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A House of Representatives Bill

WHEREAS, oil that is only supposed to be for animals has been found in
containers of cooking oil for humans, and
WHEREAS, this has greatly affected businesses, which lost business and
had to give back money to customers for food they sold, therefore
BE IT ENACTED BY THE 113th Congress of the United States:
Section 1: Short Title
This act may be cited as The Dont Sell Animal Oil to Humans Act or
Section 2:
Any supplier found to have knowingly or unknowingly supplied cooking
oil that has not been rated by the Food and Drug Administration as fit for
humans shall be guilty of the crime of Supplying Unfit Food Products.
Section 3:
Any licensed individual working for the Food and Drug Administration,
Or any Public Health Agency may, with local law enforcement, arrest any
individuals owning, managing, or found to be on a site where unfit
cooking oil has been found, and hold them in a facility chosen by local law
enforcement until they are officially charged.
Section 4:
Upon conviction in a competent Court of law, the judge shall sentence the
convicted persons to one of the following punishments, as the Court shall
deem appropriate:
a) 1st offense: up to 30 days in Jail and no less than a $10,000 fine
b) 2nd offense: up to 90 days in Jail and no less than a $50,000 fine
c) Death by hanging
Section 5:
This Act shall take effect January 1, 2041.

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