of the components. The com- prossbilty actor Zyy compensates for the real gas behavior and is dependent on temperature T and molar faction « ‘Therefore, the accuracy of the equation depends directly on the accuracy of the compressibility factor. There are different descriptions and approximations for the compressibility factor 2). available in literature, Several and a summary of equations deduced from the one-fluid ap- proximation is given in Reference 3, An evaluation of the compressibility actor Ziq accomting to the ahve montined ‘equations results in an error of approximately 1% for the calculated density of the mixture dry air and pure water vs or in the temperature range 100 °C 10 200 °C, For the consideration of buoyancy effects on precision weighing experiments, the Intemational Bureau of Weights and Measures (BIPM) employed a task group to formulate a correlation for the density oF humid air (see Giacomo" and Davies"), Unfortunately. the validity of the given equation is restricted t0 a temperature range from 15 °C 10 27°C. Addi- tionally. no values for pure water vapor can be evaluated Since the relative humidity is used as an input to the corre- lations, The humidity in tems of water vapor partial pressure is. therefore. limited to the saturation water vapor pressure ‘Taking both aspects into account. this standard equation was discarded from further investigation ‘TOU 7. Visco of mi ai accorag Wo experimantal ans sen by Stake [from Varga Ref. 271 Teenie welt me ome ee we hint oa jas nos 980 ails! sos a 2 ee ee ee 139413 13g 2 Mmm iy east 4. Phys. Chem, Ref. Data, Vol 26, No.4, 1997 INTERPOLATION CORRELATIONS FOR PROPERTIES OF HUMID AIR, ‘Tanus & Coefcems forthe csclation of wcony of ham ar according 0 Ea. (0 Coefcen Value Un oszase043 ty mk * oars my vonsoneinse ts “ ~06r9287 -ponissens Since internationally accepted standard formulations™” provide values forthe compressibility factor for dry ait (Z4) and pure water vapor (Zy) in the range of. ‘consideration, these were taken as an input for a fing pro ‘cedure, Table 3 shows the values used in a restricted tem- perature range of 100 °C 10 200°C. For dey air. Z, remains constant: for water vapor a root mean square fit (rms) was performed leading 10 the equation the ro iF T F Bi 2- ay With coefficients given in Table 4 ‘AL present, there is no agreed formulation to calculate the ‘compressibility factor forthe mixing regime. Since the val- ues for dry aie and water vapor differ by 1.5% at maximum in the empoeatire ange reqenl 2 Hneae ming model was applied for Zyy according to the following equation (ately (Se «2 Zya= t+ Equations (10) and (121 are used for a calculation of the density of humid air in the temperature range 100°C 10 200 °C: some calculated examples are shown in Fig. 1. Com pred to the appropriate set. calculated according to Hyland a7 Fo, 2. Vivo of amid iin the tempera rage 100°C 10 200°C sccomdng to experimental sales fom Hochsne and Manerak (Re 26) Sha Suuhkow from varpatn (er 2 4. Viscosity Some experimental values are available inthe literature for the viscosity 1 of humid air in the temperature range from 20°C to 150°C. The values given by Kestin and Whitelaw." Hochrainer and Munezak."* and. Studnikow (Grom Vargatik) re shown in Tables 5 wo 8. Several models and approximations forthe calculation of the viscosity of humid ai Were tested bythe authors. The calculated values were compared with the experimental val- uss of Studnikow which were obtsined at temperatures sehich are closest to the required teperstre range I 3 eral, the highest deviations were obtained in the middle of the humidity range (x05) * Linear mixing of pure component viscosities “The resulting deviations. which lie inthe range of 1% co 79 according tothe experimental data from Studnikow. are beter than expected considering the simplicity ofthis move + Caleulation according to the one-luid mode!’ ‘The deviations amount to 5% for te subsidiary values of pure water vapor. Within dhe mixing range errors wp 10 15% ‘cur ie comparison wih dhe above ced experimental val ues. Also the calculated values show a postive curvature ‘with increasing molar fraeton, whereas experimental values + Equation aevording to Nelson:"* ASU Thema conduit aml with NPS ody iy avon 0 data from Grin and Stk Re. Ne Link 108 4. Phys. Chom. Ret. Data, Vol 28, No. 4, 1987 4110 EREa 8 Fc 3. Thermal condctity rao of humid si with respect to dy ai hye. Comparison of experimen values, a theoretical cure according 10 ‘Gna Seick (Re the vale or pre water tape om 1928S ar eurpolation af Eas. (4) 1 (19) don to gas temperate of 8°. ‘This equation is specified only upto 100°C gas tempera- ture. A maximum deviation of about 4% occurs already at 100 °C in the middle of the mixing range, so that much higher deviations cat Ue expevied te equation fy 9) hove the specified temperature range. + Equation according to Wilke: “This moer eampicated formation esl in 4 neaey ine car behavior ofthe viscosity with increasing molar fraction (afier Mason and Monchick'). An application ofthe equation in the form given by Kestin and Whitelaw” resulted in de- ations of up to 14S from the experimental data in the humid cegime + Equation given by Mason and Monchick:* An evaluation according 10 this equation was catied out twice in the cited paper: Inthe fst run theoretical input ‘values according to kinetic gs theory and inthe second fun ‘nperimentl values for the pure component rere uaed, The second approach gives the better agreement ofall presented approximations with the experimental data. The deviations over the complete mixing range of humid ai do not exceed 2% 103%, [An altemative method has been realized by the present authors: rather than using the formulation of Mason and Monchick which needs the viscosity as well as the diffusion constants of the pure components tobe fied by appropriate functions. the experimental data were fited directly. A func- sion sas desined stil s capable OF septoucin dhe experi= ‘mental data at all zemperature levels with appropriate coei- cients. Ina second step these coefficients were fited as Tame im Var MELLING ET AL. functions of temperature. In this way, a funetion for with temperature and molar fraction of water vapor as input has been established for the temperature range 100 °C to 150°C Ay +AgT)+(By+ Ba) a+ (C)+ CT) 27] 10-, <3) where the temperature T must be inserted in K. The resulting coefficients are given in Table 8. ‘Aluiwugh Input daca are avatlable only tn te imtted tem- perature range up to 150 °C, Eq, (13) is used over the whole range 100°C t0 200°C. The calculated values are shown in Fig. 2. Above 150°C there is hardly any’ change in slope and curvature of the viscosity, and the resulting values for the ppure components agree within 1% deviation with the stan- dard values given in References 3 and 10. This residual may be due tothe deviation of approximately 1% of Studaikow's ‘experimental data from today's standard values forthe pure components. 5. Thermal Conductivity Only a, single measwrement, published by Gris and Schmick." has been reported forthe thermal conductivity of humid sir They measured the thermal conductivity eatio, of humid air with respect to the dry air value (kky.) at & temperature of 80°C (see Table 9 and Fig. 3). Additionally 2 correlation based on the Wassilewa equation was fied 10 the data and is shown as the continuous curve in Fig. 3. The resulting values are also shown in Table 9. Data forthe thermal conductivity of pure water vapor that were available for Griss and Sehmick would have led (0 a ratio of Kael 0.756. This is approximately the value that would be established from today's standard data, but they wood a vali of far /fae™ 0.880 For the salelation of theoretical values to ensure the curvature an! postion of the ‘maximum in thermal conductivity. The experimental data tt duite well over the range x=0 to x=0:5 (see Reference 14) bout small postive deviations ofthe fited values atthe humid end with respect tothe measurements indicat that the lower value for the conductivity rato Kya / hy iS moRe appropri ate, Moreover. an extrapolation of the equation given by Gris and Sehmick towards pure water vapor (x=) shows large deviations fom the eefence values used i this paper Disievn uss ea Ue ind ine Heatran ne era conductivity of hurd air, but in all cases the basic measure- ‘ment of Gris and Schmick is cited (see Tables 10 and 11), Them condi & of har i aconding 1 dat rn Gs an Shick Reh I) J. Phys. Chem. Ref, ata, Va. 26. Na. 4. 1997. INTERPOLATION CORRELATIONS Fi Tame 1, Thermal condctity kof humid ee ‘OR PROPERTIES OF HUMID AIR 1119 sccowtng 1 dat from Gris and Schniek, {from Tououan ol (Rl 30) Teoperte ee) cy Tuo 0019703 —~OaE SI y>M] ate soon mata mateo (3 ‘The data from Tables (Vand 11 show a deviation of about (085 for dey air and about 4% for water vapor according to the reported standard values." (This statement must be treated with caution: although & is hardly dependent on am- bient pressure, the standard value for water vapor at 80 °C is taken from the saturation state at p= 473.73 mbar, which is rot the condition at which the measurement was carried out.) Although there are deviations in the absolute values, these data can be used to define qualitatively the slope and eurva- ture of the thermal conductivity with increasing molar frac~ tion. At low humidities & increases with molar fraction x and shows a relatively strong decrease after a maximum value at approximately x=0.2 Since sy air miinly consists of nitrogen, date forthe ther mal conductivity of the gas mixture nitrogen/water vapor can be regarded as a further source of information conceming the qualitative behavior of k for a varying amount of humidity (see Table 12). The maximum value becomes more promi- nent with inereasing temperature and is also displaced 10- wards hhigher values of molar fraction. Additionally, the lower value of k for pure water vapor ineveases with tem- perature and neatly approaches the value for dry air. The curvature and the behavior with changing temperature are typical for mixtures of polar gas (water vapor) and a non- polar gas (dry air)” However, there are not enough experi- ‘mental data to establish an approximating fit-function fom experimental values for the whole temperature range from 100°C to 200°C. Therefore. a more theoretically based function had to be established for a fiting procedure. In a first trial, the equations deduced from the one-fluid approximation were tested, The calculation of the thermal ccarductvity & resulted in deviations of up to 10% compared Som Tit sed Vga om withthe subsidiary standard valves. Additionally, neither the curvature of the experimental data nor the existence of a maximum value is represented by this correlation ‘A good agreement with the experimental values for humid, air from Griss and Schmick (Table 9) was found using the equation of Mason and Saxena (from Reid et al” or Tous loukian et al). This equation is based on the more compli cated Wassiljewa equation formulated by Lindsay and Bromley,” and shows the same structure as the equation given by Mason and Monchick! for caleuation of the viscos- ity (see See. 4): ky ky k To) brane ‘The required parameters Aqy and Ay., are calculated ac cording 10 Yee (ae) | \myl | as) O52 16 “The required pure component values for the thermal con= duetivitiesk. for dry air and ky for water vapor are calcu lated according to the standard values taken from References, 3 and 10 using a third-order polynomial BEA FB THOR +DD. un where the coefficients for dry air (7=A) and water vapor U=Vp. respectively, are to be inserted as given in Table 3. vapor mire scoring experimental aes Toolkisn oo Ret 8] rer oe os 9608 20 80 suo Phys. Chem, Ref. Data, Vol 26.No #1997 1120 [As additional input parameters the viscosities for dry air ‘a and water vapor jry are evaluated according to Eq, (13) un=(60883459 0082899945. 7}10-°™E 8) o ke. y= (~ 146494887 + 0.037079658:7) 10 a9) Where the temperature T must be inserted in K. According to Touloukian er al.” for the empirical factor + in Es. (15) and (16) a value of y= 1.065 should be used for nonpolar gases. For mixtures of polar and nonpolar gases 1 Value of y=0.85 is recommended. In this investigation, the lowest deviations between experimental data and theoretical prealctions were optained by using a sign aitferent vai, ‘y=0.80. The calculated values for the thermal conductivities 4 according t0 Eqs. (14) to (19) in a temperature range 100°C to 200 °C are chown in Fig. 4 ‘The thermal conductivity calculated from the same equa- tions at 80 °C is shown as the broken curve in Fig. 3, whose ‘curvature satisfactorily reproduces the trend of the data. Al- though the maximum of the curve lies slightly below the data inthe range up to x=0.4 the deviation for pure water vapor is notably lower than that predicted by the theoretical curve of Griss and Schmick, ©. Specitic Heat According o kinetic gas theory itis sufficient 1 apply a sie tinear xing equation forthe aledlation of ie spe Gif este! ofa mixture of ideal gates. A mass-weighed ‘equation is given. e.g.. by Wong and Embleton'* P M, a ofS ent! a0) where cps denotes the value of the specific heat For the pure components ¢,,, and ¢,,.. M, the molar mass of the com- ponents i and iM the mean molar mass of the gas mixture ‘The one-fluid approximation proposes a correction term, Acjy- Which has to be added tothe equation aboxe to account for he real gas behavior of the mixture [for the calculation methods see. e.. References 3 and 22) Sep en Besides the one-lud approach. only the puper from Wong ‘ang Emoveton’ denis wiih te eatcutatton arte specie neat fof humid air in the temperature range °C t0 30°C. An equation is given forthe speetie heat with the relative bu- but applying this equation to higher lemperacuresresulis in increasing errors, The ealeulated val tes foe dey alta a 10 deviation compared 09 the standard values of the sne- cfc heat. Additionally. the specific heat of pute water vapor ‘cannot be gakulated using the formulation for relative bu iit mits as parameter i temperature of 200°C shows at least 4. Phys. Chem. Re Data. Vol. 26. No.4, 1997 MELLING ET AL. For these reasons, instead of the correlation according to Wong and Embleton, Eq. (21) was evaluated for humid ar. ‘The correction term for the real gas behavior amounts t0 a maximum of 1.5% compared to a linear mixing approach, Since an uncertainty at this level isnot significant relative to the uncertainties in x and x, thus correction term Was not ‘considered further. In principle, any thermodynamic formu: lation forthe specific enthalpy / could be used to determine cp Ah/AT, bt for the sake of simplicity and without com promising the accuracy of the final result a linear approach ‘was employed, ‘A temperature dependent formulation of the specific heat {or the pure components can be found for example in Tou- Toukian and Makita,” but the results show deviations of some percent in the temperature range from 100°C 10 200°C compared with the standard reference values.*"” ‘Therefore, the specific heats for dry air and water vapor were evaluated from a fitting procedure of the given standard val- tues using a tig ofder polynomial. supsequenty. tne spe- citfe heat c, for humid air was derived by the following linear combination: (AgtBAT#+ CAP DAP) =x) + (AytBT+CyP+DyP)-x ey ‘The respective coefficients are given in Table 14. The be- havior ofthe specific heat c, for humid air ig shown in Fig. 5. The resulting deviations are in the range of 0.5% for water vapor and less than 0.05% for dry air when compared with the standard values for the pure components. 7. Prandtl Number ‘The dimensionless Prandtl number Pris usually involved in correlations as a characteristic figuee for fuid properties if ‘any aspect of heat transfer is under investigation. 3 where a describes the thermal diffusivity a= AN( ep). The temperature and humidity dependence of Pr can be deduced by using the equations given in the preceding sections and is shown in Fig. 6 To shorten the procedure involved in caleulating ep. a and k individually. an equation was fied 10 the calculated Prangtt number, The resulting corretauon ty vat due wea perature ra ProtAy tA HAT) HB + BST + BAT [Cyr OTs +(D)= DT! (24) The cvelficients are given in Table 15. This approximation leads to desiations of less than 1% in comparison with Prandtl numbers found in literature for dry aie and water sapor. INTERPOLATION CORRELATIONS FOR PROPERTIES OF HUMID AIR {TWA 13. Coefcients forte caution of te thermal conductivities of ry ai and water vapor secoding to Ea (17 wnat Taaus 14, Coetcient for he eaculaon of th temperate dependence of the speci het of dry air and water vapor according Ea (22, Gost or ya Geta raya A, = 0.56827429-10"> A A 10653607 a 5 mK ” ek w 4 10519810 7 a —sarosst 10" ror os 13886858: 10" ae oy sr. 10-7 7 BE », 3.732922 10°" w u - ae * ~sss7809-10° th Cec or wat vp Chet fer water oe ay ose * Ay ssi rs ak aR % ~a ns. 10 , 6 20st. a aR ae & sat9 107 a & sanoms.i0"* 4 aw ae -2010-" 7 " by anes te 8. Application of Proposed Correlations ‘The validity ofthe calculated values has been tested indi rectly by applying the devived coutelations to estimate the influence of humidity on the heat transfer from a heated wire to the ambient uid (see Durst erat! ‘The technique of hot-wire anemometry far gas velocity ‘measurements uses the hea transfer coefficient, describing the heat transfer from the sire tothe surrounding fui, com- bined with the length, dof the wire and the thermal conduc- tivity, k. of the fluid to form the dimensionless Nusselt num: ‘ad)/K. This number represents all effects exerted Fis. 4. Thermal condi of humaine tonparatae range 10) {0 200-C afer Mon and Sens [Egy 113110095 by fluid properties and the flow field on the heat transfer from the wire and, therefore, enables the flow velocity, U. to be deduced ‘A wide variety of theoretically and semi-empirically de- ved equations is available for the Nusselt number 2. pro vided by an extensive theoretical treatment of heat transfor from cylinders, If only forced convection to the surrounding fluid is considered, all equations are of the (ype Nu=/(Re.Pr) or Nu=f(Pe,Pr). The equations according to Kramers" Nu=0.420;°2+0.57Pr Ro! (25) Sorc neat. ha/Agk) Fe §Spocne eat cof hum i in the temperature range 100 Cw 20 -C according Ea 4. Phys. Chem. Ret. Data, Vol. 26, No, $, 1997 MELLING ET AL. oir fraction of woter vapor i. 6 Pant number Prof humid ar inte temperature ange 100°C 10 200°C as calculated rom Ea. (23) withthe piven comelaions forthe Bid proper. and Sucker and Braver™ No=0462pe 4 PO, Sg : TER TORS TF aS (26) are given as examples. The input parameters Reynolds num- ber, Re=(Uidevu, Peclet number, Pe=(Ude,o)ik, and Prandtl number, Pr=Pe/Re, are functions ofthe fluid veloc: ity, U, and the fuid properties described in this paper. Nearly all equations for Nu use fluid properties evaluated a the film temperature, which is the arithmetic mean of fluid tempera- (ore an ovine semperaure ‘The increase in heat transfer with increasing molar fra: tion x of water vapor at constant temperature and fluid ve~ locity is traced to the variation of the fluid properties. Ex perimentally and theoretically derived values were compared ‘TOL 1S, Coutfiens fr the clelaion of he Prandtl aomber ‘scoedng to Eq (2, Coeticen Vale Uni na8I787 \ =n oon-10°* : 1 assis (0 e ¢ m1sertan a k 4. Phys. Chem. Ref, Data, Vol. 26. No. 4, 1997 00 Bie SE Po. 7 Relive incest of convective het transfer with humid. Com frson baween experimental and theo values ce Ref. by defining a comparative figure «:= 0, /Q, 2» representing the rato of feat transfer in humid sie Q, tothe respective value in dry air Oyo. This procedure accounts for measure- iments a diferent temperatures and eliminates the effect of unguantitid heat losses fom the probe, sce Durst etal! Figure 7 shows results depicting © as a function ofthe molar fraction x at thee different temperatures (30°C, 50°C and 70°C), For clary oF presentauon, expenmental resus are shown with individual erosses rather than continuous curves The symbols, however, represent cuve fis tothe data rather than the original datapoints. Theoretical curves according 40 the equations of Kramers and Sucker and Brauer are in clued for comparison. Both correlations were evaluated us ing humidity dependent formulations for the Bud. param. eters, Except fora small deviation at higher molar fractions + both approaches agree within the limits of the measuring accuracy with the experimental data For the appication of hot-wire anemometry a correction factor forthe gas velocity, U,IU,-o, could be more useful than e, Such a correction (expressed as the velocity eror ceautng from neglecting the effect of humidity hs fd been presented by Durst eral.! ‘The evaluation of i EBishs Regma ese aes =" i won Fr. §. Comparison of he dso souls hea anfereato ith INTERPOLATION CORRELATIONS FOR PROPERTIES OF HUMID AIR U,/U cso, however, depends on the equation for Nu chosen; the factor is, therefore, considered to be more fundamental and more relevant to the present paper. ‘To demonstrate the sensitivity of the Kramers and Sucker and Hrauer correlauons with regard to inaccurate Aula pa- rameters, the correlation of Kramers was plotted with to diferent approaches for the thermal conductivity k leaving all othor input veluec unohangod. Figure ® chowe the recut for a formulation of & according to the presented correlation and according to a simple linear mixing correlation based on the subsidiary values of the pure components. ‘The example of the last two figures shows clearly that effects with a dynamic range of a few percent ean be repro- duced satisfactorily, using appropriate fluid parameters. The validity of the derived fluid parameters for humid. air 1s thereby not proven, but their accuracy is demonstrated 10 be sufficient to predict small and complex effects. 9. Conclusion “Thic paper gives conelations for the density (@). viscosity (u), thermal conductivity (k) and specific heat (c,) for a mixture of dry air and water vapor. The evaluated correla- tions are valid in a humidity range covering molar fractions from x=0 to x=1, for a temperature range of 100°C < ¢ < 200°C and for an ambient pressure of p=1 bar. The ref- crence data were taken from internationally accepted stan- uid formulations for the pure components as well as from the scarce experimental data forthe mixing regime. From the deduced correlations for 2, wk and cp, an additional poly- ‘aomial is given for the Prandtl number covering the same ‘ange in terms of molar fraction of water vapor and tempera- ‘A thorough uncertainty analysis for the derived equations is hindered by the lack of precise experiments for the mixing regime of humid air. The absence of reference data was al- ready recognized in 1965 by Mason and Monchick.* who recommended experiments especially for dhe determination ‘of the viscosity and thermal conductivity of humid air, bot this deficit has not been rectified in the intervening years. ‘This paper shows that the requirement for data an @. 4. k and cin water vapor/air mixtures remains urgent. A quan- titative error analysis of the equations of the preceding sec- tions could be realized forthe pure component values for dry air (x=0) and water vapor (x= 1). AS Far as possible, the deviations between the predictions and the experimental val ues have been quantified: in part the error approximations Were taken from ine cited autos, 10. Acknowledgments ‘This work was sponsored by the German federal govern iment (BMBF-Projekt Mikrosystemtechnik) and the Bavarian Research Foundation (Baverische Forschunssstiftung) 1123 11. References “Ou one Si an, Yee Me, $e es TBM “6 ec a Wa Pc De wince Cras go ee yap a He tom 12 a gm, vn tartar: scm

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