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Services to Place

Stopford House, Piccadilly, Stockport, SK1 3XE

Ask For:
Our ref:
Your ref:

0161 2176111
0161 474 4476
Anthony Crook
20th October 2014

Dear Residents,
Norwood Road
Re: Highway Trees within the footway along Norwood Road, Gatley
The footpath at the above site has been identified as suffering from severe tree root damage.
The paving has been damaged, lifted and rendered a danger as part of a Highway inspection programme
and identified for replacement works.
It would appear that the problem is manifesting itself primarily because the substrate is preventing tree
roots from penetrating any more deeply into the ground than immediately under the surface.
This is evidenced by the number of tree species that are causing the damage. It is highly probable that any
species of tree planted here would cause similar problems.
The issue of tree root damage is made particularly significant here because of the type of species, age of
trees and the narrowness of the footpath.
It is proposed that most of the trees on this section of footpath be removed and the footpath be repaired.
Replacement tree planting would be undertaken following on from the footpath re-surfacing works and the
tree pit creation with all appropriate tree species.
This view has not been taken lightly, it is our aim to maintain or enhance the boroughs treescape, however
the work is necessary to help maintain a safe environment for pedestrians.
I trust the above is sufficient for your present needs, however should you require any further information
please do not hesitate to contact me.
Yours sincerely

Anthony Crook
Senior Arboriculture & Habitat Officer
TPO Review Officer
Corporate Director, Services to Place

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