Read The Following Passage and Answer The Questions That Follow It: June-2011

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Read the following Passage and answer the questions that follow it:

Each one of us way has the education and training that make us competent
at our
jobs. These are our strengths, and we must build on them.But, as I
mentioned earlier, there
is always bound to be a gap in our training and knowledge to do all the
things our jobs may
entail, and in such situations, admitting ignorance is just one step. Actively
seeking to
bridge that gap is the next important step in becoming self-aware. Quite
often it is through
help from others.
Seeking help from someone, a peer, a mentor, your supervisor, even a junioris not a sign of
the weak. We are surrounded by knowledge people in our own organizations
and certainly
outside. But we feel self-conscious to actively seek their help. We are
plagued with selfdoubt:
What if a peer uses the context to show case himself as better than me?
What if my
junior loses respect for me if I ask for help? Am I exposing diminished
capacity or intellect
by admitting I need help?
These can be real risks sometimes. But again, if a professional does not take
risks, how will
he develop emotional self-confidence? The moment we seek help, we
actively expand inner
capacity; we create the emptiness into which others pour in their
Seeking help is not always about solving an organizational problem.
Sometimes we may
have a personal problem- an emotional issue, an awkward health matter
which we keep to
ourselves. Sooner rather than later, it will adversely affect our work.
There is no shame is signing up for help- in matters work, or in matters of
mental and
physical well-being.
1. Match the headings with the paragraphs:
1. One need not hesitate to seek help from others for personal or

professional matters.
2. Without taking chances one cannot grow mentally.
3. Everyone has knowledge
4. Help from others fill the gap in our training and knowledge

5. Health problem may affect our office work

6. We hesitate to seek help from others.

Ans: 3, 4, 3, 2, 5, 3.
b.State thefollowing statements are true or false:
1. People generally do not feel shy while seeking help from others. (False)
2. Our poor health does not affect our work. (False)
3. Seeking help is a sign of weakness. (False)
4. With education and training there is no need to seek help. (False)
(c)Match the words or phrases in column A with their meaning in
column B:
Column A Column B
1. Competent -advisor
2. Mental -involve
3. Entail -capable
4. Mentor -Psychological
5. Peer -A person who is equal
6. Plague -weighed down
Ans: (i)3,(ii)4,(iii)6,(iv)5,(v)1(vi)2

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