ch5 S1a Reading Guide - The Legislative Branch - Civics

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Name: ____________________________

The Legislative Branch

Chapter 5 Reading Guide

Read textbook pp. 136-138 and the reading and complete each section of the reading guide below (except for the
Reading Questions
1) What does the textbook say is the reason the framers
(writers) of the Constitution wanted a bicameral
legislature? (See page 136)

Printed in March 1812, this political cartoon was drawn

in reaction to the newly drawn voting district that people
thought looked like a salamander. The person behind the
strange shaped district was a man named Elbridge Gerry.
Put Gerry and Salamander together, and you have the
word for when politicians redraw voting districts to help
one party get elected, gerrymandering.
2) If the House of Representatives is apportioned (split up) based on population, how are both small and big states
represented by the Senate? (See page 136 and paragraphs 4&6 of the reading.)

3) How old must you be to be a Congressperson? How old must you be to be a Senator? (See paragraphs 3&7.)

4) How long must a person be a citizen in order to be a Congressperson? How long must a person be a citizen to be a
Senator? (See paragraphs 3&7.)

5) The House and Senate are given sole powers in the Constitution. What does sole power mean? What are the sole
powers of the House and Senate?

6) What is the Vice-Presidents job in the Senate? Can he vote on every bill?

7) Who is the leader of the House of Representatives? Who is the leader of the Senate if the Vice-President isnt

8) How would you put paragraph 12 in your own words?

9) Does the President need to sign a bill that has been over-ridden? What does the Constitution say about a bill that
passes with over 66% of the vote the first time?

Questions for Reflection or Further Investigation



Starter (next class day not part of homework)

Write your answer to the starter question below:

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