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A Black Utopia

What If Right To Education Would Be Denied?

We realize the importance of our voices only when we are silenced Malala Yousfzai

Monday, the usual morning when nagging alarm clock puts an end to the love affair between you and
your pillow, reminding you that is time to get up and go to school. Nothing uncommon thus far. But how
would be that in the same morning someone come and tell you that starting from this point you can`t grab
your books and go to school anymore? Even more, breaking this rule, and attending classes further would
imply a severe punishment and even death.
This is a black utopia: a state of things in which everything is perfectly grotesque , something so far from
the reality that you have never thought at. However this is a reality occurred in the life of Pakistani girls
in this 21st century and this outrageous happening led to the question : How would be a Romania in
which regime forbids children to receive basic education?
Romania is a country where right to education was has been obtained by hundreds of years of hard
struggle. It took millions of romanian voices to be shouted, many petitions and other resolutions in which
romanian people , nobles and peasents together claimed their right to study in their national language.
This is how children in Romania have the chance to learn and evolve in the present. Before Prince Cuza`s
reform that stated public education as compulsory and free for primary school, the future of poor children
was narrowed to their elbow-grease in order to make ends meet. So, the possibility of losing this inherited
right in our times, acts like taking a blindfold from the eyes werewith we see education .
Nowadays, young romanian students are brightly aware of the importance of education in one`s life and
what powerful weapons can be a book and a pen. Faced with the image of a Romania where the right to
go to school would be denied and even punished, they realized that the shortfalls in romanian educational
system is nothing compared with the possibility of the ban on public education. The answers of these
teens show common sense and perspicacity:
Denial to education in Romania would be the first step toward our deameaning as humans, because the
youngsters` way to a better life would be closed. Also, if the right to education would be denied,
romanian people will reach an exaggerated level of illiteracy and we, as a nation, will be regarded as only
a race made for menial and low work. Said Apafi Rafael , a smart student of 18 years.
Adriana Popovici student of 18 years as well, says: To me, the opportunity to a brighter future would be
dispelled without education. We need school no matter how many issues are inside the system, because
only through education this country can evolve.
On the other side, parents from Romania cannot even imagine that someone could deny their child`s
right to education. Daniela Lintis is a mother of 40 years who has a 7 years old daughter, called Maia. She
says: No, it`s impossible to happen this in the 21st century. However, assuming that this may take place
tomorrow, I would leave the country and I`ll take my child in a place where she has the freedom to
receive the education required for her growth.

Now let`s see what has to say someone who knows better the realm of education. Madalina Dumitrache
is teacher of English and German at a school in Bucharest and she`s involved in many projects that
sustains and advocate for the instruction in first years of life. The anarchy is the result to prohibition of
education. Young people would be completely messed up, and a further outcome will be social regression
and underdevelopment of Romanian society.
Too many times, we realize the importance of things in our lives when it`s too late. Thus, through this
imagination exercise romanian people had the chance to ponder over the power they actually have. Pen
and books are powerful weapons not because they are imbibed with poison or have other mortal features,
but because they open the first door to knowledge.
Knowledge is more than power, is might.Why not raise our voices like our ancestors did decades ago,
why not make use of these swords of mind that are books and invest in our strength and might as a
concious nation.? Let`s stab the fleshy body that is ignorance and not allow others muffle our voices.
Let`s Delia Irofte, 19 years student to finish this imagination exercise: Education has it`s value and role.
To me, it`s the most precious thing. You know why? Because what I have in my mind it cannot be taken
from me. My ideas, my principlesno one can steal my education. Money, cars, jewels, these are things
you can be robbed of , but your consciousness remains yours no matter what.

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